Aw shit, Evil Within 2 is looking kino as hell

Aw shit, Evil Within 2 is looking kino as hell

Dat boxart

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Not gonna lie that cover is so fucking nice that i recently re bought the first game.

I sold it off when i finished but now gonna replay to get ready for 2

Currently working towards 100%ing the first one. All I have left are the 5 hour run, KURAYAMI mode for the Consequence, and beating the Keeper w/o taking damage.

gun ruins the aesthetic

I think it provides a nice contrast to the rest of the piece. I wish it was his revolver from the first game though.

Have you finished that AKUMU play through yet, anons?


Stop using these shit terms. This is not fucking Sup Forums. Kino, film, movie its all the same fucking shit. Fucking wannabe critics.

me on the left. see that skeleton next to his head? that's me

memer scum

Cover is great, yeah

>pleb is mad he doesn't understand vidyakino

Aw shit, Evil Within 2 is looking high art as hell

Dat boxart

happy now?

This is a bad thing? Disrupting the theme makes it pop out.

Yea, only died 263 times. I WILL 100% this game. All I have left is that garbage ass no damage cheevo from The Keeper DLC.


Buddy you need to go to a fucking doctor and get that Sup Forums shit removed. It can be cancerous.

sup réddit?

At least Sup Forums memes are humorous. Sup Forums memes are fucking garbage. Console war bullshit and LOL threads are the epitome of knuckle dragging humor.

I'm glad the sequel is focusing on sebastian. It was kinda neat I guess that he had a history in the first game that wasn't really the focus, but its cool that he's getting more attention now.

I just hope that Joseph is ok. I'm honestly surprised he (probably) survived the first one, he had SO many death flags.

Should I play TEW1 on PS4 or pirate it on PC

Sup kid? Hows school?


Retarded shit

PC port runs fine. I think it was iffy at launch but it ran perfect for me.


calling someone "kid" is the epitome of redditry

I'm 99% percent certain Joseph will return.

My reasoning for this
>His fate is intentionally left ambiguous in TEW
>TEW 2 Seb will need to have someone help him along

Think about it, Mobius probably kept Joseph alive in case they needed him again. They'll probably put him in the new STEM to help Sebastian accomplish whatever it is they're after.

I mean I know Joseph is alive currently, I mostly mean I just hope he survives the game. He's too much of a bro to die after so much.

Whatever makes you happy in your life dude.

He looked pretty fucked to me

My main question is: Will Seb/Joseph/Sebastian all have the same VA's. They changed Kidman's VA. I'm pretty autistic about changes in voice actors because it's like altering the characters.

I liked the TEW 1 VA's...

If they fix the technical issues of the first game, ramp up the frights, spare us from the action movie-sequences like that god-awful fortress section or the absurd bus ride and make the weapons more balanced it will be a 9/10, easy.


I expect he will at least, but who knows

shit meant to say Seb/Joseph/Ruvik

I just realized something The longer you play TEW the more the safe room becomes more fifthly and bits of Ruvik littered throughout. Also there's a moment in Chapter 10 when Ruvik talks about that he knows Seb and he has complete control over him and he won't be able to live with himself after he does what Ruvik wants. They mention earlier that Leslie survived being in STEM and Ruvik before and that's why Ruvik wants him. But what if this whole thing was Ruvik wanting someone else? Sebastian has now survived just like Leslie and maybe the Safe room become more broken/and Ruvik like because he has control of Seb. By the end of the game Tatiana is gone and the last save is not even in the safe room. Like Ruvik ha taking away Sebastian last means of protection of his mind. He became haunted from a minute too in chapter 11.

>never played TEW
>just want that awesome trailer track on my phone
>can't find any version that isn't ripped from the trailer with sound effects still intact

Man, fuck the mansion so much.
On a conceptual level I loved it, but warping Ruvik was just too much, especially since if you try to exploit his AI (like running around a table until he leaves), he will just warp right on top of you.

I never beat that level. Partially because my ps4 got stolen

Most people that are well invested in the game believe that Seb is the one Ruvik possessed. The Leslie we see at the end is merely a hallucination conjured up by Ruvik who now is inside Sebastian.

This would also explain why Laura is returning in TEW 2. If Sebastian goes into STEM with Ruvik in his head... Then Ruvik might try some of his shenanigans again.


I really hope it's true. Not only would that be a great idea but I think it sets up the sequel perfectly. There's so much potential there.
I kinda liked the dumb Keeper DLC.

I like calling him Safe Head.

Seems I'm not the only who's looking forward to this because of the cover art as well. Boxart kino right there.
I started the first game too, pretty good, because it's kinda losing some of the spooks as I go on, but it's still pretty early in the game, I'm on Chapter 7 I believe.

Don't worry Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 are the best chapters in the game. Then it goes action again but don't worry it doesn't last long.

Well its a cover of a duran duran song if that helps

The cover is by the hit house. According to youtube comments, they can't release the song yet but will soon.

I played TEW twice on Survival and Nightmare and not once did Ruvik ever catch me in that level.

For some reason, the trailer gave me the same vibes I had when I watched the Rule of Rose extended trailer the first time.

Man that was a trip

Well, good for you I guess. Not that difficulty would really matter since he gibs you no matter the difficulty.

What are some of the most kino box arts of all time?

The alternate boxart for the original Evil Within

but...the first game was dogshit...

Reminds me of the EU cover for Resident Evil 4

I'm excited for the game but I'm not getting the hype for the cover. It looks alright I guess but I'm not super in love with it or anything.

t. casual

Great gameplay trailer

What function you think this will have? Radio or a bit more?

that boxart looks like its from some shitty mid budget action flick from the early 2000s, like A Man Apart or something. Nothing 'kino' about it.

You can use it to find signals within the STEM to do sidequests as well as to talk to Kidman who's in the real world.

Want me to post the full article?

Yeah if you could thanks

you need a certain level of intelligents to get it...

It's pretty long so I'm gonna have to break it up

Part 1

13 Things You Need to Know About The Evil Within 2

Sebastian Castellanos has had a decidedly rough past few years. His family fell apart, he lost his job, and he was trapped in a lethal hellscape created inside of a serial killer’s mind. And life isn’t yet done kicking him while he’s down. In The Evil Within 2, he’s been offered the chance to right the greatest wrong in his life and save his family, but he’ll have to step back into the nightmare in order to do so. Get caught up on the story here, and see the full rundown of everything there is to know (so far) about The Evil Within 2 below.

1. Mobius is back, and it’s still super evil

After three years of eluding Sebastian, the true main antagonist from the first game is making its comeback. Mobius is a powerful yet shadowy corporation that says their goal is to bring peace and order to the world. They hope their mysterious STEM device, which allows for a shared consciousness experience by connecting human minds in an alternate world created using one Core brain, holds the key to this “peace and order.” However, their true motives have so far remained a mystery – one that Sebastian is determined to unravel as he explores the new STEM world, Union.

2. Small town, big mysteries

“Union is the world that Mobius has created within STEM using Lily’s mind as the Core,” says Game Director John Johanas. “At a glance, it resembles a small rural town, but once inside, Sebastian realizes this place is anything but peaceful. What actually happened in Union and the purpose it was meant to serve are just some of the mysteries you will have to solve while exploring the world.”

Part 2

3. You’ll need to dust off your detective skills

Sebastian’s daughter Lily, who he had believed to have been dead for years, has actually been in Mobius’ clutches and is now missing inside of STEM. In order to find her, Sebastian will need to brush the cobwebs off his detective shield and use every skill at his disposal to better understand the world he finds himself trapped in. That’s where Sebastian’s new communicator device comes in. It allows him to maintain a connection with the real world, via his former protégé Juli Kidman, as well as learn more about Union and the situation there.

4. Unravel the mysteries of Union

“Sebastian’s communicator allows him to keep in contact with Kidman, but due to the instability within STEM, it will also allow him to pick up Resonances of past events that have occurred with Union,” explains Johanas. “The communicator can be used to track down mission objectives as well as lead you to stories about events that have happened inside STEM.”

When Sebastian locates one of the Resonance points, the information it reveals will help him piece together the story of what happened to Union, and maybe lead him to some helpful resources.

5. You’re not (necessarily) alone

Sebastian isn’t alone in Union, and even though he might not think that’s a good thing at first (he’s not on the best terms with Mobius), the Mobius agents he encounters will be crucial to his journey.

“Within STEM, Sebastian will have to seek out survivors in Union who can provide him with information,” says Johanas. “Sebastian can interact with these people and learn about side objectives in the world, as well as new locations to explore and find resource caches. They also all provide some new insight into the horrors occurring in the world.”

>certain level of intelligents
so i need to lower my IQ to think that the boxart is noteworthy in any way?

It's the same character from the first game, right? But he looks nothing like he did before. WTF is up with that?

Part 3

6. Explore at your own pace…

The Evil Within 2 offers much more flexible pacing than its predecessor, and the non-linear nature of the world will allow you to do as much or as little exploring as you’d like. How you choose to play the game – whether you race through the world with guns blazing, or stalk quietly through the shadows while conserving ammo and finding every single hidden feature – is completely up to you.

“Early on, the game opens up with some big maps and provides you with options on how to survive,” explains Johanas. “There are side objectives to accomplish, and in order to stand a chance against the horrors waiting for you, you’ll want to do some exploring. We’re giving you the opportunity to scour the world for whatever weapons and supplies are left, but it’s up to you how much hunting you want to do.”

7. … But prepare wisely

“This is a survival horror game and resources are very scarce, but this time we have a crafting system that will enable you to craft ammunition for the weapons you want to use or you think will be the most valuable for encounters,” Johanas says

You’ll still find ammo as you explore the world, but specific resources are randomized, so you can’t depend on finding what you want, when you need it. With the addition of the crafting system, you won’t be fully reliant on what you can hunt down on the streets on Union, which will give you more freedom to play how you want.

Part 4

8. It’s a race against time

“When Sebastian first sets foot in Union, he learns that something has gone wrong and Union is collapsing in on itself,” says Producer Shinsaku Ohara. “In the midst of this chaos, Sebastian will be forced to make his way through the horrific domains created by killers who have staked their own claim in STEM. On top of having to deal with them and the monstrous creatures that litter the world, Sebastian will be confronted by his own fears and will have to find a way to overcome them.”

The state of Union is a reflection of Lily’s mental state. Sebastian will need to track her down and save her before Union completely breaks apart.

9. New faces of evil

Along with the creepy crawlies roaming the streets of Union, you’ll have to deal with a (perhaps even creepier) human element, which Ohara-san mentioned above. You got your first look at the killers who have carved out their own little slice of STEM in our cinematic announce trailer: Stefano, the flashy photographer with a proclivity for “unconventional” beauty, and Theodore, whom we’ll have more details on in the coming months.

10. The stuff of nightmares

Stefano and Theodore both have their own creatures to help carry out their will in Union. Born from Stefano’s twisted obsession with the artistry of death, Obscura’s design could almost be called elegant… if you had the same aesthetics as Stefano. Of course, that’s just one of the creatures you’ll encounter in The Evil Within 2.

literally autistic

I'm sure that's intentional

Part 5 of 5

10. The stuff of nightmares

Stefano and Theodore both have their own creatures to help carry out their will in Union. Born from Stefano’s twisted obsession with the artistry of death, Obscura’s design could almost be called elegant… if you had the same aesthetics as Stefano. Of course, that’s just one of the creatures you’ll encounter in The Evil Within 2.

11. Internal trauma

In addition to the signature enemies (we’ll have more to say about Theodore’s later) and the more common enemies you’ll see inhabiting the town, Sebastian will have to deal with his own personal demons in Union.

“As if dealing with Stefano, Theodore and the denizens of Union isn’t enough, Sebastian’s own personal traumas from his past will be something that haunt him on his journey,” says Johanas.

12. All are welcome

If you’re worried about being able to jump right into The Evil Within 2, don’t be. Despite having a deep story, The Evil Within 2 fully stands on its own and welcomes new players into the fold. Both returning fans and newcomers to the series will be able to dive right in and enjoy everything The Evil Within 2 has to offer, though those who are new to the series may find themselves wanting to go back and play the original after finishing The Evil Within 2 to learn even more about Sebastian and his troubled past.

13. It comes out on Friday the 13th

Puzzles. There looks to be show casing more puzzle related things.

Sounds pretty good so far. Lets see when it comes out.

I'm glad my love for TEW is finally trendy. It only took 3 years.

I finally re downloaded the first game. took forever but I'll finally be able to replay it.

Fuck companions and their shitty AI. I'm tired of babysitting.


TEW reception is as divided as it ever was, as you would see if this thread were started with any relevant OP not pertaining to 2's cover. But yeah, I'm just happy that it pulled through enough to get a sequel greenlit.

>All those jaggies

Ita funny because the days leading up to e3 had lots of evil within threads pop up and now i realize it was probably shills trying to see if there was intrest in a sequal or not

Did they fix the PC version of the first game? I've heard there was a lot of people experiencing crashes a while ago.

>muh shills
Don't be retarded. A listing was leaked on a Jap VA site for Psycho Break 2(TEW's nip title). The sequel was confirmed basically months before E3. Hence the reason for threads before E3.

Leaked for the purpose of shilling. Then the shills showed up. There's no such thing as an actual leak in videogames.

Oh piss off. Don't you have some console war threads to go make?

TEW has been liked for a years now but the fanbase is small. Hopefully TEW2wil bring in more fans.

Yes and no, framerate issues have got fixes, all the launch bugs and crashes have been fixed, but the engine is still a bit wonky so the game's performance can differ from machine to machine.

But it is the best version of the game right now, easily. The launch bugs are still present in console versions and you still can't disable letterboxing in console versions either.

No, I don't support any kind of shilling at all, therefore I entered this shill thread to talk shit about the boring RE4 rehash that you fags are going to be dancing and screaming about for months to come.

It'll help if 2 doesn't split audiences right down the middle like 1 did.

So what is kino wordfilter for? Good?

for you to cry like a burtchn0uwnuw4er th8'gklj,fxp8b`,0u rm0pgiñveb

OP here. It means "film" in German but it has been meme'd into meaning anything that is high brow/classy/patrician.

By audience do you really mean people that misunderstood the game?

I think it does nothing bug add to it.

Guns can be aesthetic as fuck, and the pose with it is great.