Is there a possibility of the Fallout franchise ever leaving North America?

Is there a possibility of the Fallout franchise ever leaving North America?

I think a Fallout game in China would be really cool. Culturally it would be distinct enough to merit a ton of new lore, but add onto that the fact that propaganda between the U.S. and China in the Fallout universe is so hyperbolic the game's writers could come up with totally new ideas too.

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Fallout is about America.

I'm not playing as a commie. Kys.

Probably not. Travel over the seas is likely out of the question, as most factions in the wasteland don't have the resources to start up an ocean liner, much less sail one across the world. Additionally, there's likely nothing left in China or the European Commonwealth worth mentioning.
Better off going to Canada for actual Skyrim with Guns

You don't know anything about Fallout if you want that

Fallout Texas would be pretty neat.

Why would it. It's made by an America company and Todd has his hands firmly grasped on the teets of of retro-Americana being the backbone of the series, that shit doesn't exist in the hellhole that is China. Plus China was the main antagonist before the bombs dropped.

>Game is all about americana
>Hurr why don't we make it in China XD
Why do people do this?

Given that the franchise has become ever more dependent on its retrofuturistic 50's setting, I highly doubt that it's ever going to leave the U.S.

Could you elaborate? I've played every game minus 4 and that one weird BoS side game and I'm not sure what yo're implying.

Didn't china and america nuke just each other? What the fuck have other countries been doing?

Europe fucked itself over just like in real life.

If I'm not mistaken, China is a big glowing hole of radiation after the nukes dropped.

What's the range on Institute teleportation?

Only America had the Vault-Tec corporation. No one in China survived. They were also nuked much more than America was.
Some Canadian locations could show up since it was part of America by the time the bombs fell.

China is actually playing fallout in real life
just fly over and go exploring

No idea. It's probably localized around the Commonwealth, so I don't expect to see a post-nuclear Webway

I'd hope so but any time you suggest it people on Sup Forums reeeeee because muh 50s culture.

Citation needed, if you please.

And like I said, anything we know of China in-game should be taken as possibly complete bullshit given the propaganda, UP TO AND INCLUDING the communism thing.

I think it would be funny to find out that its just North America that got wiped out by nukes and the rest of the world is just totally fine and functioning like nothing ever happened.

Like imagine a trailer for an unannounced game. There's a character walking through a lush jungle that opens into a village. The character mingles with the townsfolk, eventually securing transport to the nearest city. They arrive in the city to find a bustling megalopolis, thousands of people walking the streets and crazy futuristic cars rolling down roads. The camera dollies out and as we get a wide shot of the city, a man in power armor turns around and walks off screen, revealing a gigantic Vault-Tec sign on top of a building in the background.

Why not make a game in Alaska? You could make some left over stronghold of Chinese forces that survived the nuclear war.

Because Bethesda learned their lesson with Skyrim; no one likes snow that goddamn much.

Fuck off, Chinaman. You're not taking Fallout.


Fuck you, snow is awesome
It's way better than fucking sand

>North America
There is no chance of it leaving USA.
You're mental if you think there is a chance for a Canadian or Mexican Fallout game.

I live in New England and I can assure you, snow is the living embodiment of Satan himself.

Canada was annexed by America before the end of the war.

Fallout in Japan
It would make sense

And part of Mexico is also US territory (although not legally annexed, just occupied ad infinitum)
It's still not going to happen as Fallout is about US culture not about Mooses, Mounties or Gringos.

i think the most exotic a fallout game could get is if they set one in hawaii, but even then i wouldn't trust bethesda to actually deliver that in a satisfying way

Fat chance, weeaboo. Chances are, China annexed Japan during the war along with Korea and other neighboring Far East countries

I also live in New England and can confirm you're a pussy.
Snow is inconvenient for travel, but otherwise amazing.

China is probably not a possibility, In lore wasn't it hit harder from the bombs so basically every inch of it is The Divide tier of fucked up.

>embodies Satan

The volcanoes are actually... vaults! Dun dun dunnnn.

Couldn't they make a new universe for it
US decides 2 nukes aren't enough during WW2, drops a fuckton of nukes, some people survive, and instead of US anti-communist 50s shit it's Japanese anti-US 40s anime imperialist shit.

Who gives a fuck where you're from.

I'm in Canada and I'm ok with snow. It's better in games, makes them cozy.

When will retards learn that what China did to the US, the US retaliated a gorillion times worse, there can still be life in post war America. One thing I appreciated from Shitthesda's Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta was showing China and how it's nothing more than a glowing green vagina on the planet.

Looks like someone hasn't read Dante.

>setting a video game in bombed to fuck China

A good way of ensuring your game gets banned in China. True, the Fallout games haven't been banned yet but I don't think the censors delved that much into the lore.

The deepest part of hell and Satan's dwelling is treachery, a frost bitten wasteland. It's cold in the center of hell because it symbolizes Lucifers treachery to God.

Another New Englander here.
If you hate snow then fucking move. I guarantee 9 out of 10 people around here would rather shovel it over hearing you complain about it.


Right, Dante's inferno. I forgot about that.



Radioactive mutant mooses sounds pretty cool to me

Didn't the japs fan fallout cause nukes

They censored it. And I don't know why considering Fallout shits on both Communism and pinko chink subhumans portraying the aggressors. Don't gooks get wet at any form of media that shits all over the Chinese?

It has nothing to do with 50s culture; it has everything to do with the fact that pop culture fetishizing the atom was endemic to America.

America always wins baby, Even in the face of its own destruction,

Not to mention China was being occupied by US forces by the time the nukes dropped.

>not about gringos
Fucking what. That's the only thing it's about.

Forgot image

Sauce us on a pic of that vag

Can you just imagine the radiation levels of just standing near a border country like Mongolia or Nepal? I wonder how many bombs were unleashed just relentlessly pounding on those commies.

How the fuck can you tell thats china?

It's possible, it just won't happen.

I'd actually really like to see a Fallout China myself. I'm just going to assume Shanghai and Beijing were nuked but other places remain.

Going with the retro-futurism China would be a mix of cultural revolution era China (we're things were starting to get modern) and fusion power. I imagine it would look like North Korea but with nuclear powered trains.

Going with the ironic tone, commie theme, and war of the setting I would imagine a really over the top cult of personality around Mao in all corners of society left over. Presumably the Chinese in the post-Apocalypse don't know what to make of him and some think he's a god.

Playing on current cultual anxiety I would say China should be depicted as a early but earnest adopter of super tech they stole. Places like Shenzhen are blasted out industrial hive cities with old wires and pipes everywhere. Outside cities are neo-feudalist, only connected to super cities by horse or train, with oddly advanced technology stuffed here and there due to Maoist policy of modernizing the peasant area.

Also post-apocalptic Mongol and Manchu horse lords raiders.

Fallout Chinese fags btfo.

If you think the aesthetic appeal to 50s Americana only extends to our interest in the power of the atom, you're wrong.

Seconding sauce

Because when I said "Whatever China did to the US, the US retaliated a gorillion times worse". China launched enough nukes that life can still continue in postvwar America, America launched enough nukes to create a giant glowing vagina wiping China off the continent.

Still waiting on my Miami or bayou Fallout

>bayou Fallout
Just think Point Lookout on a larger scale.

That one dude in Fo3 was from england and the supposed plot of Brotherhood of Steel 2 was about encroaching chinese and the player is supposed to go to china via bearing straight.

1. when you see this in game, the world is spinning and you can sea certain distinct land marks that point to that glowing crater being right around where china should be
2. what the fuck else would get nuked that hard in the FO universe? what, you think America dropped a gorillian nukes on africa or japan or the middle of the ocean?


This is the single absolute fucking worst case of the ">[verb]ing" meme I have ever seen.
Please kill anyone who shares a significant portion of your genetics and then yourself.

How about a fallout Hong Kong? It'd be far enough from bejing, have an island/archipelago to make level design easier to partition, and it would explain ehy the area is a mix of china, British and america (US forces invaded it and used it as a staging point during the war) tech/people/culture

Probably going to be fallout Arizona next if they return to the west, as they should. or Colorado. I'm betting on a game about the legion.

the brotherhood of steel game is set in texas if i remember well

It was Fallout Extreme, Basically some imperialists were far enough away from china to reform some kind civilization, They then tried to a build a nuke to destroy the remains of the USA because they are spiteful like that.

Either way the plot was heading towards the mary-sue spinoff midwestern branch of the BOS blowing them the fuck out.

im making a pnp rpg set in the seattle/vancouver area. its SUCH a good area for storytelling!

Fallout Denver would be cool
>packs of wild robodogs roaming the streets
>could offer a cool upgrade system for your own robodog, ripper like claws, shoulder mounted gun, laser eyes
>legion fucking about and able to be used as the obvious bad guys
>could have BoS there, looking for cyber tech

next fallout is most likely in new new orlean? gatorclaw are already in fallout 4

BUT if elder scroll 6 is at the lizard man country, i have no idea if they are gonna double down on a swamp setting

Post some of your ideas, user.

I don't know why people want to take fallout elsewhere.

It's like asking for a tom sawyer sequel that takes place in Mexico, like the what the fuck is the relevance. There is none.

Yeah it's cool to speculate what happened everywhere else but America is diverse enough and wild that it offers for fuller stories. Everywhere else is just a caricature.

I want to hear about the other areas, get some lore - but I don't want to play them.

Then go to fucking Florida and shit that place up, more of the cum of the sky for us to play in.

Only if it would become a world wide event. The culmination of action on diverse broken countries that the player could affect, meaning deciding the future of earth.
It would be the nail of the original fallout's coffin though.

I don't get people that make posts like this but then presumably like Fallout in places other than California.

Fuck off Shyamalan

generally, surviving descendant of the ex canadian people see the ncr doing the same thing as the american army did to canada and an extreme group of canadian seize and old power armor depot near alaska to fight against the expanding ncr

shitty smaller vault in canada by a vault tec subsidiary *bunker innovative*

large part of seattle taken over by the space needle robot security (can be taken back)
the needle is actually a huge communication array

schism in the brotherhood, some of them defect to the followers of the apocalypse, with their gear.
ghoulies (ghoul mounties)

major medecine center in vancouver and drug(medecine) manufacturing

a huge straight underground tunnel from vancouver to halifax (so can do DLC anywhere along the american canadian line)

a rebuildable by the players village/city smack between seattle and vancouver

a ghoul community in mito, japan that started in 1943

sidequest in quebec (using the tunnel) to reactivate one of the hydroelectric dam

a hidden vault tec space station only accessible after the space needle is freed and reactivated

and this is not even half the things i came up with.

all the fucking retards asking for
>derr i want a canada fallout
>daaa multicularism china fallout
never played the first two

>a ghoul community in mito, japan that started in 1943

the institute (and fallout 3/4) arent canon

Gator fucking tribals would be fun to see.


Would love a game to take place in Michigan

Buddy, those monstergirl books aren't a suggestion.

fuck you todd
you ruined the franchise

Maybe we don't want to be stuck around California until the heat-death of the universe, Obsidiot

They did midwest in the non canon(and also kinda meh) Brotherhood of Steel Tactical RPG games.

Fuck you for posting stupid Sup Forums memes. Take your scoops and go back there.

Canada would work fine if all the Americana was in reference to the occupation/annexation.

Fallout, purely in how it plays, could take place anywhere.

But half the game is in the style and atmosphere. It's all about cold war-era patriotic propaganda and retro futuristic shit. You can't pull that off in other locations.

If they put it in the Soviet Union, there wouldn't even be any junk still sitting around for people to salvage because no one there had anything BEFORE the bombs would have dropped.

mito is a city in japan
i invented this

in the fallout universe, you only need radiation to become a ghoul, so at the end of world war 2, the japanese people hid the first ghouls fat man created

and ghouls are immortal soooo? still here after world war 3

>Tactical RPG games
you're not getting Fallout:Tactics confused with Brotherhood of Steel, are you? BoS isn't the tactical RPG

try ATOM RPG its an early access kickstarter video game that is literally: FALLOUT RUSSIA
russian point of view. what i have seen is pretty good

Nigga did you see how much effort went into fallout 4?
I hate what i am about to say but bethesda is NOT creative. not in its current state. I feel like everything i did in fallout 4 i had done before, either in fallout 3 or skyrim. or some other game.
The only thing bethesda has going for them is that they give me to FREEDOM to do the same shit ive done before HOW i want to do it.

That said. I would buy a fallout in set in china.

>fallout set on the coast
>irradiated sea monsters