Damn... the Switch isn't going away, huh?

Damn... the Switch isn't going away, huh?


No, not at all.
In fact, many analysts agree that the Switch will drive both Sony and Microsoft out of the videogame hardware business in three years, four max.

How much did Nintendo pay them to do this.

No fucking shit
There's a reason people have been reporting on it's success non-stop
Now this is just retarded

>The Switch is the next Wii U guys
>It'll never do Wii numbers guys
>It won't even break 3DS numbers

Come on user. That's just plain ridiculous.

>the switch invented handhelds!

Hasn't broken Wii U numbers let alone 3DS numbers.

Why? Neither have done anything worthwhile in their history in the industry. They survive 100% off being propaganda arms for various political factions. They both piss money away. And now everyone is learning no one even enjoys their piss poor games. The pretense they needed to even put a console on the market has evaporated before them- because they certainly didn't have the creativity.

Add to that how the Switch has done something no modern Playstation / Xbox console has done: it reminded people that videogames are fun.
The Switch displacing the PS4 and the One from the living room isn't as surprising as Sup Forums thinks.

>>the switch invented handhelds!
Recently one of the players posted to Facebook a video of them playing Mario Kart 8 DX.

That doesn't scream of a console that's a hit. That just screams of desperation.

I doubt they were paid.

No one besides Chileans watch the Chilean football team. And it's not like it's a big market either for them

t. Chileanfag

Competition in free market is good eitherway. I do enjoy Nintendo games the most, as they are focus almost only on gameplay, but I don't want to pay $100 for each.

They weren't playing against a South American team with a big market were they?

Sony and Microdick's presence insures there is no free market.

I imagine that when you're on transit and want an activity that a whole soccer team can enjoy together, that Mario Kart is probably one of the best options next to hookers and blow.

Before the match they uploaded a video all inside one room playing Mario Kart, each one with a Switch.

Being this delusional. The Switch won't even pass 3ds sales and you think it's going to beat Sony and Microsoft. What happened to them not being having competition with them? I thought they were doing their own thing. Fucking Nintendo fags.

>Reminded people that video games are fun

Fucking overdramatic cringe fuckers I swear.

Those men look white, are you sure they're spics?

You're a mentally ill toddler. Please, refrain from posting.

>Linking directly to shitaku
Fuck off Luke.

>it was later called back for offside

Chile and Argentina would be white if they didn't speak a barbarian language

and maybe all 3

they still won 2-0

ment for

only one of them is holding his hands far enough apart to hold that piece of shit.

oh for the love of
Not gonna even bother

Vidal is the niggest of niggers

>score a goal
>do a JO sign because you love JO with your bros
>people think you're a toddler

>nintendo pays a group of people to do something
>they do it
But no, just like pepsi, switch is just causing people to act like autists.

When will the GOAT get a Switch?

Tell your bosses they should start all the paperwork for chapter 11 (or whatever they use in Japan) instead of paying shills.

The age of Sony is over. The Switch has been flipped and your marketing them can't do anything.

Never, fucking lol.
Cause I'm broke. I actually do want one.

>nintendo switch gets a fifa port
>nintendo exlusive celebrations
>yfw sonic running after scoring a goal


that's not messi, stupid penaldo.

I atill have never seen a switch in real life and I talk about games to people all the time. Ive talked to a gamestop worker who owned one once and that is all. I have never ever ever heard anyone talking about playing thier switch in real life excwpt when I asked that one guy if he had one.

they probably make more money in a day than Nintendo ever could offer to them to do that

>playing Poker in a table that looks like a fucking mirror

God, Penaldo is such a fag

I saw one playing his on the airport lobby. The screen is smaller than I thought it would be.

ABAP console

Come on now

How do you think they make money dumbass? They do endorsements like this.

what with the GOATs and PS3


Normies like it. They like the idea of handheld Mario kart and eventually smash. The biggest fucking Chad I know got one. My own mother wants one when VC shit starts coming out. Everyone that I know that wants one, it's for the portability aspect.

>B-b-but playing vidya in public isn't socially acceptable
Only self loathing nerds worry about that, and that's because they have a victim complex about their hobbies. No one really gives a shit. If you get laughed at for playing your 3DS out in public it's probably more to the fact you are a fucking loser and people laugh at you anyway. Or you think people laugh at you because you know you are a loser, even though most of the time no one gives a shit about you.

You are genuinely one of the stupidest people to ever post here.

When will we and nintendo all admit switch is a handheld and the 3DS successor?

Isn't this what happened at the start of Baseketball?

>Bing bing bing wahooo