1080p@144fps or 4K@60fps?
1080p@144fps or 4K@60fps?
4k. If the difference was 1080@60 vs 4k@30 though, I would say 1080.
144 all day every day baby
Once you get that high hertz monitor you can't fucking go back
easiest question of my life
Yes, those TN panels are quite nice, aren't they?
4k 30FPS
60FPS is too real and I start to experience hallucinations
4K is a meme
1080p was a meme
1080p @60fps is the obvious winner.
2560 by 1080 that is.
I get to see more of the video game world, even more than a 4k setup in 16:9 resolution.
whats the point? games are shit anyways and adding more frames isnt going to make it better.
I do think alot of single player games benefit from high refresh rates, like DOOM and the new Wolfenstein games. Replaying Metro LL right now, and I could definitely notice the difference between 60fps and 100+ fps that I am getting now
640x480 @ 1080Hz
If you crave smoothness and play shooters you need those frames
you`ll look cuter while experiencing hallucinations
our eyes are 16:9
higher refresh rate is safer/healthier for you
Neither. I'll take 900p 60fps thanks.
4k@60 ez
goes great with a big monitor
amazing clarity when looking at objects far off in the distance
vs "pro gamer" 144fps nonsense
>play a FPS game at 144fps or 60fps
>game still has a lousy storyline
>shitty level design
>shitty gunplay
this is why i hate graphic fags.
1080p@144fps or 4K@60fps?
I don't know about THAT, but 1080p at 60+ vs 4k at 30 would be automatic 1080p. Also 1080p with 4k textures vs 4k with 1k textures would be automatic 1080p.
4k@60fps easily.
Yeah, you're right. when I wrote singleplayer 4k60 I was thinking about stuff like RPG, grand strategy and such. Shooter and maybe driving simulations are an exception.
Depends on the genre. I will take 144hz anyday for an FPS but something slower paced like an RPG 4k.
Sadly this is where im at but at 900 75hz 75 fps
>our eyes are 16:9
I am gonna need sauce on that one
Actually, they're wrong
It's closer to 4:3 and you can google that
I have never seen a game running at 144fps in person. I never go over 60fps since that's the most my tv can do and I play everything on it.
i bought a 144hz monitor a few months ago. i also have a 4k 60 tv. id say 4k 60 is better. maybe im retarded, but the jump from 60 to 144 wasnt as huge as 30 to 60. playing gta 4 at 4k then going back to hd was awful. i could see jaggies everywhere. some games do feel better at 144hz, but its mostly fps games. battlefield games do feel good at 144, but not enough to justify the ammount of power required to churn out those frames. for some reason source games like l4d and counter strike dont feel different at all past 60 for me
you might also want to disregard my opinion since play san andreas on pc at 24hz feels fine to me, yet gta v at 30 feels like shit
For precise multiplayer shooters?
For everything else?
60 is the standard for smoothness, 144 is great but gets into diminishing returns territory. Anything running at 4k/60 would look fucking beautiful.
480p@30 FPS on CRT
Middle ground, 3440x1440@100fps
16:9 was a mistake.
Why not 2k @ 120hz?
Why isn't 2k the newest standard? It's the standard for flagship smartphones but for some reason when it comes to TVs/Monitors it's all about 4k or 1080p. 4k seems like a huge jump in terms of budget imho.
singleplayer you want visual fidelity, multiplayer you want performance, there is no other correct opinion
my nigga
though this is only 5k
2k / 1440p seems like it's the new 720p - a nicer, high definition resolution that ultimately gets outshined by 1080p / 4K.
I don't need more than 60 FPS in multiplayer unless I'm playing Counterstrike.
720p was only relevant for fucking consoles and it was always garbage. 1440p is good, it's like 9x 720p's resolution.
literally any fps game is better at 144hz, even third person games benefit a lot
>it's like 9x 720p's resolution
Reasonable master race
I can't afford these goddamn eight hundred dollar graphics cards and five hundred dollar monitors, shit.
I'll stick with my ol' reliable 970 and 1080p IPS monitor.
1280×720 (HD, 720p)
1920×1080 (FHD, Full HD, 2K 1080p)
2560×1440 (QHD, WQHD, Quad HD, 1440p)
3840×2160 (UHD, Ultra HD, 4K, 2160p)
7680×4320 (FUHD, Full Ultra HD, 8K, 4320p)
Who the fuck came up with these naming conventions?
i'll take 21:9 @60fps over any 16:9 monitor
Is there a flaming hot flavor?
how not dumb?
pls respond
please leave, console woman
1440p @ anything 60+fps with g-sync master race here.
Shame the 1080ti I have can't keep it above 60 for some games. I guess the 1100 volta series will be the true 1440p 60-144fps card.
I game at MAX settings. Not YOUR max, I mean the real, actual MAX settings within the game options.
480@30fps like god intended
my nigger
>not just downsampling from the highest res you can
Aspect Ratio Multiplier Resolution
16:9 80 1280x720@60
16:9 90 1440x810@60
16:9 100 1600x900@60
16:9 110 1760x990@60
16:9 120 1920x1080@60
16:9 130 2080x1170@60
16:9 140 2240x1260@60
16:9 150 2400x1350@60
16:9 160 2560x1440@60
16:9 170 2720x1530@60
16:9 180 2880x1620@60
16:9 190 3040x1710@60
16:9 200 3200x1800@60
16:9 210 3360x1890@60
16:9 220 3520x1980@60
16:9 230 3680x2070@60
16:9 240 3840x2160@60
16:9 250 4000x2250@60
16:9 260 4160x2340@60
16:9 270 4320x2430@60
16:9 280 4480x2520@60
16:9 290 4640x2610@60
16:9 300 4800x2700@60
16:9 310 4960x2790@60
16:9 320 5120x2880@60
16:9 330 5280x2970@60
16:9 340 5440x3060@60
16:9 350 5600x3150@60