Can you name a game you actually like?

Can you name a game you actually like?

NieR: Automata

Yes, pic related.
But I'm guessing your objective is to make a shitposting thread

Wot gaem is dis??

New Vegas

Jackie Chan



Dino Crisis

i was pretty mad this game was total utter shit
all the SE money went to FF and this game got no budget
the story and characters are shit!!! world is empty
wtf happaned this is star ocean!!!


who cares i just like the ass

but imagine///// get a great game AND a great ass
that would be revolutionary!!

I want to remodel her.

I didnt know that mullins piece was for an Eastern game

Age of Empires 3, Battle Realms and a handful of old vidya.

star ocean

mega man x4
parasite eve
chrono trigger
final fantasy 7
ninja gaiden black
persona 5
mario bros 3
devil may cry 3

and a lot more.

Zone of the Enders 1 and 2 (mostly 2). Absolutely love this series but hate the fact we will never see a 3rd game

This so much ;_;

megaman x2, chrono trigger, final fantasy 6-7, fallout 2 and new vegas, stardew valley, civilizationn 5, master of orion 2, paper mario: thousand year door, dragon age origin and many more

GTA san andreas

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Grand Theft Auto V

post more webms for you know, science


>all the SE money went to FF

Star Ocean is made by Tri Ace

Megami Ibunroku Persona. The only good game in its series.

Mass Effect (only the first one). 20+ shepards max level.

>People keep shitting on the game, saying it's terrible and not worth it
>Pick it up because it's cheap and end up thoroughly enjoying it
I admit, it has it's flaws, but it was actually a pretty fun game. I personally enjoyed the "cutscenes".

my nigga

Euro Truck Sim 2
Jagged Alliance 2
Vagrant Story
Alpha Centauri
Stranger of Sword City
Torchlight 2
Tropico 3
Victoria 2
X3 Albion Prelude
Ghost Trick
Ace Attorney
Etrian Odyssey 2-3

I can name 5
Demons souls
Persona 5
Monster hunter 4u
Super metroid.

>mtn dew code red
>clorox hand wipes
>playlist activated
>lights off
>grab two party members
>go to chaos gate
>experiment with words until I create a high level (20+ above my level) darkness map
>warp in
>speed charms
>nuke everything for days with lightning blasts

Its just too fun, but also relaxing somehow, nothing like plundering a dungeon in an electric murderspree to get the fat lewts