How am I supposed to pass with this flabby stomach bros?

How am I supposed to pass with this flabby stomach bros?

work out you filthy degenerate

Pass what?

fuck off you attention whore

It's all about the face anyway so let's see it fag

post a pic of ur penis

>we share Sup Forums with this kind of degenerate twinks

You won't and you never will. Nobody ever does. Just hurry up and kill yourself.

Who else do you think defends splatoon

This. Fags will never show their face because they know they'll never pass as a girl.


Ignore these redditors.

Where did that scar on your leg come from?

Girls are supposed to have a little chub on their stomach. You're cute

>video games


now we're talkin
post more thicc

Post your dick before deletion.



Who would've guessed

You're actually a man, aren't you?


He literally admits to it in the OP you responded to. The very first post in this thread. He told us.

>threads complaining about Wii U get deleted
>this is still up
As if we needed any more confirmation that this board has Nintendo bias, or that the mods are literal cock-loving faggots

Stop sucking in your stomach and work out.

How the fuck do people find anal enjoyable?

What's the problem?


Video games

Man I can't wait until my /vg/ ban is up tomorrow. This shithole is too much for me, need actual video game discussion back in my life.


what is wrong with their hands

>video game discussion

>disliking attention whoring trannies from tumblr is now reddit