Buyfag Thread keep it vidya (the most) edition

-Post your preorders
-Or post any favorite ones
(it doesn't matter if is a figure,artbook,ost or even cloth...even dakimakuras are allowed)
-What's the most do you spend in somethig in merchandise?
-What's the thing you expected to get in these months?(mine is pic related)

Don't be shy and get in the thread!!

Other urls found in this thread:

This fucking guy right here.

I broke up with my fiancee so I need some kind of shelter for my sadness.

sorry for the blog user.

Also is that a artbook?

Only for this baby to arrive.
The shipping was bullshit (because huehue here) I think is worth it.

>-What's the thing you expected to get in these months?

The only possible answer

>-Post your preorders
I don't have any (only pic related and O don't even know what is the date of release)

>-Or post any favorite ones
I'm about to buy it at this fucking moment

>-What's the most do you spend in somethig in merchandise?
>-What's the thing you expected to get in these months?
Myabe the Nocturne maniax edition with the statue fo demifiend

Only my waifu

>There's going to be a Vanillaware fan artbook

Wew, glad I randomly saw this thread in the catalog. Definitely gonna order this shit

>What's the most do you spend in something in merchandise?
Most I've ever spent was about $100ish to import Fate Unlimited Codes almost a decade ago

>The shipping was bullshit

It took me a damn month to get my Automata soundtrack from them

Is not a preorder but I already buy it.

I wonder if the english version will get the artbook?

>Wew, glad I randomly saw this thread in the catalog. Definitely gonna order this shit

OP here and user they already make some video showing a preview of the fanbook.

Is definetely a must-have

Just this.

Is not fucking fair my wallet was not ready for this.

Oh fuck.

>want this so fucking bad
>fucking poorfag

It hurts.

Nice taste user.

I get this motherfucker, glad that I get to preorder him.

You broke with yur fiancee?
She was a bitch o what?

Just finished watching, fuckkk I'm amazed this is only 30euro

Only problem now is just deciding which keychain to go with

>-Post your preorders
(pic related)

Finally some buyfag thread when is allowed to post artbooks (well nobody never post them)

What is this from?

I tempted to buy 2 more.

C'mon faggot you don't know Gravity Rush?

So you preorder nothing?

>-Post your preorders
This guy.
>-Or post any favorite ones
(it doesn't matter if is a figure,artbook,ost or even cloth...even dakimakuras are allowed)
Dakimakuras are for faggots who doesn't never know the feeling of have a grill
>-What's the most do you spend in somethig in merchandise?
like 100 or more on a Dodonpachi
>-What's the thing you expected to get in these months?
nothing at the moment maybe pic related only

Sorry I think I already post what I preordered.

What a shit figure.

Interesting fanbook OP.

Care to share the godamn sauce?

Also this is what I preordered.

Here user.

I hope you like it.