Poorly describe the first and last things you do in a game. Others guess the game. Starting off easy

Poorly describe the first and last things you do in a game. Others guess the game. Starting off easy
>Talk to some guy on a wagon
>Kill a wyvern in another dimension

>pay your bills
>run around backwards with sone bodysnatchers

>forget to wear your seatbelt
>travel back in time to the first game

>Turn on the game
>Turn off the game

Todd Howard's Mountain climber simulator remastered edition

Final Fantasy XIV

Sounds like a fun game. What's the name so I can buy this?

>randomly dropped in a grassy field
>kill a time traveller

mass effect andromeda

>You wake up in a mortuary
>You die

>die slowly

>Work in a gear construction chain line
>HoverSurf between colored blocks

>Start out as the main character
>Kill the main character


First try, not bad.


>Kill yourself

>Shell hunting on the beach
>Heck if I know


Let me check my journal

>Get shot by friend
>Get shot by the government

>Get killed
>Get erased from existence (possibly)

Planescape tormented by memes about how great it is for all time.


>Browse ebay
>Fight your brother


>punch a bell
>kill a snake jockey

>Get picked up by a hot brown chick from space
>Wish back your sister so you can fuck her while almost all humanity was exterminated

Chrono Cross

Dragon's Dogma

red Dead?

>Get off a train
>watch the apocalypse unfold

Good job!

Could you explain what the heck happened

>Be a (sick) kid now.
>Be a squid now

Half-life 2?

>Get cucked
>Guitar battle in space

>fall into a hole
>kill a sexy cloud

>wake up
>talk to 100+ year old waifu

>ride a torpedo in
>ride a snowmobile out


got it

>wake up in jail
>end the world


>peek on a dude showering
>Get a flight home

>Have a picnic with your friends
>escape the gladiator arena

>wake up in a cell
>light self on fire

>looking out into space
>red, green, blue

Nope. It Fits though

Dark Souls 1?

Mass Effect trilogy.

>Phone rings
>Get nuked

>open the door into someone
>walk off a building after a drug induced rampage

Dark Souls

>wake up in hospital
>watch your girlfriend die for the second time

>get picked up off of the streets as a child by a suspicious old man
>kill the god of chaos by bamboozling him in his own home

Dammit is it hotline miami



>jump out of a ship
>fight in a stadium

>create a world
>quit because it's running too slowly

Yup. Well done!

New one

>hang off a rope
>get off a theme park ride


kys cuck

Got one

>steal a dossier
>kill an owl

>Wake up on a beach in the morning
>Watch a failed coup come to its end by dusk

Right series, wrong game.

>Run across a highway
>Kill a giant dog head

No More Heroes?

>wake up in a boat cabin
>drive trough the nevada desert


>you ARE the sim city 2000 disaster

You, Strelok, kills the scientists who created the Zone.

>having a nice day with your friends
>fight a dude with heart problems

Final Fantasy 1

>Kill and eat a man-zebra
>Fight God and reincarnate into a real boy

>Escape a casino heist
>Shoot a god in the face

>chop down some trees and mine some ore
>Launch a rocket into space

Bioshock Infinite

>Steal shit
>Kill God?

max payne 2?




>wake up underground in the middle of buttfuck nowhere
>Take a stone seat (or not)

mebbe i'm making it too easy.
i should go to sleap.


>Catch a shrimp
>Wallow in self loathing and an impossible dream for eternity

You googled that.


999. Too easy

Digital Devil?

>Fight a dragon
>Kill yourself

Darksouls 2

>shake someones hand
>go home


Soul Reaver 1+2

>get killed by random ayylmao
>kill ayylmao emperor

>read your emails
>shoot your computer

>walk into a castle
>kill your dad

Gitaroo man

goin to slepe now

>buy PT cruiser
>world champion driver

>jump on goombas
>defeat bowser

This one should be hard

>tankity tankity tank
>suddenly, gundams

>be a spoiled brat


>Wake up hung over
>fight an alium in space