And I just won!

And I just won!

Other urls found in this thread:

what did he win?

Everything and nothing.


A trip to the sytriactic ward, and a letter being banned from GameStop

You don't have to tell me twice!
But during the Stone Age...!

Thousand bucks worth of sega shit.




is there anyone besides CWC and Boxxy who were made famous and actually able to make money because people on Sup Forums were publicly stalking them?

moot, maybe snacks

>the like to dislike ratio

I thought everyone liked his things and hyped him to make him go even further

i miss both of those beautiful faggots :c

>same age as Chris
>remember this contest
>super pissed that I didn't just win
>realize I was spared Christine's fate

>Not wanting to be forever immortalized by the internet as a god among autists
Chris Chan is a household name. Who are you?

>than when i heard of what you have been

Someone should make a mod so RE7 have the bakers as CWC and Barb, bob could be the grandma in the wheelchair but ded.

>infamy is the same as fame

That's ok, I'd rather no one know me, or that I existed. I'm fine being a wageslave.

>Lucas is Sonichu
Get to work, modfags

>Barbara's blank deer-in-the-headlights stare and slow, delayed speech in recent vids

I'm pretty sure Barbara has dementia, Alzheimer's, or at the very least some form of mental degradation related to old age. If she's under Chris's """"""""care"""""""" then she really doesn't have long. God knows Chris can't afford and wont bother to pay to put her in a home.

Anita sarkesian

The katawa shitjou devs

>pre tranny Chris
>Blake was a bad boy stud that bought a bag of condoms to rail out Bubbles
>post tranny Chris
>Blake is hitting on Chris and spilling his spaghetti while doing so

What the fuck?

Wait- did Chris himself make that comic? I don't believe that.

I feel a bit bad for saying this but i hope she dies a bit faster (however not having to deal with CWC is probably a good thing) so CWC will have nowhere to go leading to some crazy shit.

How do you manage to survive like this? It's like she's moving in a different timeframe than the rest of the world.

>bought a bag of condoms

Real studs raw dog it.

He did. Its confusing as fuck. I mean Chris is the retcon king but even this shit doesn't make fucking sense.


I'll give you that but at least of the sonichu's he was the most alpha of them all. Which isn't saying a lot either.

He was mayor until Billy Mays usurped his throne.

I wonder what Chris would have said back in his "I'M STRAIGHT!" days if he had seen what he would become.

this is loss.

Why do these threads get 404'd.

Things never get better do they...

The mods seem to think that chris is only relevant to Sup Forums

newfags don't realize this is quintessential Sup Forums culture. I mean Sup Forums is responsible for a lot of the shit in his life.

>not videogames
I wonder why.

We've come full circle.

He's a pioneer is youtube lets play with his animal crossing letsplays

>sonic and pokemon aren't video games

No clue
CWC is more vital to Sup Forums than 4 am threads and they're allowed
Nothing against them of course

remember when we all thought that it was bad that Sup Forums had become Sup Forums 2.0?

little did we know... little did we fucking know... that gamergate and r/the_donald would happen..

that it would become Sup Forums 2.0....

fucking hell...

>not video games
Chris is more video games than half of the "video game" threads on this board right now.

True. I mean he did something like an hour long lets play of Animal Crossing which was boring as fuck but he started that dull shit that would be popular today.

Chris is more video games relevant then most of the shit that's posted on here

This bait is so bottom of the barrel that it doesn't even warrant a you. Off to Sup Forums with you.

if someone wrote a 1000 word epic novel on CWC it'd be the greatest tragedy since Paradise Lost

That might be on point. She's a lot thinner than she was; did they ever give an explanation for this?

He should have been bullied so hard at that age. Would have set him straight.

How long until his game that was delayed from the 360 to be released to the xbone and now being delayed agin to the X to be out?

look at this shit.

If I recall Vivian G actually did write a book that's heavily based on Chris and all the bizarre shit in his life. Which is funny because she gifted Chris a copy and then he proceeded to not read it and regift it to his minister who got pissed.

Apparently in one of his recent vids she's walking around and talking like normal meaning the demented look is just an act. I don't know the name of it but some other user talked about it.

What did he mean by this?

What was the name of that Youtube video that was like a documentary/timeline of Chris' life? It had this song playing throughout the whole thing:

he was actually just talking about this. among other things.

And what is that expression meant to convey?

>thinking that the based Christian Weston Chandler's Adult Chronicles would ever be released on the Hexbox

Oh I'm laffin

>Apparently in one of his recent vids she's walking around and talking like normal meaning the demented look is just an act.

Not necessarily. Sometimes people can appear "normal" for periods of time even when they're really sick.


What is she doing now?

This one?

Pretty good documentary by the way, worth the hour, if anyone is this new and doesn't know about the legend.

HOLY SHIT! Layla left Punchy?! When the fuck did this happen and why?!

Fucking kill yourself, Barneyfag

Last i saw she was some talking head for i think it was a game site? fuck cant remember.

Sucking jewdick for shekels.

How does Lee do it? I've browsed literally thousands of images on that site and couldn't do this.

mods are newfags


If I'm not mistaken Christine pulled some timetravel retcon to make him Christine back when the comic started.
I think it would be funny to have some other autists make their own versions where they hate on that "faggot" and CWC going mental again.

Maybe it's just me wishing for another Liquid Chris season

he makes the post himself

>hello darkness my old friend

A real stud only fucks virgins raw.
You don't want your dick messed up by those dirty sluts.

>Don't you trust me?
Bitch, if it's so easy to get into bed, there must've been a thousand dicks inside that snatch.

Both Ulillillia and CWC are the products of neglected bullying. If both of those pussies were beaten daily by jocks they would have turned more normal.

I literally can't stop myself from reading Punchy's dialog in a shitty Asian accent.




it's true. a lot of these sissy faggots and spergs could greatly benefit from a firm ass whoopin. i believe it is possible to beat the retard out of them

Are there any games where you can interact with three different versions of yourself from throughout time?

We *pauses for abnormally long to think of next word* need *pauses again* money *pauses thricely* for *pauses for final time* food

>post yfw Chris is just reenacting Weekend at Bernie's with Barb's corpse

I never believe a word you say, Lee.

Malnourishment. Chris blatantly states they need money for her "replacement shakes" in his e-beggimg videos. He's most likely referring to Ensure, which is like a vitamin and nutrient-packed chocolate milk that's given to old people when they're not eating regular meals for whatever reason.

Chris is neglecting her. He should be buying these shakes but Transformers and Skylanders are more important to him.

At least school shooters have a backbone in them. I have more respect for an autist who shoots up a school than an autist like CWC.

I give you the "damn..." and maybe the 2006 thread but ghost might have vidya discussion and arab thread is a "players around the globe" thread where you might find new people who live in your country/speak your native language and share your experience with players from around the globe

>that poster next to her
its the little things you dont notice the first time.

>makes video to beg
>she's wearing the 400 buck gold chain and a pearl necklace


i hate myself

lol I'm gonna post another picture because you can't believe the truth


it took all of 5 posts to turn into Sup Forums shit

seriously I need an answer for this

Pictures you made yourself

When will she die from her self inflicted vagina? That's quite possibly the most ridiculous thing she's done.


This is one of the core reasons I voted for Trump. I've never made a decision as fast in my fucking life and I still 100% adamantly stick with it.
If I could survive without breathing I would just to further distance me from something Chris does.

That has long since been professionally dealt with and fixed.


Kill yourself

>Amerifat can't help but be a grammar Nazi

>implying your implications