What happened to all the good multiplayer games?

What happened to all the good multiplayer games?

Are we supposed to play Overwatch and League until the end of time?

Assfaggots ruined everything

As looks right now, pretty much.
>Cod Developers keep rehashing
>Dice is ruining battlefield with the new loot crate system.
>Early Access is a massive meme now
>Bethesda are too afraid to put out another Open world rpg.
>Microtransactions taking away a big chunk of the game now
the only reason why I even played battlefield was to unlock the skins. but now they've decided to take away one of the redeemable features from BF

What are some of your good multiplayer games?


nothing happened you just have shit taste and refuse to leave your favorite echo chambers

Look around, there's plenty of great multiplayer games that are plenty active.

Multiplayer games died with the fall of local multiplayer support and the stagnation of MMOs. If I think about the best vidya experiences with other people, they all essentially come back to those two things.

When you drive in northern Aus you see thorny devils splattered on the road everywhere. Sad really. They just wanted to be warm and comfy.

>>>local multiplayer support

you have to be a special kind of dumb to think this


Are you serious? Playing video games with your friends in person is a fucking blast, and I'm guessing it's something you've never experienced personally.

You can play single player games too you know.

play tribes with me
or mechwarriaor living legends

>Chooses the play the absolute lowest common denominator simplistic drivel children's games
>Complains about lack of good multiplayer games
This has to be bait right? Why aren't you playing CS:GO and Dota 2 like everyone else with a brain

Why does Mechwarrior Living Legends, the only mech game, have to be so fucking dead?

I play puyo puyo Tetris when there's company. Get that one. Online some JP hikikomori will probably wreck your shit.

I would say Siege, but Ubishit is hard at work trying to kill it.

>thinking CSGO is anything above leagueshit or blunderwatch
I'll give you dota2 for sure, but CSGO is just another meddled mess.
t. silver surfer

monster hunter

name them

What happened to MMOs?

Will there ever be a renessaince?

With the FPS, MMO and strategy genres dying, multiplayer experinces are dying out too. I think OW and LoL have such a huge playerbase because there's a severe lack of games to play with friends online. The only good multiplayer games are coop campaigns now, and those are limited by their length.

The CS series has always been simple as shiz

you refuse to try out new mmos
thats what happened

brb, going back into ESO

MMOs are dead until VR becomes lifelike

play xiv user
its fun :)

I don't want to play wow-clones.

I need them to be slow and immersive.

Deliberate marketing to a certain audience, making MMOs purely about the grind/farm, and less necessity to socialize with others to accomplish goals.

Maybe for ERPing homosexuals without a job. I'm not joking, it's the main playerbase

Toxic playerbases killed everything.

>brb, going back into ESO
Why do MMOs have such uninspiring abilities? With the release of Morrowind I took at look at how it plays and what I saw is
>dive, a freaking dot
>fungal growth, a conal heal
>frost cloak, +res
Can it be any more dull?

Rainbow Six Siege
Rocket league

These are all the multiplayer games I currently play with my friends

*presses q*

maybe, its still fun though.

>played battlefield for grind shit

You're part of the problem.

Fortnite looks kind of cool. Reserving judgement.

Literally every mech game is dead.


I'm sorry user. At least that's better than LoL.

>mfw newfags have no idea where the fun multiplayer vidya is
do you even have friends irl?


>the only reason why I even played battlefield was to unlock the skins.
That's so sad

>Tekken 7 just released
>Siege still growing with ubisoft trying to work on the games many issues
>Rocket League still fairly popular
>PUBG crazy popular if you like meme games

It's better than it has been 5 years ago. I own OW and I think it sucks but I'm still not hurting for a multiplayer game.

Not him but the only good one I can remember without a cancerous base is Mount and Blade

do not play video games for cosmetics
dont do that

Overwatch sucks as a comp game though. The skill ceiling for most characters is very low and most significant plays are made with teammates and ults, meaning a single player without ult can't really make that much of a contribution.

What does this even mean? I find it funny how Sup Forums has this big anti CS hivemind for no real justifiable reason.

I could have remembered hoping that multiplayer gaming would be getting better after Halo 3, but it never did.

>I find it funny how Sup Forums has this big anti CS hivemind for no real justifiable reason.
>small maps
>rng on guns to make up for slow and small maps and create an artificial semblance of eco balance
>no interesting movement whatsoever
It's bland as shit, the only good thing about the series is mods and the headshot sounds

>talks about lowest common denominator
>suggests to play even worse games
Not sure if you're just retarded or if it's a bait /10.

user what are you doing

Way to out your self as a scrub
>b-but muh quake
Get the fuck out of here pseud

most ppl have auto update so we can see this dood guy

>you should be able to 1x6 in a competitive game

>What happened to all the good multiplayer games?
progression systems

you can't just pick up a multiplayer game anymore, you have to commit to grinding it

user we know you have shit taste no need to further elaborate on it
The CS series embodies everything that went frong with shooters
Even Overwatch has more stimulating gameplay

>rng on guns to make up for slow and small maps and create an artificial semblance of eco balance

Every shooter with recoil mechanics has RNG, this is just a fact.

>small maps

They're fine, unless you want like 200 v 200 firefights, which typically aren't all that good.

>no interesting movement whatsoever

Yeah, it's not an arena shooter. I would agree that good arena shooters are superior but I still enjoy CS.

OW is a game designed from the ground up for people who don't like FPS games. Most of the roles don't require good aiming and all of its depth stems from your team being smart enough to coordinate abilities at the same time.

>Even Overwatch has more stimulating gameplay
No it doesn't

I should of clarified, but as of now its probably too late. But now I find that interesting, what is so problematic about someone grinding for skins once they unlock everything else.

Yes. Yes you should. If you can't do that then the game is too shallow and it's also largely impossible to carry in that game.

One good quake player could easily stomp out 10 bad players at the same time, this is one of the reasons Quake is good.

no dude i press the q button skill ceiling wow exciting plays ebin esports

There's America's Army, many people, including myself, still play COD 4 MP, F.E.A.R. COMBAT etc. That's how I'm dealing with the shittyness of new mutiplayer games

I don't know anything about video games but for some reason looking at your picture reminded me that I need to go back and watch more coyote Peterson videos.

It has better shooting, better movement, better teamwork
CS has absolutely fucking nothing interesting about it, except maybe the slight tactical considerations you have to make in a coordinated match
The series has always been popular only because it's easy to pick up, cheap, and because all your friends already played it so you had something to play together
Also mods

TF2 and CS:S deathmatch are the only non-dead online multiplayer games worth playing

>Every shooter with recoil mechanics has RNG, this is just a fact.
Not every shooter has a random first shot however.

>you only need aiming skills in FPS games
If it would be like that every single CSGO player would be raped by mediocre quake players.

>still can't use iron sights in CS
>random spreads are used instead

No! Big games of rock paper scissors are much more interesting!

Overwatch would function better if competitive was focused on teams' ranks more than individuals' ranks, since that's what OW is about. Individual rank should apply to individual skill and team rank should apply to the teams' overall skill. That would require effort and probably too much coordination for a typical bog-standard matchmaking system though. It can't dig itself out of that grave it made.

>comparing an 1v1 game with a teamgame and being surprised that the 1v1 game allows you to 1v1 people harder
user that's a dumb thing to do

Anarchy Reigns on PS3 was awesome as fuck back when it had players. Even played and had fun with Sup Forums, though at that point there were only 3-4 people who were still interested enough to join.
Splatoon was great as well, climbin ranked mode were some of the beat and worst of times, and splatfests were cool too if only because you were fighting for something.
Now I just play Overwatch, but aside from how nice it looks there are too many tryhards who think it's super serious business and that ruins it.


>that one faggot that doesn't have anything worthwhile to say so he sucks the dicks of other people instead
That's pretty sad

Anarchy Reigns started falling once people started doing infinites in multiplayer.

Your favourite shootan is a shalllow piece of shit even below OW
You are the bottom of the barrel of the fps players

Now you're just trying too hard

It doesn't make the game better or worse, it's quality of a game, the harder it is to 1x10, the more you need your team to do shit. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just there.

Already made the points I would bring up

>Implying CoD4 MP was all that good

It's just as casual as the new releases, it was just fresh at the time so everyone liked it.

>It has better shooting, better movement, better teamwork

lol. Shooting for most characters in OW feels so goddamn weak and shitty. The only good ones are Widow, McCree, and Pharah, everyone else feels like ass. OW also has no advanced movement techniques and its teamplay is basically just "push together and use abilities in tandem". At least in CS you need to have a mic and make callouts even at mid level play.

Overwatch is a failure

Unless Blizzard comes out as saying "we fucked up, the game is terrible" and goes about changing everything about it, then it's always going to be terrible.

Even without any movement abilities on most heroes, momentum cancelling and whatnot, OW still manages to be faster than the obnoxiously slow piece of shit that is the CS series

Well, bruh, COD4 is better than CS.

Rising storm 2 vietnam, battlefield4
That's it.

that's more of a turtle opinion than a turtle fact you have to start over now

I dunno. OW was pretty boring, TF2 became hats, I don't play MOBAs, CoD is a Madden game now, and I'm not fond of MMORPGs.

At this point, my fiends and I just play R6S until we get pissed and then just play civ5 until we go to sleep. I think we're just getting older.

Pretty much, and since most of the game revolved around that tactic it was doomed to fail. Still fun to do the horde and objective modes, maps were full of shit going on too. That's a game I wouldn't be mad about buying a remake for if they tried to tweak it a bit.

Quake isn't a 1v1 game at its core, it just has depth so it works very well for 1v1s.

>Not every shooter has a random first shot however.

Use the AUG or the SG, problem solved.

>still can't use iron sights in CS

lol, so you're admitting you're retarded? I love Siege myself but the iron sights dictating fights instead of pure aim and reaction annoys me a lot. If one person is moving forward with his sights up and another is running forward the guy running has a huge disadvantage and he will almost always win that fire fight.

Hell, OW not having iron sights is the best thing the game does.

>random spreads are used instead

All recoil mechanics are random. If a game has recoil on any level, it is random.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive competitive mode is very fun, dude.

What are the server populations for FEARCombat like? Used to play retail a lot but dropped it around the time or right before Combat was released

Not him but let me stop you there nigger. Im looking for a casual MP experience. Rising storm just doesn't compare to what we once had. if you're some old ass grandpa that can bare the thought of slowly moving around only to be shot without getting one kill, then be my guest and play it all you want.
>Pic related btw

the whole terrorists vs counter-terrorist bomb mode sucks. It encourages camping

Deathmatch is superior. If you try to camp, people will just grenade your camping spot, you have to constantly be on the move.

>What is peeker's advantage

then you'll never experience good multiplayer

Let me break it to you lad. but it seems like you seek a call of duty experience, But in all honesty, you're looking in the wrong place.Its always been fucking dead I mean go look at the charts for this year's CoD Its as dead as shit, dont even bother.
I swear if R6S developers gave us TDM in siege, that would probably fulfill our MP cravings but its not gonna happen.


Your still ultimately removing depth. You can have a game that both encourages teamwork with one that allows the player to outplay an entire enemy team.

I've put like hundreds of hours into both series and I'd disagree pretty heavily. CoD TDM is the most shallow FPS out there. It relies heavily on people running around randomly and whoever sees someone first will almost always kill them due to the little to no recoil, the really short TTK, and the pitiful 1.4 times headshot damage.

>It encourages camping
>a shooter with objectives means it's too campy!

Holy fuck people here are stupid. Are you going to say Tribes is too campy due to it being based around CTF and having defensive roles?

battlefield has been ruined for years already

more people need to play Warband MP

>if R6S developers gave us TDM in siege
Holy shit, this never occurred to me but now that I think about it I really fucking want it.

I-I'm looking forward to Lawbreakers.

me too :))))))

All Breakers characters > All Law characters

Except Hellion. Kitsune a shit.