Why is there so many annoying stoners and middleschoolers on twitch? Like jesus christ
Some streamers I know that openly shit on them for saying dumb stuff are ster and aris
Why is there so many annoying stoners and middleschoolers on twitch? Like jesus christ
What video is this from?
Why do you care so much?
They're the same people that unironically go to Minecons and scream kappa into the mic.
Fucking stoners man.
stoner detected
Almost anyone that uses twitch chat is underage. It attracts the type of people who enjoy memes and have unironic autism.
Aris is a god among men.
Twitch isnt videogames, and Sup Forums is not a surrogate for real friends
What's up lord chatroom?
I would really like to know that myself
Also if I am new to tekken is it a bad idea to start with dragunov
play whoever you like but learn to move and punish shit
Just don't play him the way new Bryan players play Bryan
It's all about movement, patience and low/mid mixups to get your hits. Not running up to people and doing a launch punishable sweep over and over
Drag is great though
>HOP, *hit, hit* HOP
It's from the level up your game Dragunov tutorial
Yeah I think he's cool I was just worried about teaching bad habits
Also JDCR said he uses drag against bad players and he takes no effort lol
Because streaming is litterally the new myspace or blockbuster parking lot
Its where kids hang out and be stupid together
Man I love Aris. Only good streamer on Twitch.
>talking shit aboit Aris
Fucking kids these days I swear.
OP isn't shit talking Aris though.
Yeah he's great
Old rage videos are sick too
I was surprised about what he said about the hitbox though, didn't think he was that kinda guy
Does anybody here have a hitbox?
Yeah his poke game is amazing against scrubs
If you learn Dragunov wrong you're just gonna get a reality check once you hit green/orange ranks since he's a fairly linear character.
There's no bullshit to him, once you're fighting people who have good defense you have to actually set stuff up to get dmg.
He's an honest character like that aside from his d2 maybe
I was complimenting him for being honest and telling stoners what's up
but it is a little mean considering they're giving him money lol
>Learn dragunov wrong
How do you go about doing that? Isnt he a very straight forward character? Genuinely interested because I want to play him when I get the game soon.
Is there some other characters for noobs you'd recommend that I can't really go wrong with and learn wrong? In what way would I be hitting a brick wall if things go wrong?
justify how getting angry at dumb shit which neither affects you or has anything you can do about it is better than not getting angry at said dumb shit
Why are most of them overweight?
I didn't find his stream until a year and a half ago. Not really a big fighting game player myself but I watch pretty much every big tournament that happens. Dark Souls is what got me into watching his streams though. I saw this video live and I was hooked. Guy is just fucking hilarious.
wow video games attract the lowest denominator? how surprising
Why does Sup Forums get so bent out of shape about people who smoke weed.
If you don't know the game everyone learns the game wrong initially
I was just teaching a scrub over and over in a set in a lobby and his entire idea of his character and the game was just off
It's not really the character you have to learn it's more the game. After you've gotten fucked up with your character a 100 times you'll slowly start to realize you aren't using the moves right, at the right times, for the right reasons
You have to understand situations, and how moves function as tools for those situations. It's just a lot of work/experience to get those realizations, I don't think it's an avoidable mistake
Here's a tip though, if you don't see pro players using your move in a match as a poke. It's not a motherfucking poke
sorry for being annoyed by annoying things stoner
So I'm pretty new to Aris, why does he hate stoners so much?
He's being ironic. Aris is like the biggest fucking stoner on the planet.
The guy is the biggest stoner. Hes being ironic
what are you doing here
aris once sexually harassed a girl on camera
got some chessmen last week they're pretty good
that's just fighting games
He has literally smoked on stream in the past.
You can use a period(.) instead of pressing enter twice. It's actually how most English is written. It's usually taught at a very young age too. You must have missed that day though.