There exist people on this board, typing as we speak, that literally...

There exist people on this board, typing as we speak, that literally, unironically believed that Yooka-Laylee was going to be a good game and show that all the true talent had left Rare and Microsoft had fucking nothing.

No really, think about it. These people exist, they wont out themselves now, but they were dead set on believing Yooka-Laylee was going to save 3D Platformers.

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought it was going to be good and it is

I was never a fan of Banjo-Kazooie as a kid, I wasn't exactly hyped for this game or anything nor did I plan on buying it. But I figured it couldn't have been difficult to squeeze out a game that could have at the very least pleased the fans. How hard could it be? It doesn't seem like a very difficult thing to do. So no, I didn't at all expect for the game to be as trashed as it was.

I backed the game to get my girlfriends name in the credits since she loved the 64 banjo games. I'm kinda sad she didn't like YL

The game is comfy as fuck, the jontron meme ruined it

I'm kind of glad they shot themselves in the foot with the JonTron shit, it made the letdown much easier to bear.

I thought it was okay.

Yooka Laylee was good though

so what's wrong with it? all I ever saw was that they started a kickstarter and then after people said it was a failure. still haven't seen any reason why yet.

I had hopes for it. Not high ones but just satisfactory.

And it was fine.

The devs somehow managed to take the worst aspects of banjo and Tooie and magnified them.
They've had like 2 decades to look back at the old games to see what people did and didn't like about them and they did the opposite. It's baffling really.
Not to mention the game just plain runs like shit which would make even a good game hard to enjoy.

Hindsight's 20/20.

The quiz thing was not only a pain in the ass as most of the questions relied on guesswork, and they were clearly intended to ape the board game at the end of BK. Thank fuck there were only 3 of them.


>I'm kind of glad they shot themselves in the foot with the JonTron shit
last time i checked dropping the fat fuck didn't hurt the actual game. they delivered yooka laylee minus the e-celeb

big deal

It plays like Mr Krabs' playground in Spongebob

it feels really unpolished and cheap, and the ideas aren't really fleshed out. So it's a mish-mash of every 90s platformer trope and Rare-ism, but implemented lazily and spread out over levels that are probably a little too big.

I still think it's a good game, but the terrible 2D art, bad sound effects, the lack of a lot of animations, and basically every facet of the presentation besides the music lets it down.

A big part of what made Rare games so magical was that they were first party Nintendo and really pushed the technology (sometimes to the breaking point like DK64). Banjo-Kazooie is nowhere near as good of a platformer as Mario 64, but it looked and sounded great, and it was oozing with charm from cheeky brits barely restrained by American localization. Yooka-Laylee is a Unity game that looks, feels, and plays like a Unity game. And it's British to the point where it gets annoying.

This video game was my last hope for vidya

Well, we've got Mario Odyssey. Not all the hope went away.

>Playtonic is 80% artists
>literally not even HALF of the original Banjo team
>plus Grant (and David Wise+Steve Burke who had no real reason to be there)
>most recent patch that 'polishes' the game adds features the Banjo games had
You guys should have seen it coming

Fuck you, I am looking forward to the Switch version with all the bells and whistles when it comes out. I am sorry you do not like it, but from what I have seen I am looking forward to playing this game on the go.

>he thinks it's still coming out
Bet you're waiting for the 3DS Mighty No 9 too

I enjoyed the game. They said it would be an N64 style collectathon like Banjo and it fucking was. I had no problems with controls or camera, my only complaint is the small amount of rather large worlds. Would've rather had more smaller worlds.

At first I thought Yooka Laylee was fairly okay, but after playing Banjo Tooie again a few weeks ago, I've come to realize how soulless it is by comparison. The devs are even more out of touch than 2015-era Nintendo.

They could have played the old Banjo games, learned and avoided what went wrong, and expanded more on what went right, but instead they made a game that would still be pretty fucking bad if it got made a few generations ago.

Exactly. I feel the opposite in that regard, I like the feeling of picking up a collectathon 3D platformer game, and feeling intimidated by how big the game is and how many collectibles it truly has. I'm still waiting for a sequel to DK64 with triple the number of collectables, and for a 3D Mario with 300+ stars to collect. I just like feeling intimidated and threatened by how massive, overbearing, and challenging a game can be towards the player.

It was okay though.

Not great, but it was passable. On the PC at least. Worth a pirate if you liked B-K.

I thought Yooka Laylee would be a Collectathon Platformer in the vein of the original 2 Banjo Kazooie games, exactly as advertised with its flaws and all.
I got exactly what I wanted. It's not my fault you are an autismo who doesn't know what they want.

I liked what I played of it, but I haven't touched it since release. I've been meaning to.

>those patch notes

I'm actually impressed, they listened.

Certainly didn't live up to my initial expectations of it being Banjo-Threeie but as development went on I tempered my expectations. Game has a lot of flaws like those godawful minecart stages, some of the quill placements, general lack of polish, and rehashed characters in each world but I still enjoyed it overall. Looking forward to seeing what Playtonic can do now that they've got a game and a lot of feedback under their belt. Might play through it again once they've got all the patches out.

Am I the only one who thinks the lizard looks like some kind of sex offender? I can't put my finger on it, but it just has this bizarre mix of feminine and masculine features that makes me want to punch it.

>Opinions vs Facts

Plated it and i found it way weaker than any BK title, gameplay and music.
I'll still replay BK with pleasure but not BT nor YL
