>stream in 4 hours
>no thread
>stream in 4 hours
>no thread
P2G online
rly makes u think isnt?
Wait wat? I thought it wasn't till six
That's 4 hours, user.
>itt: people not understanding time zones - AGAIN
Seeing some other areas, different weapons, actual music
Only thing I don't like is the brown washed out graphics
>brown washed out graphics
Looks like regular Monster Hunter to me.
I know that if I stay awake to watch it will be a shit stream that shows the same shit we've seen so far.
>tfw I know this is true but I can't help to stay awake
I guess. A shame, I just wanted the beautiful colorful environements of 4U in HD
Nobody likes casual games here.
don't spend much time on Sup Forums do you
So where would be best to play MHW, ps4 or pc?
Worst case scenario: They show the demo they showed a select people at E3.
Best case scenario: They show a new build and maybe a new monster...
PS4, peecee and Xbone will be dead ghost towns with no community
>best case scenario: they show combat
How did streams go of their previous games?
60fps gameplay
> peecee and Xbone will be dead ghost towns
> peecee
Usually PC ports are awful, and we could have the good old 30 fps locked meme. Too early to tell tho..
So maybe buy on a console just because they get it early?
>this meme again
People who seen the demo said nothing has changed.
>PCfags still think they actually buy games
PC will have a userbase after three years when the game drops down to $5. Before that it'll just be pirates. Not that consoles will do much better, this shit is going to crash and burn without the Japanese handheld market. Fucking Yoshi has more pre-orders then World.
Its already confirmed for 30, might increase i-frames too since we're playing with half the frame rate now.
Given that E3 was like a week ago, it's probably the first one you listed.
whichever one you and your friends will be playing on.
>Last MH game I played was the PSP ones
>will probably play this one
Now I'm torn which to play it on, PC or PS4.
Its ps4 exclusive in nipnongistan so you'll have them to play with as well.
We can always hope that they show off a PC build and slap on a pre-alpha disclaimer. Did you get increased i-frames for MHX?
Fuck off shill
I hope monster hunter finally dies.
Anything past MHFU was trash, and the playerbase is full of minmaxing faggots.
>Game purposely doesn't show damage
>People go out of their way to figure out damage zones and dps
>Game is about working together
>People time attack to bring competition into it
This shit became gay a long time ago.
PCfats are the only ones who can save this game from being a massive financial failure.
What's the best MH clone?
Toukiden 2 is really good.
they only show 1 map and it look like your typical MH map to me.
I don't know I skipped that one, you can increase them with armor skills though.
I've played Toukiden 1 demo on the vita and it was meh. Did 2 really do justice?
Am I the only one hoping that a special edition Monhun xbox x comes out?
same shit
Toukiden 2 might feel less like a MH game because its pretty fast paced and more about combo chains and stuff but the "open world" aspect of it reminds me of the free-hunt roaming map and the weapons are all pretty fun.
You do kinda need to bring the NPCs with you though, and they do feel overpowered for the first bit of the game.
Defintely PS4 since PC is full of hackers. It'll probably be released late af for PC too.
Pls stop bullying,
I just want to play monhun in 4k 60 on a monhun styled console )':
You're a jaded cunt but I agree that seeing the damage you deal is fucking gay.
>PC cheaters with one hit KO destroy monster weapons
Enjoy your lobbies
Why do online games die so quickly on PC? I'm a console person and still play Uncharted 4's multiplayer to this day.
Because people flock back to the big titans of online games like LoL/Dota 2/CS:GO etc which don't have counterparts on console.
Also much more frequent releases of games to also draw attention like early access titles that are FOTM streamerbait and drag audiences to them.
You can turn it off retard
>not playing with freind
Probably because of just how many games are released daily on the platform. Games like Dota 2, CS:GO, LoL have a huge monopoly over the multiplayer side of things on PC. It's not as dead as Sup Forums likes to make it, considering you can't even corroborate numbers on the console side of things, but that's what I think.
It will be the same leaked footage with the rest of the time being used for Japanese corporate dick sucking.
should we let this thread die and erect another one close to stream?
just show co op play
>MH babie scared of damage counter.
are all MH fans this casual?
>this much of a sonybro
the only reason to prefer ps4 is if you want to constantly play with asians
which is cancer fuel
Obviously pc
i bet xbox one and pc will be able to play together. while ps4 only gets to play with retarded japs
Go back to whatever hole you slid out of
/mhg/ should rename to /ninmhg/
PS4 will also have the superior online and matchmaking service and won't be filled with hackers like PC
>tfw will get cats with Kat outfits because Playstation
>stream in 4 hours
>2:37 AM
>the sonybros have their damge control line already
I guess this time you can't go for graphics. LOL
Either PC or PS4. Xbone is irrelevant outside of Mexico.
that place is filled with nintendo fans nothing new.
>going to nintendo nest.
it's 2:40 pm here
There's no advantage with PC though, MHW will have 1080p30fps parity across all platforms (though PS4 Pro owners get exclusive access to top end 4k)
3:40 AM here
>implying hackers will even be a problem
this isn't cowadoody my retarded friend
we're talking about game where you only play online to either be with friends or to be carried by strangers
you see a fag one-hit the monster? you leave the server
>though PS4 Pro owners get exclusive access to top end 4k
You dont actually believe this dont you?
Raths, Tigrex, Diablos, Lagiacrus, Nargacuga, Zinogre, Brachydos, Rajang, and Deviljho are shoe ins right?
>superior online and matchmaking service
>paying extra to be allowed to use p2p connections
what did he mean by this?
30 fps lock on PC wasn't mentioned when they talked about it for xbox/ps4.
Rath , Tigrex and Deviljho should be removed
Will Charlotte play MHW?
Nothing except the raths are shoo ins
This looks like Tri 2 electric boogaloo so the roster might just be 20 new monsters plus raths and diablos again
Remove those anime monsters from your list and we have a deal
3.45 pm here SEA.
Thailand masterrace?
Don't leave Monoblos behind this time!
>need to wake up at 7
>it's almost 1 now
yeah not likely
3:46AM reporting
Is it worth staying up, bros?
>Rath , Tigrex and Deviljho should be removed
MHW will be the Pokemon Sun and Moon of the franchise.
It will be recorded and you will all be able to watch it at anytime you please. There is no advantage whatsoever to staying up late/getting up early to watch something like this
SEA is worst than Middle east.
>not wanting to shitpost live with your Sup Forums lads
You need to leave
X/Y of the franchise*
Sun/Moon at least had Lillie, you can't say the same for MHW and its american guildie.
I second that notion
good joke
hello brother mudslim. How's ramadan going?
I agree with Rath. Raths make up like 86% of all the quests in every MonHun. Keep Tigrex even if he's retarded and sometimes only spams his charge which then turns the fight into a bullfighting situation and keep Jho because it's Jho.
>anything worst than sand country.
>being the Asian equivalent of a Mexican