
is there any fix for the performance in this game?
it doesnt run very well

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Try the pirated version

i am

pirated version crashes even more often than the retail version due to some weird multi-processing issue.

Yeah, buy a PS4.
It works butter-smooth since day one

Don't pirate games

works on my machine (:

thats the antipiracy malware mod right?
no thanks, wouldnt download even if i had a legit copy

enjoy your shitty performance then

or i could just play a better game ;^)

>It works butter-smooth since day one

latest baldman fixed it you stupid fuck

Sad part is that this guy most likely isn't being ironic.

Welcome to world of PC gaming and shitty ports. Dunno why anyone doesn't have a console yet when PCs are so shit.

>I'm too stupid to remove the piracy check flags and compile it myself.
End ur life.

It's not the pc but the greedy devs fault for a shitty port with no fixes so it's a shit game

And those shitty ports are what keeping PC gaming alive.
Well them and shitty early-access and MOBA/Multi titles that exist only to milk money from 12 year olds and get viewers on Twitch.
>muh PC Master Race experience
Single player experience does not exist on PC anymore.

Because in 95% of cases even the shitty ports offer a superior experience. The reason why you see us PCfags complaining all the time is because unlike you guys we have standards and will call developers out on their bullshit. We don't just take it up the ass. We don't have to.

fuck.. you're right on that one
I guess pc gaming really is dead

Sadly true, if you want a good single player focused experience with good story, you need to get a console or play some low quality port after years.

There is absolutely no reason not to.

there is a mod fixes the hiccups of the PC version

This, PC gaming has become a bastion for twitch pvp childs and shitty half-baked games.
I used to like my games better on computer but I think I might end up buying a PS4 at some point, the PS3 already convinced me that consoles have insanely great exclusives: Okami, Shadow of the Colossus/ICO, Journey, Demon's Souls, Catherine, NieR, Ni no Kuni, and so on...

This is no longer time when Blizz was releasing Diablo and Valve was releasing Half-Life. Even RPGs that previously used to be PC only are heavy consolized now and PC versions are just ports.

It's called playing on PS4, the console it was originally made for.

>Singleplayer games don't exist on PC anymore
lmao what

stupid console shitposter thinks that AAA titles and multiplayer games are the only thing that exist on PC

Name a PC exclusive in recent years that could compete in quality with titles like BB, P5, Yakuza etc.

Fuck, he's right. Other than some MOBAs, nothing comes to mind. And those are multi, not single.

hollow knight

Consolecuck false flag.

I have PC and PS4 and I bought NieR:Automata on PC because it is 100x better than the PS4 version. 1080p 60fps with superior graphical settings. Upgrade your toaster you dumb son of a whore.

>tfw titan x sli
sorry you're too poor to own good hardware, my wife bought these for me then proceeded to suck me off.

>Oh yeah fuck consolecucks I can run this borderline PS2 game better than you
Both run the game at exactly the same clip and visual fidelity you fucking idiot.

>hollow knight
>indie Kickstarter title.
There are for sure better examples.

so this...... is.... the power..... of.. the PC??!?!?!?!


to counter what? soulshit #3523 and weebshit #239626236? lol

No, they fucking don't. PC has bigger view and less popins you disgusting dishonest son of a whore. Also, PS4 nor PS4 Pro can get 60fps rock solid, PC can.

Better than indie kickstartershit, early-accesshit, battle-royaleshit and MOBAshit you see plenty of on PC.

I have bot PC and PS4.

Bloodborne = God tier game, based From Software.
P5 = Boring turn based outdated garbage game with embarassing dating simulator and high school simulator for fat, loser, Sup Forumsirgin, ugly weebs who missed out on their life and have to emulate it in a game. I wouldn't play this game if I got it for free, to have it show up on my profile game list would be an insult to me.
>Yakuza = garbage franchise, overrated trash, le randumb autistic nippon humor.

Hollow Knight is 100x more fun and better than P5 and Yakuza.

The only good game on PS4 is Bloodborne.

is it gonna be worth picking up on steam sales or should i get it on PS4 at some point

>t. I haven't played the games I'm talking about

If you are sure your PC can run it, then pick it up on Steam sales, it's absolutely worth it. It has a lot to offer in terms of story, gameplay and music. Only issues are a few PC specific problems, but those can be entirely fixed with a mod called Fix Automata Resolution.

user please, soulshit is the same shit over and over

at this point it's hypocritical for any soulsfag to criticize call of duty while you wait for your yearly soulshit

Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are the only souls titles that I consider worthy of being played, I'm not shilling the franchise at all. I actually hope they stop doing souls for now, I want something original next.

PCfag being this delusional guys. Is there no hope for them?
Souls series has gone through a lot of changes and experiments, even if the base principles are very similar, they are different games. BB is just another tier and for the atmosphere alone it's better than any shitty PC exclusive.

Stop listening to these retarded console loyalists, the PC version is better if you don't have a toaster. PS4 version is ugly and shitty as fuck, 24fps. PS4 Pro looks better and has 40-50ish frames.

Only PC can get 1080p max settings 60fps.

>butter smooth 20fps

lmao the ps4 version is even worse
we just have higher standards

the ps4 version is actually a port

Holy fuck. This is actually sad. Are PC players so salty because they can't get a single good exclusive/PC focused tittle?

why the fuck would PC need exclusives to survive?

Oh right. PC gaming holds itself on shitty early-access titles that just milk money from children and meme indie games that get short hype from youtubers and streamers.
Not to mention MOBAs and other multi games made for 12 year old audience.
PCs are only embarrassing themselves more with each year.

>shitty early-access
oh please

Remember the debacle that as Crysis?
No one wants a repeat of that.

>install FAR
>can run at 60fps on my 5 year old pc
It's not hard OP

At least consoles have those quality exclusives. What does PC have? Nothing.

>quality exclusives.

Not him but if you're to going to cherry-pick PS4 games like that, the same can be done for PC games.

I tried to use FAR but the zip file didn't have a read me or anything executable, what the fuck do i do? I moved the files to the game files and still nothing.

Who makes a mod but doesn't fucking tell you how it works?

>the same can be done for PC games.
you already did

Keep cherry-picking while i will play BB on PS4.

for 2 years sure

Not sure when I did since I just found this thread...

(you) as a whole

>And those shitty ports are what keeping PC gaming alive.
>Well them and shitty early-access and MOBA/Multi titles that exist only to milk money from 12 year olds and get viewers on Twitch.
>>muh PC Master Race experience
>Single player experience does not exist on PC anymore.
Since the beginning PC was a place to dump ports on. It wasn't so obvious in the beginning, because the sources of these ports were mostly other home computers (which had hardware support for games built-in, while PC hadn't) instead of consoles.
From 1993-1997 was a small window, when companies made games specifically for PC, because both Commodore and Nintendo failed. The announcement of Xbox ended this era quickly and it was back to ports again.

Not him but is it the v3 version?

Maybe try not wearing high heels in the desert if you want to run fast.

This only makes things worse

At least we had Myst and Riven...

[citation needed]

>shilling Kaldaien
at least post the non virus version


Port is shit either use the light mod to fix performance or use the PS4 version if that doesn´t work. luckily I have a friend with a PS4 end he lend it to me for a few weeks, it works fine on it

Not really true. There were still PC only titles that were quality, but not all were industry defining. 2000+ was Diablo II, Gothic 2, Witcher, Vanilla WoW, Warcraft, Civ games.
Most are RTS and RPG, true, but those were quality titles exclusive only for PC.
Nowadays RPGs are dumbed down and released on consoles and RTS is a dead genre.
If you look for atmospheric single player experience with solid artistic style, story, gameplay like BB or P5 you won't find it on PC sadly.