>mfw i realize Sparta was real
Mfw i realize Sparta was real
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>mfw when Sup Forumsermin use ancient memes
Except that whole movie was wrong.
>Spartans fighting for freedom
They fought so they could keep their own slaves
>Spartans never surrender
They did at Sphacteria
>a women addressing the Ekklesia
Yeah but no, also I don't think adultery was such a big thing in Sparta due to them practicing eugenics
>everyone else is a bitch
Actually there were around 8000 Greeks, and around 1400 stayed with the Spartans, even if the 700 the and were forced too
>ephialtes was a hunchback
He was just a non-Greek farmer jeez
>the whole portrayal of the Persians
Xerxes wasn't a massive African, he dressed normally, had a normal harem, and the Persians did not bring elephants or lizard Poeple or any of that. Also the immortals were just normal dudes, like the Persian elite force
>the final battle
Leonids wasn't some buff 30 year old he was 60, and he was one of the first to die with the next few hours spent with the Greeks and Persians fighting for his body.
Fuck Snyder really dropped the ball on this one. 90% accurate my ass
MFW I share the boards with people like you
It's super blatantly distorted, nitiwit. Yes, you have to debunk that the immortals were not actually a completely extreme race an order of magnitude more different from ordinary people than hottentots or neanderthals.
i think they mean 90% accurate to the comic book
Nah in an interview he said in reference to the historical accuracy of the movie that it was 90% accurate, and also that a historian had watched it and praised it for the historical information.
I know my post was a bit of an "hut due I'm smarter then you" but this makes you sound like one of the most pretencious neckbeards I've seen
It's funny how people are fascinated with Spartans nowadays, I mean their society makes Nazi Germany look tame and reasonable.
It's based on a comic book.
Shut the hell up. Making a ridiculous, fantastic, idealistic movie that wallops you with pride about being ridiculous, fantastic and idealistic is infinitely better than making a ridiculous, fantastic, idealistic movie that sneaks up at everyone and pretends to be earnest and down to earth.
It's still there, user. It's just not that important anymore
Most of the events and all of the characters are real but are not depicted accurately for the sake of epicness.
According to ancient greeks, spartans were "slaves of themselves" because of their overly strict lifestyle.
Blast from the past.
the 10% they didn't mention was how the 300 Spartans were accompanied by a few thousand slave soldiers
300 was 10 years ago, user..
>300 was 10 years ago
>Assassin's creed was 10 years ago
>Halo 3 was 10 years ago
The funny part is that they weren't even that good at warfare. They were too inflexible in their tactics.
I meant it more broadly, "in modern days".
>what is an unreliable narrator
this was actually all intentional
you remember how at the end of the movie it was basically all just a retelling by a messenger sent back by his king to rouse his people to battle? its gonna come with some embellishing and propagandizing. fucking historians couldn't even get exact numbers correct half the time and are always painting one side or another in the limelight. history as we know it is probably skin deep and theres probably just a lot of lies and shadey dealings behind the scenes that we'll just never know about
>few thousand slave soldiers
From my understanding they were just soldiers from other Greek city states. Surely the Athenians there were not slaves.
>American economy relies on slave labor and the dominant religious groups all agree that if you're enjoying yourself you're probably committing a sin
>they revere a culture that was self-sufficient thanks to slave labor and had a notoriously strong army whose training regime consisted of as much suffering and as little pleasure as possible
the way they function as a republic is pretty much the same too. just replace King 1 and King 2 with President and Vice President
Troy was better
ah damn now i'm reminded of that extremely brief yet awful time when movie theaters were full of parody after parody.
>The Spartans were composed of two morai led by the polemarchoi Gorgoleon and Theopompus. They outnumbered the Thebans at least two to one. According to Plutarch, upon seeing the Spartans, one of Thebans allegedly told Pelopidas "We are fallen into our enemy's hands" to which Pelopidas replied, "And why not they into ours?" He then ordered his cavalry to ride up from the rear and charge while he reformed the Sacred Band into an abnormally dense formation, hoping to at least cut through the numerically superior Spartan lines. The Spartans advanced, confident in their numbers, only to have their leaders killed immediately in the opening clashes. Leaderless and encountering forces equal in discipline and training for the first time in the Sacred Band, the Spartans faltered and opened their ranks, expecting the Thebans to pass through and escape. Instead, Pelopidas surprised them by using the opening to flank the Spartans. The Spartans were completely routed, with considerable loss of life. The Thebans didn't pursue the fleeing survivors, mindful of the remaining Spartan mora stationed in Orchomenus less than 5 km (3.1 mi) away. They stripped the dead and set up a tropaion (τρόπαιον, a commemorative trophy left at the site of a battle victory) before continuing on to Thebes. Having proven their worth, Pelopidas kept the Sacred Band as a separate tactical unit in all subsequent battles.
>mfw Spartans were shat on by a literal band of homosexuals
Ultimate warriors my ass.
Man, you can dislike present-day Murrica but it's not really close to the shithole that was Sparta.
This guy knows about all this
Pretty good channel
>The orange is a better fruit than chocolate
>the spartans were also a band of pedophile homosexuals
Nah, they didn't have any Slaves soldiers. They did force the Thebans to come along to prove they weren't working for Persia though
>tfw no ancient age video game ever
Age of Empires 1 remake is coming to Windows 10 only, it doesn't count.
I don't get it.
Athenians didn't fight at Thermopylae. They fought at Artimisium, which was a naval battle that worked alongside Thermopylae to block the Persians. One from the land and one from the sea
X wing versus TIE fighter
Quake 2
Wing Commander Prophecy
Grand Theft Auto
Those were TWENTY years ago.
Nah, that was just a bunch of closeted gay historians trying to justify their sexuality by saying Spartans fucked little boys
Spartans were such dicks.
Athens was trying to advance Philosophy and protoscience but they had to stop every decade or so because the fucking Spartans thought another war with Athwns would be a fun past time, even if they had arrived to peace agreements promising "never again" each time.