How long before we see a giant monster game that isn't destroyed by the Furry Mafia?

How long before we see a giant monster game that isn't destroyed by the Furry Mafia?

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If its designs aren't blatant furbait, it won't.

New War of the Monsters when?

only white people watch kaiju and only black people play fighting games. There's no market.

I fucking love this game!

Pretty sure Japan is working on one right now.

but Godzilla is furry and I love fapping to him and his Kaiju opponents

I really wish there was a new Godzilla/kaiju fighting game, Destroy All Monsters and Save The Earth were the shit.

Godzilla PS4 was close to what I wanted, but it clearly wasn't designed to be a fighter in the first place.

only kaiju game that I know of currently in development is the survival one

Whatever happened to that game where you play as a human trying to escape the destruction of a giant monster? I think Godzilla was in it too. Did it ever come out?

Either make the game themselves without using Kickstarter, or if they use Kickstarter, just make sure there isn't large cash pledge rewards that give backers way too much power.

Godzilla and Rodan are literally the same fucking height in the films, your pic is bullshit user

Was only announced a few months ago.

The latest news is from last month that the Vita version was cancelled.

It was announced in late 2015.

Different eras. Showa Godzilla is smaller.

>When Japan made fun of 2014 Godzilla because he was chubbier then normal

Millennium Rodan is still 100 meters. They have always been the same height regardless of height changes.


There goes any chance of a localization, fellas.

>1998 godzilla

what a shitshow that one was.

Evangelion's inclusion assured that as well.

I've got an idea for one, set up like King of the Monsters 2, but with special moves akin to Tech Romancer and Battle Circuit, and a meter/transformation gimmick that can give your monster a unique boost. One feature would be picking up buildings to use as weapons, or destroying hospitals and restaurants to gain health, and little icons that let you summon army guys to assist you.
8 playable monsters, each with an alt costume with their own name and ending. Plus 3 unplayable bosses. At least 10 environments.

I enjoyed the character interactions from KoF 13, so maybe they'll have human partners accompanying them.

Initially I'm looking into making it in 2D, using Spine to make the characters hence the costumes, though I think they would be animated stiffly similar to Gundam Battle Assault 2 to emphasize the man in suit feeling of the old monster movies.

I wish you the best of luck with the development, user. Let's just hope an autistic furry with a green kangaroo fursona doesn't ruin it.

localization died with Gamera.

>I love fapping to him

Launch exclusive for Ataribox, baby.

Fuck off, 1998 was literally the best Godzilla and it was the best Godzilla movie.

There was not a single correct thing said in this statement.