Almost two years later and I'm still pissed.
Almost two years later and I'm still pissed
I'm pissed that we don't have episode 2 or 3, and that my FOB is overflowing with people, but I enjoyed the game
>muh edgy revenge story
Is there a more manchild infested fanbase than Metal Gear?
its a god damn video game get over it ok?
pissed is better than having illusions of a grand ruse that leave you a broken mess when it doesn't pan out
I can't stop building FOBs!
Reminder that this is the canon option.
Metal Gear is probably the furthest thing from edgy m8. People weren't upset they didn't get a revenge story they were upset they didn't get a story at all. Fag didn't even finish his game and then sold it to us for full price with a straight face.
Why shoot her in the chest and not the head?
I can't for these same posts but witg Death Stranding in a few years.
>hype game to ridiculous levels that not even the previous ones ever achieved
>constantly read and watch retarded fanwank theories
>rewatch the trailers like retards
>expect Big Boss to actually lose his mind and kill kids
It's your own damn fault. I can't wait for Death Stranding and round 2 of butthurtness.
What? Yes you can, there's a limit of 4.
get over yourself
>they didn't get a story at all
That's a very cool meme, my man. I guess it's better to get a game with no story than a story with no gameplay at all like MGS4
>change the tone and structure of your series
>retarded fanbase lie to themselves because they didn't get the wacky anime fanservice bullshit
Does anyone even care about Death Stranding? I never see Sup Forums talk about it. I legit think MGSV and DS basically being a movie has killed a lot of the love for Kojima. The only time I see DS mentioned is by Mads fangirls now.
>getting hyped for when something fail to live up to hype
do you not see the hypocrisy here?
What gameplay there was in MGS4 was fucking great. But it definitely didn't get a pass from the fanbase. Regardless of how batshit insane MGS4 was, fans were invested. That's what makes MGSV such a fuck you.
What the fuck are you trying to say
Because you can survive a shot to the head, but a broken heart always kills .
>pic related went more nuclear than Snake ever did
>What gameplay there was in MGS4 was fucking great
Another cool meme
>that's what makes MGSV such a fuck you
So, literally, it's not what I wanted so fuck you!
Typical metalgearfag reaction.
>Kojima senpai just fuck me in the ass exactly like last time! Please, just fanservice my shit up and fuck up the lore beyond repair as much as you can!
>he thinks the ruse isn't on
expect something on july 7th, 30 year anniversary to the day
Nier: Automata healed the wounds left behind from MGSV.
It delivered where Kojima failed.
This is the same exact posts everytime.
Play a different game. Plenty of better ones out there.
Take the boobs off Quiet and really look at the shape of that body. This is "youtube taught me to draw women"... AKA the quality of art every digital artist puts out.
No it didn't. Why would it?
>Kojima senpai just fuck me in the ass exactly like last time!
Except for the fact that no game in the series was exactly like the last one. People were fine with him going all open world and taking it in a new direction. It's just the fact that he bungled it.
Something new doesn't get a free pass just because it's new you assmonkey.
ZTD and FFXV healed those wounds for me. At least MGSV was a competently made product.
I don't know hoe anyone can say MGSV is unfinished after playing FFXV. That shit is legit unfinished.
>2015 is already two years ago
Time needs to slow down a bit.
>game with good gameplay
>sonybros hate it
>game with mediocre gameplay
>sonybros love it
really makes you think
I hate that series ended with a fake Big Boss and no Solid. Give me some closer. Just do one last cutscene after credits set tens years later of the real Big Boss with the rest of Fox hound meeting David for the first time.
Main reason why I'm skeptical about Death Stranding.
>no game in the series was exactly like the last one
kek, 4 is literally 3 with a few new things and a completely retarded story.
2 is literally 1 but with a few new things and a better story.
>something new doesn't get a free pass
Never said that.
But the number one complaint is "It doesn't feel like Metal Gear, it's not like the old ones".
the series ended with Metal Gear Solid 4. PP is a side story, not something meant to replace MGS4 as the final conclusion
>I don't know hoe anyone can say MGSV is unfinished after playing FFXV.
Because MGSV literally had the last arc of its story that didn't get finished sold back to the player as a collector's edition movie disc.
>MGSV literally had the last arc of its story that didn't get finished sold back to the player as a collector's edition movie disc
red herring, reach disarmament.
>A sequel in a series doesn't feel like previous games in the series
I still don't see what point you're trying to make. If he was going to make a game that felt nothing like Metal Gear he should nut up and make a new IP.
Solid was literally raised by the patriots for the US military. He wasn't some big secret that was found in a third world country by Grey Fox or something. He just transferred in.
>last arc
How retarded can you be? Mission 51 is one mission and finishes a side plotline that's unrelated to the main theme.
It also takes place before Mission 43 and 46 in the timeline, so it's not the "ending" you fags desperately want.
>teases hype second chapter after you seemingly beat the game
>actually delivers a complete second half that follows through and gives some of the most intense and dramatic moments this console generation
>this second half is complete enough that it functionally serves as a sequel to the first half.
>successfully has themes about revenge, race, prejudice being at the heart of war and conflict
>Characters actually go nuclear
>the fucking robots in this game feel more human and less robotic than every character in MGSV except for Kaz.
>an absolutely genius thematic final ending that ties all of the themes and plotlines together with an emotional conclusion. This ending is also something that can ONLY be done in a video game, delivering on yet another promise that Kojima failed on.
This is why, and how it did.
>That's a very cool meme, my man.
So is claiming that a bunch of kids escaping with the most dangerous weapons ever created and Kaz being obviously preparing something in your back.
Wait that sentence ended abrutly, you feel it too don't you?
Kek, Nierfags are this deluded. Guess it's easy to have a second part when each part takes like 6 hours to complete lmao.
>he should nut up and make a new IP.
you mean what he'd been trying to do since after MGS1 but wasn't able to because Konami was only interested in paying him for more metal gear games?
So? Still seeing Big Boss meeting the son and man that would end his fate for the first time would be more powerful than anything MGSV did. Having old BB going through the recruits and having walk a line until he gets to the end and then the camera pans up to show young David with Big Boss and Grey Fox,that would feel like an ending. Instead we get BB riding off and the just made the whole game feel absolutely pointless.
>mediocre gameplay
It is the DMC4 of our generation
>Most misunderstood game since MGS2 both in story and gameplay
>"Muh revenge of the sith story!"
>"The trailers lied!" (they didn't)
>mfw somebody claims the best way to play is to tranq and fulton everyone in sight
Meanwhile, the game received critical acclaim all around. It was hands down the most fluid MGS experience. It was only held back by being unfinished, not only in terms of content but also in polish. What we got was stunning, we just could have had more.
A flawed masterpiece if there ever was one.
People crying about TPP are hardly fans to begin with. They probably never collected the frogs in MGS3 or beaten any of the games on euro-extreme.
>6 hours to defeat
Sure, if you rush through without doing any exploring or sidequests at all. The only playthrough that should be played like that is route b
Oh please he's willingly gone back to the MGS series multiple times out of his own volition. Peace Walker was him wanting to make something for his kid, I hate this meme that cropped up about Kojima wanting to stop but fans not letting him.
But Konami was responsible for the MGSV's cut content and dissapointment. Not Kojima Productions. That's why I expect Death Stranding to be pretty good.
No, that would be dumb fanservice for dumb retards.
>Shining lights, even in death
>A Quiet Exit
>the Paz scenes
>not emotional
Off yourself.
What a disappointing entry to an excellent franchise
It's existence is unnecessary
Explore what? Empty open world?
>SIDE quests
More like fetch quests
>Meanwhile, the game received critical acclaim all around.
Games journos were flown in for a 48 hour review bootcamp and played on easy difficulties so they could speedrun through the story. I hardly take their opinions as anything worth thinking about.
He is right tho
The game had so much potential to show us many characters at the same time and we got only liquid and even that was cut off
Only the initial 20 reviews published on August 23rd were from the bootcamp. The rest aren't.
Not him but man that's what I hate most about MGSV. There were shining diamonds of brilliance within a long boring trudge through shit. They clearly had no business doing an open world game and I wish what we had gotten was more like Ground Zeroes.
>pointless proxy war felt pointless
as it should. the pointlessness of modern war has been the core theme of the franchise since MG1
MGSV was a overrated mess.
>No, that would be dumb fanservice for dumb retards.
What series do you think you are playing retard? Fucking MGSV existing at all is just fan service. Nothing that happens in the game matters and it's just pandering like brining back Miller, Liquid and Psycho mantis and FUCKING volgin. Seriously you MGSV fanboys are delusional.
>What I don't like is overrated
Literal children
The story, characters and world building felt pointless.
>nothing that happens doesn't matter
So because it doesn't change everything about the series, an experience doesn't matter? Besides, the trailers told you this. "A Phantom War waged by the Vanished"
>If games journalists say it's true you can't disagree
Literal retard
>you shouls listen to random faggots on Sup Forums because their opinion is more important
Literal retards
Except those random faggots on Sup Forums are stating just that, their opinion while you, other faggot on Sup Forums, are trying to tell them they're factually wrong because review scores.
My point is that the game is pandering just like all the other games in the series. But good job focusing on only half of that sentence.
I didn't. In fact, the only thing I said is that the only boot camo reviews were the initial 20. I'm not the other guy.
Those are only a small portion.
Even with 0 and 10 review bombing on metacritic the user score never dips under 7 across all systems. And the critic score is 90+ across the board.
Metacritic might not be an accurate representation but it's all we got really. Considering it scores well all around and that it was the best selling MGS game you really can't say the game wasn't well received.
I'm not saying it's a 10/10 game but it's still a phenomenal game in the end, despite certain glaring flaws. Literally played for 400+ hours and planning to take a fresh start when I get some downtime from work. Sorry it didn't click with you I guess.
I'm normally a huge proponent of story through gameplay and things like Dark Souls. But I feel like MGS was the one series that was built around that over the top feel. So I totally get the disappointment in MGSV, especially after MGS4. V has a ton of good themes but open world is a literal death sentence for presentation and story. Just look at BotW for another game that attempted the jump to open world and completely sucked any kind of investment out of it.
When you remove linearity it kills pacing and makes it hard to tell a coherent and stimulating story because you can't time those beats anymore.
I agree. Would have loved to see Child Solid Snake.
Volgin barely appears, never talks and is there to portray one of the main themes.
Liquid and Psycho are brought back to explain how they ended up together.
Miller is absolutely not fanservice.
> brining back Miller,
no one cared about Nigger Killer Miller, until PW actually gave him a character
I beat MGS1 for the first time and it called me an elephant. I'm guessing I did really fucking poorly.
I bet you would
Fucking pedo
which is why you should instead tell episodic stories in an open world, but MGSV was barebones as fuck in this regard as well.
To be fair, MGS is one of those sacred cows like Zelda that plays by its own scoring chart.
>Metal Gear is probably the furthest thing from edgy
how can you say this shit with a straight face
No but it's up there..
I think Kojima might of had some responsibility as far as how we got it. Giving himself credit in every mission had me feeling it was his way out pouting.
The games still an 8/10 in my book
My biggest issue was that Kojima ruined the chance to have a good grounded story, all he had to do was emphasise the pain of loss, the revenge (what we got most with Miller) and focus on military scenarios 1980s style. The whole 'air evac in the middle of afghanistan with the chopper blasting duran duran' aesthetic.
Instead we got the whole parasite bullshit with Quiet and Skullface
I'm honestly jealous man. MGS was my favorite series and mechanically it's the best it ever has been. But I just cant bring myself to care. I tried popping it in a month or two ago and I had no desire to do anything. It's just boring as shit to me. I hate open world games.
Are you retarded? He's saying that you're getting hyped to see other people get hyped. In other words you're being a faggot.
Agreed. MGSV was great, my only gripe is that the replay value isn't as high because of the nature of large scale games like that. I will never enjoy it 30+times like mgs2.
Because it cant stop laughing at itself long enough to attempt serious drama. 3 was a James Bond movie in everything but name. The series plays edgy tropes with a wink at the player.
this so much
>Instead we got the whole parasite bullshit with Quiet and Skullface
MGS games are always about some high-concept shit like that.
I only started playing it right now and the fucking camera work on all the cutscenes is nauseating. Fucking amateurs trying to pull off shaky cam even though there's no need for it. Aside from that, the gameplay is pretty solid.
The big problem is after 4, despite how much we bitched, we liked the stupid answers for stupid questions that Kojima was giving. We bought into the ridiculousness of things like Raiden and the Patriots being the MGS3 crew. Because we weren't asked to take things seriously but merely come along for this wild ride.
Then Kojima comes out and tries to drum up this huge serious sequel that is going to go to dark and taboo places that no other video game has ever gone to and it's going to be the grand finale to the MGS series. So we have MGS4 playing in our head and then we get Peace Walker Extended Edition Now Featuring Less Story.
I'm just starting this and although I do actually enjoy the sandbox style spec ops gameplay, when does the story open up? I'm like 20 quests in and its mostly just been tactical side ops stuff, nothing that feels like your typical kojima cutscene filled game. its already really irking me that keifer sutherland seems to do nothiing but grunt and say at most 2 lines, which is even further hampering the story for me because I remember past metal gears being completely different/full of dialogue and snake being someone you can really like as a character, instead we got a quiet yet overpriced faceless grunt type protaganist that did not use sutherlands "range" or "talents" at all. and wtf no phone calls with shit tons of info and random dialogue? when does this game become a metal gear game? i didn't buy metal gear to play ubisoft fuck.
>MGS games are always about some high-concept shit like that.
Nah I get that but he just had way too much shit going on in this one. He's always emphasized themes in the past and stuck to them, but MGSV, despite being about 'Revenge' had multiple ideas all clashing together:
>revenge (moby dick allusions)
>Patriots origins
>Nuclear arsenals/metallic archaea
>Metal Gear Sahalanthropus
>Vocal Cord Parasites
>Diamond Dogs
>1984 theme? (Big Boss is watching you)
>Venom / Big Boss twist
there was just too much stuff
Show why is Liquid and Mantis roles in MGSV not considered pandering but having Big Boss meet Snake would be?
>when does the story open up
Oh user.
That is the story.
Instead of extensive cutscenes the story is told through different means. Most likely due to the flack Kojimbles got from the long winded cutscenes in MGS4.
The tapes, the conversations you can hear out in the field, the codec calls and very few cutscenes are how it's done in TPP. There's also less focus on words during cutscenes, but more on facial animation and body language. There's actually a shit ton of story in TPP but it just went over people's heads. I missed tons of it on my first playthrough as well.
I think Kojimbles might have been a bit overboard with the idea but it resonated with me a lot on my second time going through.
And they fucked up with the lack of boss battles and polish.
If you have it on PC I highly recommend infinite heaven. It fixes a lot of the things wrong with the open world (dead zones for instance). If not, try getting creative with your loadouts, explore the maps and mission areas, ghost around the enemies instead of taking them out. You'll discover many little tricks and story bits you never realized where there.
During missions, the open world is kinda limited anyway.
I have bad news and I have bad news
This is actually the first time I see anyone who actually did it.