Life is hella strange

So there's been quite a few threads about this game recently. Why so many threads senpai? Consider this thread #1 of the day

Other urls found in this thread:

It was "free" with PS+


Prequel announced also

You hella gay, op.

this is actually how I got into the game. Never cared about it much even though I owned it on Steam before (one of my impulse buys). haven't played a single minute until PS+ version, then I played through all episodes in one day. fuck I wasn't prepared for these feels. I'm still depressed 2bh

I didn't know there were this many femanons in Sup Forums

I'm a big burly straight white 29 yo dude (male) and I still cried like a bitch

>Finding Chloe on a wheelchair, and watching her parents suffer the financial burden of keeping her alive.

>reversing this alternate timeline, letting William drive off to his death
>apologizing to a young chloe over and over again as you fade out of existence

I'm actually interested in the prequel. Don't know if I'm going to pick the most "Chloe" options or make her act like a decent person.

Reminder that DONTNOD didn't want the prequel game to happen.


Well yeah, because you're a bitch. Being big and burly doesn't cancel that out.

Oh boy, another life is shite thread for me to rip on this garbage of a "game"

Life is strange prequel is pointless because time travel was the only interesting thing in the game

Also chloe voice actress isnt even coming back

I'm more interested in Season 2 to be honest

>wanting more ashly burch in your game

this i was SHOOK

consider necking yourself
also from what ive heard the new actor comes pretty close to original. Lets hope tho

It's on PS+
Pretty terrible game though. I think it was made for teenage girls.

>also from what ive heard the new actor comes pretty close to original

Haha, no. She's fucking terrible.

Stilted, awkward delivery in a flat monotone, plus her voice is much deeper than Burch's (which makes even less sense when Chloe is supposed to be younger here).

>"look at me everyone!"

holy shit faggot
should've played it at 4k 150 fps with enhanced time travel mods like a real gamer

made me smile more than it should have

I couldn't get into this shit. I always play these episodic or story driven games with my family. We tried to get into it but it was straight up boring. I guess it was the pacing that messed up the experience for us.
We got to episode 3 and they decided to just drop it. I at least tried to convince them to just get through the rest of episode 3 at least but even I grew tired. I just wanted to see if there were lesbian scenes in it

I think we'll try wold among us next. I've seen it praised on Sup Forums every now and then.

Have you played Tales of the Borderlands yet? I think it's Telltale's best game

Ep 3 was the last good ep everything went downhill after that

>and now i'm mad
most excellent bait monsieur

Game made me realize I wasted my best years on a mongolian image forum instead of going out and thrashing it.

>i play these games with my family
>i just wanted to see if there were lesbian scenes in it

life is quite strange

Because Tumblrfags like you keep making these shitty threads?

Reminder that Before the Storm is not being done by the same studio and wont feature the time travel gimmick. The biggest thing the studio making it has done in the past is the ps3 ratchet and clank collection.

At least he's not an insecure faggot like you.

>omg hide, david will be mad if he finds you here
>why didn't you come out and take the blame for this weed?
i'm glad this game had a happy ending
you can't blame max for not talking to that bitch for 5 years

Do they actually get together in the game? All the fanart/porn I see is lesbian and it's really cute .

No, I haven't actually. The only tell tale titles we've played were the walking dead. Even though people say it's been shit since season 2, we still enjoyed it.
Will I have to know about borderlands in order to enjoy it? Only played the first game a bit.
Really? Dam, we must have been playing it wrong then. I mean, sometimes we would get a little excited trying to figure out what was going but then everything comes to a halting screech immediately after. One of the better moments was us debating on whether it was the step dad or not.
Anyway, I guess we fucked up because kate died. We didn't really pay much attention to her since she seemed so moody n shit. We thought it was just bullying or whatever and the tape from the party slipped our minds.
We were focused on cucking Warren too much lol
Lol, not like full blown porn or anything. Just wanted to see how they end up being lesbians. I thought it would've happened when they were in Chloe's room and she brought out the pot.

I've watched game of thrones and westworld with my family. It's not that big of a deal...

It's an option of course the true ending is letting her die

Played like 20 minutes and felt like "first world problems: the game". Does it get any better?


how MAD you are.

>let's censor discussion, not on my Sup Forums

About Tales of the Borderlands, I think it's a good story on its own, sure you'd get more mileage if you were balls deep into the Borderlands universe but every character is new and the ones that aren't are well explained as to their traits and goals

They have a special kind of chemistry, you can have Max kiss Chloe in the game, which is emberassed by it. Chloe is definitely down for more, and it's up to the player's imagination if Max explores this further. There are some scenes in the game, that despite if you took the kiss or not, really show that Max might be curious.. these are not looks you give to "just a good friend"...

The game is literally teen angst incarnate. If you can relate to the characters at least remotely it's an enjoyable ride minus the ending which is shit regardless the quality of story

>teen angst
Confirmed for not playing the game.

confirmed yurifag

Not really. Chloe is a cunt and Max gladly lets her die.

Then she gets together with Victoria.

>first world problems: the game
Holy shit. Kill yourself.

I dont see anyone asking why there are 15 threads of the same thing at the same time when its a weeb game.

OP is a faggot

Actuallay played it through and liked it.The game tries to deal with the usual problems one might face at school, some of which is great, some much less so.
How the hell is this a weeb game?

Its not.
Read OP and my post again.

>implying OP isn't a LiS fanboy

Why else would I have cute pics like that saved on my PC?

>Instead of him going to pick up his wife from work, you make a scene, and delay him for over ten minutes
>He gets into a fatal car crash
>Chloe doesn't blame you for the obvious
This is where the game falls apart, not connecting the dots to the fact that skipping through time might in fact be causing many of the problems. What if he originally lived, but an alternate version of Max wanted to change something ever so slightly, and colossally messed up, making the outcome the current reality?

>Get incredibly immersed in a story
>The last chapter is a fucking catastrophe


If you like this game then you should kill yourself

to masturbate to them? hell if i know

of course i will kill myself because some user is bitter about a fucking video game existing

some real problems you have

>spend half of the chapter saving people from the storm
>it doesn't actually fucking matter because in the end you either destroy the town, thus killing them anyway, or make it so nothing of that ever happened anyway
Nice "choices".

bitch I've been dead since 1791.

You are everything wrong with the gaming community today. You're enabling developers to make garbage like Life is Shit. Go fuck yourself you vapid faggot.

>hurrr durr you enable bad games
1) dont buy them
2) dont visit threads of things you dont like
3) i can shit on everything you've ever loved and it would be the same
4) you are bitter because not everyone is like you
its all about (You) isnt it? Fuck off special snowflake

Hello plebbit. It's great that you keep using that word wrong. Makes you look like idiots.

You've been replying with buzzwords and swearing and the "plebbit is the antichrist" """"argument""""

Im judging by your dedication to show your hatred towards me that you must be very very much assblasted because of the existence of LiS.

Stay mad

Actually encountering the storm was one of the game's biggest problems.
They wrote themselves into a corner.
It should have just been a looming threat.

>oh no people like a game I don't like
>I should fix this by going up to them and telling them to commit suicide
Just shoot up your local super market user they'll be more receptive.

I finished this game a week or 2 ago and enjoyed it.
I knew how the game ended with it's dumb binary choice but do you think it was better know that beforehand or would it have been better to have not been spoiled on it?

also Kate Marsh is an angel and if you let her die you are scum

>this kind of love triggers the Sup Forums

Hella fuck y'all

>Sup Forums

Why the fuck is Max so fat in this drawing? She's 100lbs at most

She's going to die anyway, so why bother

That's not fat, it's pure muscle mass
Just look at them squat legs, damn

I don't like lesbians.

>shit story
>no gameplay
>unlikable characters
why do people like this shit again?

that's not how teenage girls are built

cute girls doing cute things


>Hot Topic clothing
>More Lesbian suggestions
>Choices up to Chapter 5 actually impacted the world

see You guys seem desperate by showing up here all the time

people like this game because it's a constant reminder to what they don't have
love, friendship, companionship
so they crave this game as it gave them these feelings. they experienced a feel of belonging and calmness when walking in the shoes of Max Caulfield and living her life at a college. A feeling of belonging and serenity they never had in their youth and never will in their future

>A feeling of belonging and serenity they never had in their youth and never will in their future

Stop I liked the game


>killed chloe
>killed the next elliot rodger
>created oc lewds of cute, innocent teen girls
jefferson literally did nothing wrong

the hero Arcadia deserved
fuck chole

oh look! Its you!

How did she shoot herself?

>implying you had superpowers to save you and your friends ass in case things went awry
You did the right thing desu.

Ricochet bullet. Which I actually saw coming but did it anyway to see what would happen.

crap wus made by a bunch of cis white dudes

basically patriarchy: the game

>Tumblr: The """"Game""""

why would I play this? even for free? what happened to Sup Forums? it's e-celebs, tumblr and Sup Forums discussions daily.


>Game makes its sjw characters look retarded
>Hero is a conservative ex soldier
>Villian is a leftist
Try playing the game first. I hear it's free on ps+


man tumblr hair looks like such a lanklet, aren't they usually shortstacks weighing in at 300lbs?

Better ending imo
Watching them stand together while the city is being destroyed was beautiful


>when she asks you to help her OD
I couldn't do it man

There's a landwhale with tumblr hair in the game but she's a dumb loser and you have to save her fat ass every time because she constantly gets hit by shit flying around.

You were thinking of pic related. Chloe is more of a femedgelord

Hol' up. What's this deal about some blood ritual between Rachel and Frank?