What are the biggest disasters in vidya history?
What are the biggest disasters in vidya history?
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EA sports.
Didnt years ago a truck full of E.T. games crash and destroy all the copies?
Sonic 06 for me
The PS3 losing bilions of dollars for several consecutive years has got to be up there.
How could they possibly recover?
Sony as a whole,
Normalised cancerous casual movie games to the wide audience
with the classics, atari
2nd is tortanic
3rd is the ownder swan
Duke Nukem Forever
By never releasing the 32X or Sega CD.
Not really
Alt Currency.
Its what set the stage for the DLC/micro transaction cancer we have today.
Paid mods
Isn't the forefather of dlc the infamous horse armor?
The actual crash of '83
SJW's worming their way into video games
MH World
Yes, but I honestly don't think the DLC cancer that we have today wouldn't be much of a problem if console players saw how much they were actually paying per purchase rather then having everything translated into arbitrary microsoft points, or in online games with arbitrary microtransaction currency for cash shops
Destroy all humans 3
No man's sky
Paid mods
Payday 2
Dragon age 2
Mass effect: andromeda
Mass effect 3 ending
That driver game
Diablo 3 auction house
breeding season
Mid 90's VR.
Blaxsploitation and hispanic exploitation in vidya during the 2000's.
Video game crash of the eighties.
Squaresoft's company history barring Final Fantasy.
Uhh, that's all I can remember right now.
E.T. for the Atari 2600 and Superman 64.
Spore hits too close to home. I still have a game magazine that details all the cool shit you could've made.
Not as big as Simcity 2013. That was so bad it (game being literally unplayable for the first three months unless you pirated it) caused EA's CEO to step down.
Xbox one with forced kinect.
you were forced to buy it with a kinect to make it even work and than people found out microsoft could use it to spy on other people and see that information.
than there was the need of always having to be online to play games and the marketing guy told people to stay with the 360 if they cant get a good internet Connection.
the entire thing was a shit show that still hunts the Xbox till this day.
Half Life 3. None of the core team is left to make it, and the hype train is too large not to disappoint. It will only be released if Steam stops being an effective marketplace which basically means it will never be released. RIP.
>see that information
"sell". the console costed more thanks to the kinect. almost as bad as sony Selling the first gen of ps3 for 499$ on its realese day.
season passes.
item box roulate.
the bad thing is people eat this shit up.
Last game I bought on release AND paid full price for. Now I never spend over ten bucks, if I spend anything at all.
The forefather of modern DLC would probably be original Xbox DLC (mostly map packs), or just PC expansions if you want to be broader
My attempted suicide.
the ouya
>Destroy all humans 3
Was it really bad? I like the second one, but never really care about the third
>That driver game
Which one?
I'm surprise no one has posted pic related, was Nintendo's first big mistake.
Btw VR is still a failure in 2017
pretty much this
>Was it really bad? I like the second one, but never really care about the third
It was a watered down forgettable Wii game
it wasn't a complete disaster though
If we are being serious?
The Hot Coffee debate and Jack Thompson opened the flood gates for a lot of current day gaming's issues. Gaming was always destined to become big. And yes, it was somewhat big before that. But it was still considered a somewhat niche hobby enjoyed by younger adults/kids and PC enthusiasts.
We might have been able to enter the mainstream with a more mature and level headed background going for us had it not been for the moral crusade against degeneracy in video games in the west. The ESRB was created mainly for keeping violent games out of impressionable kids; however violence is still socially more acceptable in media than sex.
Hot Coffee and other related things kind of started to show its head as gaming was reaching a wider audience. This, unfortunately brought on the attention of people who would not accept such degeneracy in a medium they were not even familiar with in the first place.
Now today, we have all sorts of people and groups fighting for different crap in this industry; effectively creating a never ending censorship that keeps video games from truly evolving as an art form. It's hard for outside groups of people to take the industry seriously when a certain stereotype still plagues it. This too hurts even more when people complain about things in video games that don't even care about them; but only their own personal agendas.
This too limits what variety we see in our games. Why go out of your way to make a poignant piece of work or something never done before in a game when it is just easier to follow the tired old but safe formula that has come many times before.
>Payday 2
You take that back right now
Jesus Christ, that hot coffee thing did hold gaming back. Wasn't the main reason they never finished it was because walmart and presumably some other stores would not hold x-rated things?
However thankfully the physical media is dieing out and games are recognized as art in America so it makes them harder to censor. However most of censorship now seems to come from within the gaming community.
Square Enix from 2009 and up
This. It made plenty of money but has geen a disaster for gaming. Casual walking simulators with cool cinematics have crept their way into nearly every game and i find myself more and more sitting there pressing a button once per hour
what is this hot coffee you speak off?
>go on psn store
>bf1 season pass costs more than the actual game
every day we stray further from the light of god
final fantasy 13 and 15 were shit. i dont even want them to do a 7 remake out of fear of them fucking it up.
all i want at this Point is KH3. waited 12 years for that game. 12. fucking. years!
that was great though. Idiots thinking they can play skyrim on their little iphone box was delicious
its something that underage kids that think ps1 is a classic ask what it is.
Sega 1994 - 1998
They fuck up so bad that it's in the books at Activision as a warning that you need to treat customers and distributors with respect or they can and will destroy you.
A removed GTA sex minigame that was modded back into the game.
This got to the press as "The new GTA game lets your kids fuck a vidya woman."
Dark Souls 2
>with the money
It's amazing how much watching social justice proliferate has changed my political values in such a short time frame.
The XB360 red ring of death. That shit was a disaster.
what? you could fuck Hookers and kill them to get thier Money back since VC (or was it 3?). why would they complain about a sex minigame?
SJWs have been in vidya since Half life 2 though.
Maybe you should fuck off from playing video games.
I dont think we even changed out political values that much. Everything around us just flew to the left and somehow found ourselves here. I dont think my opinions on silly shit like people cutting their cocks off changed but society itself now celebrates it.
I feel like the world left me behind and not in a good way
Selling game Collection editions without the game in it seems to be a new trend now.
Actual Official List:
>Sega 1994 - 1999
>The Square Enix merger
>1983 Crash (thanks, Atari)
A-ok. Chopping heads off with the chainsaw was ok along with burning people and running em over.
>simulated sex
unacceptable, ban it
Plot twist: FF7 was shit too
The millions wasted could've been for Borderlands 3.
>le SJWs are le problem xD
>nevermind the microtransactions, F2P model favoring Skinner box designs, locked down modding (including Starcraft 2 maps) to cash in on something that others create, centralized server model with no server browsers and no dedicated servers, it's the fact that a character in a shitty game is a nigger that is the worst thing about modern video games
Season passes, early access, paid mods, paid online, politics in games, censorship in localizations...
Too much wrongs in modern vidya, I'm sad.
Well it lead to that supreme court ruling and that was good
Because Sup Forums memed the conservatives to force the MSM (CNN, WSJ, Fox) to make a report on it. The game is already degenerate with appraisal of black culture.
Same reason Mass Effect got targeted: They finally found something they could just watch and be appalled about.
They needed their degeneracy served up hot and fresh: If they had to figure it out using in game systems, they were at a loss.
the e-sports craze, FPS games are a dead genre that all have "matchmaking", loot boxes, "seasons", and no server browser.
>gender: unisex
He is he doing that with his hand when his arms are behind his back?
More like vidya is genderless.
It's knowledge after all, as a concept.
Hot Coffee was (for the time) graphic and explicit
Cause sex in America is still a taboo
This is why I still play TF2. Because there is no new fun shooter to make me switch.
Sup Forums
Mobile f2p
At least we had spore chan
EA SimCity launch
Mega CD and 32X
Wii U release
PlayStation Network hack
Xbox One unveil
Sega Saturn launch
Red ring of death
Video game crash of 83
Why are burgers so backwards? Its just sex.
this desu
The e-sports craze seems to have redefined so-called "hardcore gaming" nowadays. A hardcore gamer used to be someone who was just really, REALLY into video games and owned/played a lot of them, usually of different kinds. Now "hardcore" is more aptly applied to the kind of person who hones a large amount of skill in a single genre that they play almost exclusively, be it competitively in an e-sports scene or speedrunning.
It kind of fucking sucks, because it makes it seem like getting really good at playing a game is the main point of investing a large amount of time in it. Back when Street Fighter started coming back and I was still in my late teens/early 20s, I was all for this shit, but now that I'm older and more focused on supporting myself? I can't make the kind of investment both time-wise and priority-wise in video games anymore, so I'm getting shittier, which is cutting down on my drive to even play.
If you think microsoft wasn't going to do the exact same thing you are wrong.
Are fat ugly women just jealous? It's never hot women complaining about this kind of stuff.
I played this game once and thankfully never got to hate it.
The sheer amount of rage threads about this game saved me.
There was nothing wrong with the PS1, but marketing the PS2 and 3 as movie players that serve as a means to get film audiences to start buying video games, with games getting more "cinematic" to make the transition more palatable, sure has created a big mess.
Guild Wars 2
Sex leads to muh degeneracy and atheism
The trend of shoehorning unnecessary politics in.
idk nick
The nerd culture and normalization of video games, appealing to the masses instead of the small circles of gamers.
Also mobile gaming, Android, IOS, market is full of potential, easy to develop for, milk, and with a huge playerbase, it attracts devs and pulls resources away from consoles and PC development.
Yes, just accept fate and embrace SJWs. Good little boy.
Probably gonna be the new Atari console when it comes out judging from how their last few games turned out. In fact Atari has just released flop after flop after flop since the 2600 it's amazing they're even still fondly remembered. Lynx was a pretty cool handheld though.
What even is this bait