>10m views in under a week
>10m views in under a week
Spiderman still on top. This is is sorted by view count.
It's because of that song.
It's strange to me that of all the stuff Sony had, Spiderman got the most views. It looks like a totally competent action game but are people really that into the idea of a new Spiderman game?
>Spiderman 1 week
>Mario 6 days
3D World, for comparison.
I would guess its because out of all the other games its one of the few that actually show GAMEPLAY!
Jesus christ I hate how many vids have gameplay tags and its just pre rendered footage
It's because movie and comic fags watch it, same reason the star wars games get so much attention. Both are huge multimedia franchises.
>video game for a 60 year old comic book franchise with a multi-billion dollar series of blockbuster hollywood movies
>barely more views than a nintendo game
>sonypals think this is winning
It's the only game that Sony showed off that looks actually good to play
Spiderman Homecoming by Marvel has a lot of hype that the game is piggybacking off.
Views on the basis of "look at this QTEFEST!" still counts as views.
Okay.. If you wanna count multiple videos
And Sony's conference was a day before Nintendo's.
Spiderman came out a day earlier
Sony btfo and destroyed
>3D World reveal trailer from E3 2013 has just under 3m views, four years later
>Odyssey reveal trailer from the Switch presentation in January has almost 24m views, not even six months later
What happened?
>breath of the wild reveal from e3 last year has 12.5 million views
what the FUCK
why do people love mario so god damn much
Well to be fair, if you search 3D World by view count, there's a page of videos with a fuck ton of views, the highest being 20 mil, the lowest being 5 mil. All multiplayer bullshit. I don't understand it, something is off.
But Nintendo has been getting a high number of views on all their trailers lately, that is still true.
I honestly don't know why you would make this post thinking it'll make Nintendo look better. You do realize Mario is a way more recognizable character than Spiderman? Are you saying Mario's irrelevant now?
Not the same game, just a parody. If you don't want to count the actual game then you may as well count the Spiderman movie as well since the game ties into that.
Using YouTube views is retarded and you should feel retarded for thinking it means anything. The Last Guardian's most recent trailer has about 4.5 million views but that shit died barely a week after release.
It's almost as if people didn't use youtube for game trailers as much in 2013, newfaggots. Gametrailers were still alive and big gaming media was still a thing.
>willingly displaying that you're posting on Sup Forums via mobile
so tell me again why phonefags are still allowed?
What part of the FACE of VIDEOGAMES do you not understand ?
Literally Mickey mouse.
>thinks youtube views equate to sales
>meanwhile the switch is getting outsold by a 4 year old console
hold me
Let's suppose you're a chinese owner of this big factory of LCD IPS screens.
Your son is a disappointing westaboo, your wife is hot nags you endlessly and you fine tuned your child labor to the max just to squeeze that last 3 cents of the manufacturing costs.
Then two companies come.
One is an american dumbass that wants 200 million screens from you, and is willing to pay 60-80 dollars because they're overpricing their product to 700+ dollars and can afford to do that.
The other is a japanese company that want only 20 million screens and will try to squeeze the last cent of you, asking initially to 20 dollars per screen for their 300 dollars product, "just because they will use a lesser manufacturing process.
Which one you will give preference to?
>yfw a Marvel movie trailer makes this in a few hours
When did vidya went wrong?
This is like those frozen elsa and spiderman videos with 50 million views. Parents from all over the world just put that mario video over and over to their infants just to be alone 1 hour.
3 million people wondering how good the game will be
24 million people wondering if this game will finally justify the console they bought/want
I though apple and nintendo got along
You know the video being pitted against it is literally spiderman, right?
too videogamey
not every dev can be as visionary and progressive as BioWare
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
"getting along" don't mean "lowering your production so another company can thrive".
But shit will get better to nintendo later on because most mobile manufacturers are moving to OLED.
But the flash chip is still a bitch.
really makes you think
did you somehow miss the legion of superhero comic drones infesting everything pop culture related?
the hordes of fanboys stinking up conventions, even if they have literally nothing to do with comic books. Anime & manga? needs a superhero corner
the stacks of regurgulated trash that just litters every comic book section in every store all over the world
the endless line-up of superhero movies that clog the schedule of every movie theater from now until at least 2030
and thus they obviously have to infect video games too. superhero games used to be considered on the same level as any other licensed game, which is trash (with exceptions). But now apparently they're the second coming of christ and just showing spidey's head guarantees you the most viewed game of E3 apparently
Meanwhile: nintendoenthusiast.com
inb4 Nintendoenthousiast
> top result
> cites source
I can say that AC Origins' "popularity" is bullshit because they literally placed ads on Youtube to have you watch a trailer
Or! just maybe, and a big maybe, they had better marketing?
I thought with the reboots, or whatever they're called now, people would get sick of Spider Man.
not everyone has a nintendo console.
marketing is killing the video games and none of you are aware of this fact.
>Includes all videos related to the title, including trailers, official gameplay, media coverage and fan-uploaded reactions
Also the Super Mario Odyssey trailer has doubled its views since then, and even at that time it was the 2nd most viewed trailer.
Not him but it is kinda true, Mario is the face of videogames.
What character could be more iconic than Mario?
Even the Prime Minister of Japan dressed as fucking Mario to announce Tokyo Olympics 2020.
swinging around new york is fun user, don't be so grumpy
threads like this are making me not buy a switch.
sonybros and nintenbros see the console wars as black and white while i see console wars as grey and grey.
b-but the xbox one x video has a current year gendered person on the thumbnail! this is sexist!
What has Mario being iconic has to do with consolewars?
You have no idea how youtube works. The youtube kids app chooses what video's to show a child, not the parent.
but consolewars is related to this thread.
go play the previous spiderman games then
don't forget this
>State a fact.
No this is actually fact man. Mario is the face of Videogames this has nothing to do with fucking Sony of all things or fuck you know what take it as an opinion I don't give a shit.
>Twitch XD
Spotted the subhuman
Tbh Nintendo would be a lot higher if it started in the evening
How did it got that much views without being wordwide trending for days like Mario anyway?
dont forget this
I'm just fucking sick of consolewars okay.
Most of it was shitting on their E3 though.
really makes me ponder
You are posting on the wrong board then my friend. Toughen up getting "Cyberbullied" by a bunch of fucking idiots on Sup Forums is the worst thing you can do.
didn't watch but the concept of flying in open world cities while grappling buildings seems perfectly adapted to this era of video games. still it's a bit sad that it has to be superhero related, i'd rather have something like a new gargoyle's quest
So the winner of E3 is determined by view count? So I guess the viewers could all anticipate the presentations because they only watched if it was going to be good?
>Sony-ggers in eternal damage control
Seize fire.
Youtube wasn't some obscure thing in 2013. It was still the most popular and widely accessed video site in the world. Gametrailers had already lost relevance and G4 was one year away from dying (which means it was in endless cops and cheaters mode after everyone had stopped paying attention to it).
Im sure its not the same 5 austists watching it over and over. Im sure it isnt
It looks like it will be QTE ridden. A setpiece game.
>looks like a PS3 launch title
I'll wait an extra year for the Switch emu.
Nintendo was split across twitch and youtube. Treehouse live day 1 has 2.8 million views on youtube.
Good. Less normies. Marvel movies are normie trash.
The top video was shared via Facebook, Nintendo paid to be trending
>Nintendo paid to be trending
Companies pay to be on the Trending page all the time, you don't think Nintendo, who's trying to sell the Switch wouldn't do it?
Shitty licensed shovelware
Most prestigious game series ever created
Yes, surely that's it. Surely people aren't interested in fucking Mario, a game that sells millions even on the fucking Wii U. Nintendo has to PAY to get people interested in Mario.
>Spider-Man on an unofficial channel has 10M+
>Spider-Man on Marvel's own channel has nearly 7M
Nintendo has more scummy DLC models than any other publisher, you think they are not scummy enough to pay for trending?
Costs much less than a tv spot
They're also trying hard to prevent The Switch from being another Wii U, why would it seem like they won't pay to give this game more exposure, especially when the "game that sells millions even on the fucking Wii U" only pulled in less than 4.5M views over 3 years ago?
>Nintendo has more scummy DLC models than any other publisher
More than EA? Get the fuck out of here. 3/10 you made me respond seriously for a while.
You all realize this is fake right?
>judging based off youtube videos
3D World sold 4.7 million on a console that sold 13 million. Nintendo doesn't need to pay for Mario to sell.
Does EA sell season pass that costs the same as the base game and have 50 different mcdonalds toys to unlock your disc-locked content?
>Does EA sell season pass that costs the same as the base game
Where the fuck have you been the past decade
>nothing but nintendo switch!
>nothing on nintendo switch!
5.6 million as of March 31st according to Nintendo's official site.
>no one wants an xbox one x reeee
>9million views on the video
Oh Sup Forums
Is it feasible we'll get a game like this on the Switch? Or is Nintendo using up all of their Mario juice on Odyssey? I missed out on Super Mario 3D World but it looks so fun
EA does this all the time. They also cut content to sell it as DLC.
>Battlefield 1 season pass, titled the “Premium Pass” by EA in an attempt to make it seem more worthy of its extortionate asking price, will be sold for $49.99.
I noticed every nintendofaggot has inferiority complex and need to shout how great his shitty company is. Both jap nin pigs 任豚 and western nin faggots are suffering from this. Really pathetic
Forgot the best part
>This is on top of the microtransactions that will already be present in the game, as confirmed by EA CEO Andrew Wilson, who said that these “micro-monetization opportunities” aren’t intended to make the game pay-to-win, but are instead an example of EA seeking to “provide value to the gamer in terms of extending or enhancing their experience.” The microtransactions will come in the form of Battlepacks, which were featured in both Battlefield 4 and Battlefield: Hardline. This means that when all’s said and done, if players want to get the “full” Battlefield 1 experience then they’re expected to pay $60 for the game and $50 for the season pass, along with a sprinkling of microtransactions if they see fit. All in all that’s a package of over $100, and that’s before the game has even been bloody released.
Actual toddlers watching toddler stuff on the internet doesnt count.
On the other hand,only manchilds feel the urge to prove their nintendomiation on anonymous image boards for chinese cartoons
sony always wins baby
Trending at least on YouTube isn't based on payment. It's unique visitors and other things YouTube won't reveal.
The fact that Spider-Man got so many views and was not trending is suspicious. Bots most likely.
Its based on paying off youtube. If you wanna see videos get viewbotted just look at the halo wars 2 trailers then at the sales numbers.
Only reason why spiderman never got on trending is cos sony and marvel forgot to pay off google.
I wouldn't say that buying for trending is scummy.
NoA blew millions to get a spot at the superbowl
>FIFA in the top 3