Is this, dare I say, the GOTY?

Is this, dare I say, the GOTY?

>It's another dogshit early access game episode

not even the best early acceshit goty

That's not Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Who the fuck is Playerunknown and why should I care about him

>it's another dogshit early access DayZ clone episode

say what you want but no other game has picked up this much attention, this game is shit hot, wherever you are work, school, college or shitposting on Sup Forums everyone talks about it, i know this is GOTY and ive not even played it yet, fuck this is game of the year and its not even out on consoles, WE WON STEAM BROS

It's pretty great, not apt for autists though, so this board will unanimously hate it.

This is five times more fun than DayZ.
You don't need to care about them nor should you. The worst thing about this game is it having his name on it.

I have 185h played and it's still fun as hell. I didn't wanna buy it at first, but some of my friends did and I caved, and despite what Sup Forums told me it's actually fun.
There are some bugs and the physics are wonky, but compared to games like Arma it feels pretty solid. The devs are pretty active, fixing bugs and have already improved performance quite a bit (though there's a long way to go) and they're adding new stuff. Since the EA release there's already been a motorbike and a weapon, the VSS, added, and they're adding a Glock and the Groza soon.

The Glock seems to be select fire and have the ability to add a red dot sight to it. I wonder if it will be an OK weapon for close range fighting. As of now, I like to have a long range gun like the Kar or an AR with a scope and pair it with a UMP or a Vector for close to medium range combat. It would be cool if this fill the same role as an SMG.

>this is made by bluehole

Elin player models when?


it's a shit game for streamers and children with piss poor PCs, basically.

when the private server software and modtools are made.

both of these are why goty

Almost certainly, once it gets ported to consoles it will be as popular as gta/cod.

So it's the nig-goty

but the game is constantly shit on for being optimized like shit because you can only run it smoothly on powerful rigs

dumb nigger

>Battleye malware

throw it into a burning dumpster

It requires a supercomputer you idiot, my PC can run battlefield, Witcher and practically everything apart from this game.

Is this shilling in the pure state? where someone is so shallow and stupid that their words are just unintentional advertisements?

>another shitty unfinished Battle Royale title made only to milk money from autistic children who watch equally, if not even more autistic streamers on Twitch and further proving that PC gaming is fucking dead
why are we excited about this again?

It's shitposting not shilling

5 x 0 = 0

you must be new here


Not him but everything he said was right. Outside of v autism central it's incredibly popular, a lot of my normie friends with a PS4 or xbone are incredibly excited for a port/talk about it all the time.

>WaaaH wah pc has games that the average person prefers over cod/gta/fifa and other multiplats

Oh, so not only does it look like dogshit, it require s a good PC to even run at all


Is this game fun if you don't have any friends?

Its a common issue with most the early access games, it actually looks ok at the highest settings though.

>3 call of duty and one battlefield on top 10

From what I saw, this is the kind of game where you're just wading through filler, boredom and emptiness until the odd moment of excitement, and even then it's just a shallow as fuck FPS turd and you could have more excitement from like, any other online FPS. Is this what MOBAtards have graduated to? Why do people get so excited about games that are 90% filler/boredom? (answer: mental illness)

yeah that's correct

even so you're still dumb as fuck for commenting on things you have no knowledge about and should probably kill yourself

You're expecting PC to have any good games, lower your standards please.

if by okay you mean PS2 levels, sure

I'm not even a grafix guy though, the game is just shit mechanically. You run to a house, point your gun at the door and wait. Move to another house if the area gets smaller and your house wasn't included because RNG.

Well done, you're in the top 10. Now run semi-randomly until you're killed by someone you can't see.


probably not unless you think you can get along well with randoms. playing solo mode is really boring because it comes down to positioning yourself well, if you have a good spot to hold out you won't die because you can't get raided by a squad.
not every game needs to be constant ebin flashy epic fighting to satisfy your ADHD. go play dmc or something if you get twitchy when a game has 30 seconds of downtime

nah dude, if you defend this literal piece of shit because you bought it or enjoy sucking streamer dick then you should just end it =^)

I'd rather be ignorant than knowledgeable about something this shit

>streamers like it so it's bad
There is no logic to this.

It does? It looks pretty good at max, but I guess you only look at streamers playing it at super low to get better performance and increased visibility.

It's called anticipation and tension. And you can always drop in a city for fast combat. But why can't people on Sup Forums comprehend that? (answer: mental illness). Jesus christ.

Nah it genuinely looks ok by modern standards, all the shitty screenshots are from people who can't run it on high settings. They really do need to optimise it more though

Have you actually played the game? You don't want to sit outside looking at a fucking door without covering your back. That's a great plan for getting killed.

>not every game needs to be constant ebin flashy epic fighting to satisfy your ADHD.

So this is how you justify filler...

Do you play games for excitement?

what an angry faggot

Opinions. Personally, yeah. I love it.
Dying in the beginning or before you have the time to shoot much is annoying though.

>Implying this won't be in the PS4/xbone top 10 sellers the second it gets a Port just like Minecraft

>Another shitty battle royale game in early access
Fuck off
>B-but it's popular on twitch
Who fucking enjoy watching other people play?

>There is no logic to this.
But there is. It's another buggy and absolute crap-tier title people watch to post some funny moments when autistic streamers got fucked over by some bugs. It's the pinnacle of the reasons why PC Games are dead forever and we will never have a good title anymore.
To think there are people defending this crap.

>have to 5 minutes in a lobby
>game starts
>get killed 5 minutes in
Sure is fun

It's buggy/hard to run/glitchy but it's more fun in the average person opinion. Why on Earth is a exclusive being popular worse than cod like in the consoles

Bugs really aren't that common. Vehicle physics are bad when crashing into another car, yes, and a few times I've had my extended smg mag added to the side of my 1911 so it looks like a Sten gun. Also you can sometimes get stuck. It has happened to me about three times the past 180 hours.

>get proven wrong
>I didn't want to be right anyway!
nah dude

Have you even tried the game? I'll admit when the circle ends in a forest or field the game is boring, but when it ends somewhere with buildings it's very exciting. Also don't play solo

>muh streamers
Why don't you actually explain why the game is bad instead of just dumping a bunch of buzzwords in an attempt to make it look like you're right.

Does anyone know of a single player battle royale game where you drop in with a bunch of bots and have to kill to survive?

Because it's sad when the only at least semi-interesting exclusive PC has to offer (not anymore though with XBOX port kek) is some another early access shitty Battle Royale game that will be a meme for some time on /r/livestreamfail and die within few months.

There's a huge difference in how this game plays in solo compared to duo/squad.
In squad, you're much much less likely to die by enemy fire from nowhere, you get a DBNO state before dying meaning friends can revive you and firefights last much longer.
That, plus games are always more fun with your friends.

I bet the last game getting released that got you hype was Dota 2

OP is a faggot

far cry

every fps game

>pubstompers: the game

Moving the goal post, are you?

>It's called anticipation and tension.

This is a part of every game. Past a certain point, of course, the emptiness will smother the good parts, which is where the words filler and boredom come into play. Can you comprehend that? Some people even go out of their way to play a 100 hour JRPG just because they have a taste for filler.

Many games are so dog-shit that you're practically trapped in endless anticipation, since they have nothing immediate to offer (besides looking horribly bland and empty).

why are you kids so obsessed with exclusives? are you some poor brazillian that can only afford one console every 10 years? you still haven't named a flaw with the game other than calling it a meme in various ways.

For starters these games stay popular longer than most aaa games (check steam db) and last MUCH longer than a lot of stuff shilled on v like nioh.

It really doesn't matter what you think of it though, there is nothing won't with a exclusive being popular. If it was a multiplat no one on v would be shitting on it, they'd just ignore it like they do with cod and fifa

it's really very good t b h.
they need a new map by the end of the year tho.

>PCfags thinking they finally have a good game
That's cute.

No, all versus all.
Far cry and all other fps it's the player character versus one other faction.

I want to see AI fighting each other too.

pc has a lot of good games, just because it's a multiplat doesn't make it a bad game either.
everyone can see you're some poorfag that constantly shills his console as a form a buyers remorse. here in the first world we can buy whatever console or pc we want to play games on.

Give me ONE exclusive game on the xbone/PS4 which is similarly popular with the average person. You cannot, halo 3 or debatably reach was the last

why even bother making threads for this game on Sup Forums? every single one has been fucking awful thus far. anyone that's ACTUALLY played it and ACTUALLY won a match be it solo or with buddies knows it's fucking great and easily one of the most fun FPS ever made even in its current shoddy state and only getting better and better every month.

you have to realize that everyone shitting on it has either never played it because of what they think it is i.e. all the streamers are playing it so it has to be casual dumbed down trash like overwatch or league made to generate LUL EPIC FAIL XD moments, refuses to play it on principle because it's not anime garbage, can't play it because their computer is too weak, or is just braindead retarded and awful at any video game that requires positioning and game sense which probably covers AT LEAST 95% of this board so they try to deflect their own ineptitude to the game somehow being bad.

for what it's worth I consider winning my first solo game -significantly- more satisfying than anything I experienced during the 60 or so hours it took me to plat Bloodborne and I thought spending several days on OoK was orgasmic. I fucking HATE first person shooters and the last one I genuinely enjoyed apart from a very short Arma 2 stint was CoD4 Promod but I love PUBG with or without friends and nothing this god awful autistic contrarian permavirgin weeaboo ridden board can say will negate how good this game is because I know I have better taste than all of you retarded fucks.

sage goes in all fields.

Did dayz invent this game mode? I thought dayz was about zombies.
And wasn't h1z1 king of the kill around before pubg? How did pubg get more popular?

Everyone ITT shitting in the game admitting that "it looks bad" or "streamers shill it so game must suck"

I bought it on recommendation from a friend, have never watched a stream of it. Solo is a bit chaotic but squad is some of the most fun I've ever had playing vidya with friends.

>This is a part of every game
Yet it's a lot more strong in this game than any other game I've played, aside from maybe hardcore in Diablo 2 back in the day. Every encounter can be fatal here, making you lose all your progress for the past 0-40 minutes. Like the difference between a good thriller and John Woo action film.


It's only boring 90% of the time if you're shit at it or play it like a boring player. No one forces you to play like a bitch.

shill pasta

It's really funny actually. PUBG is based on H1Z1 King of the Hill, which was a "mod" of H1Z1, which was based on DayZ, which was a mod of ArmA.
It's ArmA all the way down.

>no other game has picked up this much attention
>what is H1Z1
>what is King of the Hill
>what is Day-Z
>what is Rust

Literally all the same games. I'm sure there are plenty of twitch tier faggotry I'm missing in between but those are the main ones that I can think of right off the bat that are all literally the same game.

>w-w-we won

So fucking pathetic kek

This has been my exact experience.

stay mad dumb weeb

your waifu isn't real and you are going to die miserable and alone because you are a worthless anime watching loser


Not to mention PlayerUnknown is the guy that made the H1Z1 KotH mod and then decided to make his own stand alone game

This is one of those games that Sup Forums is going to keep hating and calling it shit even when it continues to be one of the most popular games around. The devs have already done more with this game than any of the other few battle royale games and with their success now their is no reason for it to stop. Just because a game is popular doesn't make it bad you fags.

What's the difference between h1z1 and pubg then?
Only played the f2p last man standing and that was pretty bad.

shill redditfag

I haven't played h1z1, but my friends tell me it takes forever to find a gun and it's rarer to get into gunfights. in pubg it's really easy to get into a gunfight by dropping in an active area, and it rarely takes more than 2 minutes to get decent weapons.

he just thinks it's boring because he doesn't have any friends and probably sits in a building looking at a door the entire game.

Another day, another shill thread.

Except this game killed every single one of those.
PUBG is aiming for more realism I guess. That and the Dev's arent dickholes that just want your money with crates and microtransactions.

>all the same
Like saying Horizon, BotW and Skyrim are all the same game.

PUBG is less arcade-y and doesn't have neon colored clothing.

The mibile version is superior.

It's pretty decent, but has quite a lot of flaws; most of which I don't think will ever get patched out. The gunplay and netcode are pretty wonky, melee feels horrible, dying to weird vehicle physics is a complete joke.

I can understand not being a big fan of it, but if you trash-talk PUBG outright you're probably just a salty little cunt who's mad that other people are having fun. Overrated, but fun. Easily the best $30 I've spent on an early access game since RimWorld.

Console warring is stupid but exclusives wise IN THE POPULAR OPINION BY WHAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY BUY/PLAY pc completely decimates everything apart from nintendo. League of legends alone is probably more popular than ever PS4 and xbone exclusive combined

You can't kill what you literally are retard. Another clone of another clone of a clone. And in 6 months a new clone will pop up and you'll be sucking cock in another thread about how this new clone has killed PUBG. Pathetic honestly.

All 3 of those games are the same and they're also all shit so I really don't see your point faggot.

>battle royale ripoff
>with guns everywhere
>melee is useless
Fuck this shit man.


Haven't there been talk of PUBG adding a singleplayer mode?

Please let me know what games you do like, so I can go into their respective threads when they pop up and talk shit about them with no prior knowledge at all.

>a game that's free to play and can run on literal toasters in more popular

Colored me surprised. It's hilarious when you retards try to throw numbers like that out there like it's supposed to mean something. Do you know how many people on the planet own PCs in general? I'm sure the number of PC and laptop owners outweigh console owners drastically.

it's p fun, but i wish people would shut the fuck up on the plane ride.

they all try to be funny or are huge mouthbreathers. the spics are the worst at this shit.

Hahaha play yeah those games are totally the exact same thing, thanks for confirming your opinion is trash.

Post your dxdiag faggot you're probably just salty that you can't play this game

>guy who's total shit at the game and can only get kills by camping random buildings with an SMG

>everyone else
>"not bad. could use some polish."

>That and the Dev's arent dickholes that just want your money with crates and microtransactions.
This delusional guys.
Do you seriously believe that another early-access shitty clone of something we've got already is not a cashgrab?
Game is not even finished and they already announced XBOX port.

This game alone would probably beat everything released on the PS4/xbone combined if it was easier to run lol

>PCfags have literally nothing to hold onto

This is probably the only game that's even remotely interesting that they've gotten since Farming Simulator and Breathing Simulator. Enjoy it lads.

>we've got already

If PUBG is identical to other battle Royale games why are players migrating from those other games to this? Why is PUBG pulling in players (like me) who have never played other Battle Royale games or watched streams of it?

>wahhh early access means it sucks

Amplitude Studios would like a word with you

Needs a fucking training mode. How am I supposed to learn how the fuck to aim? All the guns have really weird travel time and it feels like no matter how I lead my shots they miss 90% of the time at 200m+ distance.

I'm having fun but I suck dick at aiming.

>beat everything released on PS4/Xbone

What do you mean by "beat"? You mean sales? lmao so now sales are indicative of whether or not a game is good or complete shit? Because this game certainly isn't better than anything that's on PS4/X1/Switch lol