Does your dick have garbage taste?
ITT: Games your dick told you to play
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Ive played worse games
i will never understand why they dont just add the valkyrie drive gameplay to senran kagura. i'd never need to play anything else
>Early Access Game
Use that for your file name next time, so that I don't have to waste time searching.
I mostly just want them to trim down the number of playable characters and focus on making two fun to play, instead of twenty or so characters with three combos and three supers that get really old, really fast.
>fun to play
You do realise that this isn't even number 10 on their list?
The doujins and lewds were traps that I couldn't get out of. Shit's pretty fun though
Your guys are pathetic, who plays games for the lewdness. Just watch fucking porn.
>prince of persia for waifufags
not only did I bought this, I managed to beat it.
The dick works in mysterious ways. Just embrace it user.
We all beat it though.
I like this more than any tenchu or shinobido game.
Soul Calibur because of pic related
my dick has fantastic taste, I'm literally fucking unable to stop playing
I didn't actually buy it, it was gifted to me. So I aint even mad
This, the fact that all the girls, except the loli of course, share the same body killed it for me though.
>doesn't like overwatch
>likes mei
High tier taste dude.
I actually tried this recently because people on Sup Forums were praising it.
The game is retarded, but at the same time it's fun. I don't really know how to feel about it.
I'm not going to replay it though. I don't do unskippable cutscenes.
spoken like a pleb who haven't realized the real potential of his libido.
Old Republic cause I figured an MMO would be fun if my char had a gigantic ass
FFXIV, overwatch, tekken 7, SFV and GW2.
Aside from OW and SFV i either had fun or am having fun with these games so not really.
Wish there were more games like overwatch though were you can play as women in an fps.
It wasn't bad. Could have used a bit more variety in the sequence of targets to "shoot" though.
Still waiting for their April Fool's joke to become a real thing.
Video game girls are shit
>play as women in an fps
What does it matter when you can't see them?
Also: No One Lives Forever, and it's sequel. Unreal and the Unreal Tournament games. Quake 2 if I remember right. Can't think of any others off the top of my head.
Back when I was still struggling through the early years of puberty I wound up getting into the Artix games for the girls.
Nowadays I don't even know if Dragonfable's alive.
its hit or miss
I don't see any cho aniki in this thread.
You're actually making me think of replaying right now
My dick told me to tell you to come over here so he could fuck you in the ass faggot.
>Just watch fucking porn.
Porn is disgusting. It's also not video games.
Recently played Summertime Saga.
I feel like I fully explored it.
Is an unfinished game.
It gives me the feeling of the writing process found in most comicbooks, that is to say made as it goes along and not before.
Like going to sad panda, clicking on western and seeing one (ongoing) after another, this screams of the same design process.
Artists wasting time on superficial aspects, making a few parts and giving up.
I'd be understanding if the fucker wasn't getting 5 figures a month and the most worked part of the game wasn't the woman from the abilify commercials playing the role of the main characters mom.
Also if the 2nd most worked on rout wasn't her twin sister, the main character's aunt.
I just bought this. Half out of morbid curiosity of wanting to see how they actually gutted this game up to make it suitable for Steam, and half because I like moral-degeneration games.
It's not for lewdness it's for escapism and wish fulfilment.
All the fart meme stuff for Saryn got me to play, the endless grind ended up keeping me there for a while.
I've stopped for now, but i'll be back when they add the next bit of story missions
Game is pretty easy. You can stay pure to the very end when you do it with your neighbor crush.
I regret nothing
I liked the original's art style better.
my dick has good ideas
Nu Lara > Old Lara
Fight me
dick is telling me to play haydee, dont have it though
All of these. ReaseLotte, Liz's H Project, and Breast Sex Cafe were shit, but the rest were pretty good.
Crusader Kings 2.
My dick made a good call.
You get off cucking kings?
but that is nu lara, user
>Download H-game because it looked fun and had monster girls
>Story turns into a romantic comedy with decent characters and entertaining gags
>Gameplay is also fun and engaging by making it a more puzzle-RPG affair instead of the usual grind your ass forever
>Father downloads you H games because he thinks you're turning gay from being raised by your mother
>Second game he gets you is literally a sadomasochism game in which you torture girls for sexual gratification
>Tfw you're 12 and don't understand why someone would be so mean
Superb taste and boy am I happy I found a reasonably priced art book.
porn is for cucks
I wanna play h games with you
If that's real - and I have JUST enough faith in humanity to believe it isn't - then that's mad fucked up
What did they do?
underrated post
It was heartwarming.
Except for the rape-y bits, but those slowly became heartwarming.
Planet Master
man, that ingame model of lara after the classic trilogy just looked like pure abstracted bullshit. Like a big toddler.
It's real.
I'm not fucked up though.
Pretty normal actually.
Although I do get off on choking girls and have a rape fetish
almost everyone that is not a special ed suspect or extremely sheltered has those.
You probably played ps3 version(nextgen content version on pc), they fucked up her model.
PS2 Lara on the other hand is her best design in my opinion.
Wow, everything looks worse on the next generation shot. Why did they do this?
user, i remember a guy talking about his mother gifting him a Softpaw book because it had cute animals on the cover
People can be dumb in ways you don't even fathom
sauce on game pls
Not everything, environment is better, also some effects.
Best Girl