It's about paying the hard-working mod creators!

>it's about paying the hard-working mod creators!
>why wouldn't you support this!?
>you some kind of communist?

itt: people who have never modded a single thing in any game in their entire lives explain why mod creators shouldn't get paid

>be modder
>receive literally 0$ for my hard work
>valve makes it 25%


>pretending like you're sticking up for the modders while paying them chump change
>meanwhile you don't have to invest any of your own money

How do you rationalise this as someone who's just a customer? Why do you defend these people?

memes aside, this reminds me of cemu, it's basically the same shit.

people made x thing for free for years and now that everybody can profit on it they become salty because they did it for free.

that's so fucking retarded

How's that TF2 workshop item coming along?

they should get paid.

by developers and publishers ;^)

as a customer, the best thing would be a pay-what-you-want, including for free model for workshop mods. that way you can still get what you want for free, while if you want to support the developer you can easily give the some tip

Check out this retard.
Bet you're a cuck who'd be happy receiving only 1/4th of your salary cause it's your boss that made you working here possible, so it's only fair he gets 3/4th of it.

>1/4th of salary
>instead of working for free

yeah, no fucking way i'd agree to that

>25 fucking percent.
I'd rather work for donations, or for free.

If the modders get 60-80% of the profits I'd be fine with that.

But anything less is absolutely shit.

They should get paid for their work. Luckily, there already is a way to donate directly to the creators without needing to reward Beth and Valve for doing absolutely nothing. Why should I pay these 2 multi-billion dollar companies 75% of the profit while the mod author whose work I like gets a mere 25%?

jesus is that legit?

and right on time a bunch of non modding niggers that probably can't even work their way around cheat engine that think their "opinions" matter

They do get paid. By being given a job.
Valve has literally 300 people working at their company when they should have a minimum of 3,000.
Valve are skimping and cutting corners on costs wherever they can to funnel more money into their own pockets.

>I'd rather work for donations, or for free.

but anyway you still can do it for free while i get paid my 25%, don't worry

If modder's share was 90%+, I'd be ok with paying for mods. If you think I'm going to pay Bethesda 75% for patches and content that they didn't even produce, you're out of your goddamn mind, buddy.

>valve crated a platform that allows people to make a profit off of their 3d modeling and mods and thus take 75% of the total sale of their work
You know Valve could have just done nothing for modders and modelers right? I'm sure that Patreon money was just flowing for these people before they took this offer right?

How is anything they said bad? Most are arguing that modders should get MORE, not less.

>do all the work
>get 25% of the profits
>big corporation gets 75%
i'd rather make free shit

Stop baiting thanks.
Yep. This is what Valve proposed the modders should be paid for their work.

They then tried to defend it as "supporting mod creators" even though that can literally be done by donations and HIRING the mod makers, which is what the industry has been doing for the last 2 decades.

Hiring mod makers is how Valve's three major games became so big. Team Fortress was a mod that they hired people from. Dota was a mod they hired Icefrog from. Counter-Strike was a mod they hired people from.

But instead, now they'd rather not hire mod makers and instead take 65% of the profits from their work, while pretending there's no other options. Fucking hypocrites.

And you're free to choose that. Or you could choose to take the offers these companies give you. There's nothing inherently bad about options.

Says the guy who wants to pay papa Beth and Valve the lion's share for no reason. Why do you not want modders to truly get paid what they deserve user? Do you hate mods?

this has nothing to do with mods though.

this is for dota 2 workshop items.

>Sup Forums knowing what they're talking about before pissing their pants
can't have that

3D modelers creating content for VALVE'S GAMES, is a mutually beneficial deal.
It's not like Valve created the platform out of the goodness of their hearts, they're literally making money off of their work.

yeah it's bait because its true

you're all just mad you can't get free shit anymore and complain about it under the pretense that you feel for the hard working modders when you don't have a single clue about modding. In short go fuck yourselves

good goy

Nah. You're just mad because people can see through your bullshit scheme Beth and you can't get the free money you've always wanted this past decade. Go fuck yourself.

Workshop items are technically modifications to the game. They're minor, but they're there and they're made by people unaffiliated with the company that produced the game and you have to pay to access them. You can rationalise this all you want, but this is the bottom line.

yeah I'm super mad

enjoy paying for good mods like you always should have been doing.
Or miss out on modding you know either one

stay poor my salty friend

>caring about how much money beth and volvo makes

literally who the fuck cares

So wait I missed E3, paid mods are a thing again now? Why isn't there a huge shitstorm like before?

keep lining my pockets goy

nah son models and skins aren't mods. "Mods" modify game logic.

Here's the bottom line
>people are now getting paid for shit they did for free for 20 years

You should check the like/dislike ratio on the Creation Club video.

It's just Beth games so I'll just give it a pass.

>not calling out scummy business models

because people have realized modders deserve to get paid for their work

here's the bottom line
>corporations are taking 75% of the profits while doing none of the work
you are literally retarded if you let them do that to you

>people are now getting taken advantage of by corporations who pocket most of the money while inputing ZERO

Fixed it for you, honeybunny.

How much profit do the dota models and skins sell for without valve selling them and taking 75%?

just curious how much they're worth on the open market

There have been multiple threads about it but it's going to burn on its own. Beth are already marketing it poorly by insisting it's not paid mods when it clearly is. Even journos are calling them out on it.

>disincentivize collaboration between modders
>make them work within the arbitrary constraints of your platform (see skyrim workshop, .bsas and plugins only)

This will kill modding and actual literal cucks defend it.

I rarely use mods as it is. If they aren't well made, free passion products I won't use them at all and believe others shouldn't. What someone will do for money someone else WILL do for free.

>b-b-but muh justice!!! it's not fair!!!

i literally couldn't care less about it.

personally i've never paid for a mod, but if i found tamriel rebuilt on steam workshop i'd tip something.

anyway, don't like it don't pay for it, more choice is always a good thing

>this will kill modding

says the person who has never modded

Because it's Bethesda's own thing. This time Valve has nothing to do with it.

And ignore faggots like this who are either false flaggers or jews

>says the person who has never modded

Since you keep repeating this, Examples of your mods?

If the thing you're putting in isn't part of the base game then it's a mod. Doesn't matter if its a skin.
Mod is short for modification not 'Modifies game logic'

keep whining about not getting free shit

There's nothing stopping you from donating straight to the mod author. Much better solution than giving Beth money for nothing and there still isn't a sound argument against doing so. Why would I pay Beth anything at all for doing nothing when I can send money straight to the mod authors?

workshop items are added to the base game for 100% of all players, therefore are not mods. They are part of the base game that valve pays for.

go fuck yourself

I'm a modder (modded games and released those mods since 10 years) and I say fuck you, gaben and todd you pieces of shit

>I'm a modder (modded games and released those mods since 10 years)
then stop making mods and continue to not get paid for them nigger

doesn't matter to me, bethesda, valve or anybody that can do anything about it

>be me
>not a redditor, thank Allah
>excited for steam workshop CS:GO skin creation since it doesn't involve modeling
>make like 30 skins
>quickly realize people just steal skins
>Valve doesn't go through and select skins, it's all based on you gets ht most upboats
>skin makers do nothing but shill on your skins "gr8 skin, up voted so pls do the same"
>you can check the traffic stats and see that most of these shit heads don't actually vote
>chosen skins eventually are just the same 3 people every crate
>only getting 25% for working on them and shilling them while Valve gets that 75% for doing nothing

Worst part is maybe that Valve themselves actually took one of my skins, renamed the series, and sold it as one of their official skins. Not sure if I should be flattered or pissed.

Oh, thought we were talking paid mods since 25% is how much Valve offered mod creators then.

>>you some kind of communist?

what compels people to defend corporations? This is all just bait right?

if the consumers are being unjustified whiny little babbies I don't see anything wrong with it

Some people are just dummies.

But then again people who enjoy and praise Bethesda are either normies or insane.

i know this sounds lame, but it's simply an accessibility issue.

>google TR website
>search the donation page
>click donate
>do all the paypal 2fa login bullshit
>check if have money on card
>download the mod
>10 minutes for reading readme and installation
>1 hour to google and fix incompatibilities
>finally play the game


>click buy 2 times on steam store

Patreon takes like 5% off a pledge, why settle for 25% lol.

>10 minutes for reading readme and installation
confirmed for acutally never installing any mods

confirmed for never installing tamriel rebuilt, 10 minutes are optimistic

the funny thing is that if it was some indie studio i liked or something i wouldn't mind supporting them in that way but bethesda is complete garbage, they crank out half finished games so that modders can finish them and now they want to nickel and dime you for that too

confirmed for never installing more than 10 mods

>unhinging your jaw so you can deepthroat corporate cock more efficiently

>find mod you like on Nexus
>download using Nexus Mod Manager
>double click mod to activate
>click donate button on mod page
>login and donate
Not as complicated as you would want to think, honestly. Incompatibility between mods still becomes an issue even if downloaded via the steam workshop so I'm not sure why you omitted that.

That number doesn't seem very fair, a 50% cut would be more appropriate

i'd need to install another 3rd party and still do all the paypal procedure to donate

pffsshh entitled pixel shaper, you should be glad we are allowing you to get this kind of money in the first place

You'll still need to input your card details into steam to purchase things there too.
>I can save my info on steam
Well, guess what? You can save your payment info to paypal too.

You do have to install a 3rd party software though. Thankfully it's free and only necessary when downloading and installing mods.

You're a fucking idiot. Do you even realize what the numbers could be? 25% is going to be a hell of a lot more than the minimum wage that the programmers who worked on the original game made

>modder is okay with it
>third party gets upset for him and complains

entire thread full of disgusting modder justice warriors

>modder is not okay with it
>gets labeled as not a modder so that it fits some Beth shill's narrative

>consumers are now considered third party
Nobody is going to pay for your mod.

>modder is okay with it
Nice revisionist history.

unironically this

t. modder

so once again a third party complaining

and the funny thing is that these are the same people that probably say that the state should stay out of agreements between the employer and the employee and call everything like that communism and state terrorism

Pirating mods is going to be great. I'm going to pirate every mod I can find even if I never plan on using them.

>...maybe that Valve themselves actually took one of my skins, renamed the series, and sold it as one of their official skins.
I'd just reach out to the community and show proof, expose Valve and start a fire. Valve will turn their head towards you due to the outrage from the community and strike you a deal. Such cases very rarely happens though.

Whatever you say my man. One thing's for sure, rep and drama already kills mod groups as it is. Money will just do it quicker and make shit a whole lot worse. Besides which, I'm not letting Beth make a shitload of dosh off of my work when people like me are the ones fixing their goddamned games in the first place.

i simply refill the wallet once a month

yeah have fun with that while modders still continue to get paid

Valve takes around a third of all game sales on Steam.
I'm sure Bethesda wants at least that much as well.
25% isn't the worst deal when selling work based on an IP you don't own and on a platform you don't own.

So tell us about your own mod, shill-user, since you're obviously one

they preach the same shit they don't want to here, typical children behavior ala this thread which is nothing but children crying about free toys that aren't free anymore

Guess what you can do with paypal too?


This is just yet another attempt by lazy businessmen to create another revenue stream without actually doing any work. Maximum profits, minimum effort. And they barely even have to do any PR work because there will always be some subset of fans who will support and defend anything the company does, and I mean ANYTHING.

but i have to do it for steam anyway because i buy games and i don't have to do all the 2fa stuff.

anyway, i'm not defending the creation club because it's the same bullshit, another 3rd party bloatware. having everything in one place is way more handy

25% is actually a surprisingly large share considering the modders only have to create the content. You consider any normal company would shave off 60% just for using their client to sell the mod, and then normally would do nothing in terms of quality control or organization. I honestly expected Steam to only let modders have 10% of the revenue.

But clearly no one here understands shit about money since you're all piratefags anyway.

Corporate loyalism is a mental illness worse than SJWs, but lucky for us all SJWs are corporate loyalists for their own self interests so getting rid of one will be two birds with one stone.

Why do people that don't even pay for the actual games act like they would support modders? Also what kind of hypocrite must you be to say that a company that spends millions and gives jobs to thousand to make a game doesn't deserve money but some random faggot in his house making some mod does?

I'm glad modders are getting paid what they deserve instead of working for literally next to nothing, surviving off of a couple donations a week. This will only result in better mods being made, which results in better games for fans.

Everybody wins here to me

are you fucking retarded, did you even read my post?

You are literally insane if you are ready to give 50% to jewthesda.