I like how you can easily distinguish people who played BBS on PSP and people who just now got into the series with 1.5 + 2.5 on PS4.

Game is fucking garbage and the characters are the most dull and boring I have ever come across in a video game. It's not even comparable to the first two games. And fucking hell did they ruin the disney worlds.


It was shit then and it's shit now you fucking nigger.

i played every kingdom hearts game besides days and ddd
i really dont see what the issue with this one is when chain of memories exists

You're not fooling anyone OP. If you actually played the game back then, why would you just now be making a thread? You can't win this.

Don't even compare CoM to this fucking garbage, you ape.

>muh larxene

i only played 1 and 2

I had play it when it first came out years ago, it was shit and never felt the urge to complete it. Now, I am replaying all the game, even going as far as replaying the DS game, so I can get myself ready for 3. But this game, THIS FUCKING GAME, It's fucking awful, and now I remember when I hadn't picked it back up again. The floaty combat, the shit command system, the wonky difficultly spikes in bosses. It's all. fucking. shit.
Fuck your waifu shit.

>wonky difficulty spike in bosses
>only the two xehanort fights for aqua are even remotely difficult in the secret episode on critical
>implying every kh game since 1 hasnt had floaty combat

It is pretty lackluster.
The scope of the story is too small and playing through the same game 3 times with only very minor differences is an idea so profoundly stupid it baffles me it even made it past the conceptual phase.

Literally kill yourself you fucking shit guzzler.

Last (You) you're getting from you. Faggot.

>Sucking so bad at a game you go make a thread on Sup Forums to blame everyone for your mistakes

just another day on Sup Forums am i right anons?

Nobody gives a shit about larxene you're probably the waifufaggot

One of the best KH games. You have garbage fucking taste you big fucking baby loser, lol.

>one of the best KH games
>the game where you can spam dodge(max) as aqua and live forever
>the game where there is no damage scaling
>the floatiest of the games (DDD fixed it)
Even KH1 is better than this piece of garbage
Only good thing about it is the story

you mean one of the worst

Nobody gives a shit about larxene you're probably the waifufaggot

>floaty combat

hope you are hyped for KH3

>this entire thread
BBS is fine I guess.

Why would you spam dodge as Aqua you stupid fucking retard, lmao. You are fucking retarded, lol. DDD .ade everything worse, you can't even tell when enemies attack, lol, and DDD is the floatiest game, lmao. Damage scaling is turned on with Zero EXP you stupid fucking idiot retard haha.

It's one if the best Are you fucking retarded lol

It's one of the best if you are fucking retarded*

typo lol

Lol so you are fucking retarded, gotcha.

Don't ever talk shit about my waifu or my waifu's game ever again.

>why would you spam dodge as aqua
Check any Unknown fight on critical
>DDD made everything worse, floatiest game
Not defending DDD but flow motion was far better than any movement option in bbs
>Damage Scaling is turned on with zero exp
In KH2FM it's always turned on

On another note, what a nice dictionary you have there "stupid fucking idiot retard" I guess that's why you like this game so much, it's made specifically for you.

If it's just Unknown, then you were retarded for ever making it a big point, lol. You don't even have to spam it, you are just a paranoid retard.

>not defending DDD
At least stand by your dump you loser fucking nigger, lol. Flow motion was exclusive to that game, why even make it a point for anything when you still got dash with Terra, glide for Ven, amd Ice dash with Aqua, and all the areas were smaller? I guess cause ylu are a dumb nigger.

>its alwats turned on
Doesn't make a difference for me. I stop leveling at lvl 50 and always turn Zero EXP on because I'm not a shitty bitch like you, fucking lol. kys

fuck you too

Why are (You) unironically projecting on a KH thread in Sup Forums of all places?

Enjoy your shitty game.

Enjoy your shitty life, ayyyyy. I'm gonna masturbate.

What is this weapon called again? Was it something like "Pickpocket knife"?

Beyblade you dumbass

I think it was a synonym to corkscrew greatsword

its a fucking locksword

It isn't this game, this game is hell and it's kinda shit

It's a Kyeblade.

That is definitely the worst name ever. It's obviously a "Chastity belt opening saber"


So has anyone ever managed to do a level 1 critical mode run of this game? Doing one for dream drop distance was fun as heck and I feel tempted.


yes and it's boring as shit, I completed it for all 3 characters but couldn't be assed to do any of the arena or the superbosses. you are way too weak to really get any enjoyment out of it and a lot of time is spent just melding top tier commands/abilities. This was on the original and not the final mix version though so maybe it's not as shitty in that one.

>hur dur its boring as shit but i did it for all 3 characters anyway
fucking retarded ass nigger

Oh yeah....Weaker keyblade bonuses, no spirit roar and party members. Don't want to suffer that much since the harder bosses and julius are still beatable in 3D.

I played it on the PSP, but I also played through it again on 2.5 for the PS3 and I remember thinking it was a solid port.