Are the Phantom Thieves just?

>Are the Phantom Thieves just?

I want to FUCK Mishima.

Or is that *just* what you tell yourselves?

Why the fuck i can't be nice to Mishima?

I bet mishima has the tightest asshole other than morgana

You can.

>he says your his best friend no matter what you say to him

He's pathetic. Thanks for killing us with your poll, faggot.

You can, the game lets you choose to be nice to him or a cheeky cunt to him. It's just that he sticks around even if you are a cheeky cunt to him the entire time.

What happens in the ending if you dont have maxed out Mishima?

just what?

just just

All they do is make assholes feel regret, everything beyond that is indirect.

You're saved by the most based motherfucker in the whole series.

Damn, why can't he be a confidant?

Just "Random Dude".

He was with you in spirit.

He was gay, right?

literally who

Really hoping he gets to be a Phantom Thief in the eventual re-release.

>He turns out to be the biggest bad who plays everyone as fiddles


Vote with your heart.

No, it is never just to force a person to conform to societal norms without their permission; to literally enter their minds and change who they are to the very core of their being, regardless of justification. That's why the people who had their hearts stolen became slaves to the God of Control, and the ones who didn't have their hearts stolen were better off for it (Futaba and Sae).

Please leave.

no one likes you akechi kun LOL

Mishima didn't get changed either.

Futaba, Sae, and Mishima wound up okay because they weren't criminals, just misguided.

Also stealing hearts is literally just Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at 100x speed. You're not forcibly changing someone's personality, just making them aware of their actions without rhe treasure to blind them.

>Side plot where Mishima accidentally creates the Patriots

It's neither justice to exploit other because you have status that allows you to keep everything in check.
Phantom Thieves were the answer for situations where the law was not able to provide justice.
By changing heart of a criminal you are reforming one person that should be in the jail anyway

>ripoff of an earlier character in both visuals and personality

Wasn't Sae literally forging evidence to win trials?

And Futaba being a suicidal schizo isn't what I'd call "misguided"

Who made this site ridic

>Wasn't Sae literally forging evidence to win trials?

I think it was implied she was on her way to being that kind of person.

>People still defend the PT after seeing the bad ending

It's kinda like Bounty Hunting; sketchy but ultimately useful.

>Are the Phantom Thieves JUST?

>implying bad endings are canon

What happens in the bad ending?

Yeah, I got shot in the face, what's your point?

I burst out laughing when I first saw that. The word is even bold red.

The Phantom Thieves pretty much become the law, rule Japan, and crimes rarely happen anymore because everyone is horrified of them.

It's kinda like the law endings of some SMT games

You fight against a fake God for some literal who with a big nose (some fags said he was from older Persona games, I thought persona started at 3?) And the whole world stays exactly the same. For some reason people think it's the good ending, those people are so dumb.

Name one game this happens in besides Estranged Attorney.

>implying anyone was shit enough to get the bad ending

>for some literal who with a big nose (some fags said he was from older Persona games, I thought persona started at 3?)

at least get better bait, hes been in every persona

Devil Survivor.

Seems like a good ending to me

DeSu, angels kill you otherwise.

>not watching all the endings
Do you even play games son?

>A Megami Ibunroku game
>Being a Megami Tensei game

>gary su
>gets kicked out by fans for self inserting so he could marry his idol waifu
>game ripping off his own previous works flops

tell me more, tad.


do YOU

I remember that game was hyped up to have fucked up shit in it.

Was there fucked up shit?

>write a game so good it turns around your company's fortune singlehandedly
>the series goes on to a new director who ruins it and it takes 4 games and 10 years before they can outsell you
Feels good.

Blame P3 and 4 for changing the tagline.

This entire series is just rehashes of earlier shit and spin-offs overshadowing the games their rooted in, people like getting so autismal over titles makes no sense. "Mainline" SMT is a fucking spin-off technically.

who knows, no one played it

>full price digital, hasnt gone on sale

ask japs maybe

How the fuck did P1 sells so well? Its only stand out point is atmosphere

>impying there is any gameplay left after getting any ending
What are you smoking, boyo?

>he didn't get the Plat

A reminder that this woman canonically stomped a giant robot, killed a Zoroastrian god, and literally beat the crazy out of a guy's brain.

It sold well because 90s Era Japs had good taste, unlike Sup Forums at any point in its existence.

and was then banished to the waifu realm

She beat this guy too, and she didn't even need Earth damage to do it.

Why do they continuously say "we can do whatever we want" in the ending? Are they able to modify cognitions after learning the secret that mementhos and life is one and the same yadda yadda? Can they still use their personas? Will they be in Arena?

t. Mishima

>Earth damage

underrated post

Goddamn it Kaneko, why would you give him a Jewfro?

mona is a cat again, what the fuck do you think? moron.


mona could be a cat for any reason, don't call me a moron or I'll have you banned.

if they can change cognition why dont they make jokers parents let him stay longer?

Don't bully the Hero.
He had a hard life.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a jewfro

you're a moron.

I got the feeling he wanted to fuck shiho

To make him look more impressive in armor.

>nothing wrong

Choose one

Fuck off, groo. Nobody cares about "muh justice", as long as assholes stop doind asshole things

>tfw that nerd got the hottest piece of ass for a wife
Maybe there's still hope for mishima

They brainwashed Kamoshida, an innocent man who was seduced by a whore, into ruining his own life.

This. Is. Not. Justice.

I think you're both morons and should fuck each other and then maybe me?

>people are afraid of consequences so they think twice before doing shady shit
Kill thyself, chaosfag

What if instead of changing hearts the phantom thieves could genderbend their target and solve everything with the dick?

Having found out about If's plot, that hurt more than it should.


>not a perfect cinnamon roll too pure for this world
Choose one

>make Mikado great again

Lawcucks please

>perfect cinnamon roll too pure for this world

tumblr pls go