Vermin Fight Club: Lots O' Evos Edition

The 3v3 tourney has ended, with Team Gizmo Bros as the victor.

>What is this?
Computer-controlled MSPaint cockfights.

>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSPaint, then distribute points between the five pictured stats as such:
-Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
-Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
-Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.

>How do I enter my Vermin into the tournament?
When the host announces sign-ups are open, respond to that post with the Vermin you want to enter. First come, first serve.

>Where can I store my Vermin for safekeeping?

Battles at Vermin Fight Club are unsanctioned, and as such the rules and formulas will vary from those run by the original Tournament Host.

>Currently Completed Fights
-First Bouts
-Second Bouts
-Semi-Finals and Grand Finals
-Secret Boss from the previous Tourney:

>Optional Opinion Polls:
-Best First Bouts Match


>New thread
Come on, man, give it a rest until the weekend. Too many threads will get us kicked out.

why this thread tho

This should probably be the last thread till the weekend.
Also reposting, really hope I can see this guy in action.


:^) ability is probs busted and needs some toning but meh.


Tourneys over we should not have these threads for a while. Right now there are too many cancerous characters haning around who just bitch and moan. Let them all dissipate and we can have a comfy thread once the next tourney is announced. Plus we'll attract more newfags in the meantime who will take our precious spots.

Doesn't next weeks tournament have a theme or something?



interesting abilities, dull design
maybe needs more negative rolls, or the positives need to be toned down a little
way too overpowered
dunno if host will like this one
pretty gud

None next week, host is working on the engine so he can do it faster.

This, just let the thread die or don't since people usually do the opposite of what they're told.


My 'mins

Eh, I think it's alright to have an extra thread after a tourney's over, for the sake of discussion and making new shit.
But yeah, after this, there shouldn't be any more until Saturday.

So when are we moving to /vg/? You know it's where these belong now.

These threads are giving me insomnia too, fuck.

Goodnight, Sup Forumsermin. See you Saturday.

What's the next tourney's theme?

I dunno, I feel like we're playing with fire here. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I don't this thing to be kicked out/ruined because this is the happiest I've been on Sup Forums in a while.

When we get an actual game and not just a once a week tournament. This thread shouldn't even exist.

Posting some hot garbage vermins


Why do people want to get vermin threads off of v? spontaneous original creation is the lifeblood of this board, it is a garbage pool without it.


These are fun. Is the ability too complicated?
