Average wait time: 30m

I just saw somebody with one of those wolf mounts, where is it from?

>maining sam and rdm means you are a braindead zombie
Why can't people just have fun?

>mfw WAR now has an essentially permanent +5%-10% crit bonus because of how the new stacks work

Ex primals.

Has there been a single RDM that hasn't pulled hate on their opener? Seems like every single one I encounter in pt does.

Dang, I'm surprised they put them in right away instead of goading us with more reasons to run dated content a year from now.

Is the WoL now suffering severe PTSD?

>most job quests are boring as shit
>RDM gets a total bro and waifu of the century


I dont get it

If you're just going to complain about a game that only a part of Sup Forums plays, why not just do it in /vg/?

>don't talk about video games in v!
>v is only for console war shitpsoting

>DF Royal Menagerie on EU
It never ceases to amaze me how goddamn fucking retarded people are here.

The /vg/ thread is one of the worst threads on the entire board. These threads will go away once the expansion hype dies down. Please just put up with us for now.

beat it first try two days ago on eu with no deaths

now you're going to have to deal with casual shits, have fun

when are the opening shirogame bids?

I want to buy a house

Because on Sup Forums you can talk about the game, /vg/ talks about their cat avatars and ERP, with a small dash of no-name guild drama on the side

I've seen a few tanks handle it, but usually I do end up taking aggro for a moment. Two spells and two OGCds in one GCD makes for a lot of hate and with no pre-emptive aggro management the best you can do is pop Lucid Dreaming after all is said and done. Even when I try to stagger my OGCDs I often end up pulling hate.
Arya is a total cutie pie.

>tfw thief had a total bro and a waifu
>we threw it away for the nin quests
I'll never stop being mad

Anybody here have access to CUL leves for 62 and up? I'm curious if there are any dishes on there with fish that people will want to buy up

It's summer. Just wait until Fall.

Vacations should not exist, jobs should be mandatory without pay, and only the 1% should be allowed to have true literal freedoms.

I don't get it why discuss video games? Why not make more furry bait or webcomic threads?

im surprised how much they managed to fuck up the WHM and DRK class quest, baby siutting was never fun

The Warrior of Light is tired.
Very tired.

Either 2 or 4 weeks from today. I don't think they've specified which.

I was right. Queue times are better early in the morning. I only waited 20m for my dungeon to queue.

>log in at 7pm
>less than minute wait to get in, #19 in line
>instaque because im not going to bother leveling dps without a static 4 man
>have a group at almost anytime i want

you are just doing it wrong user

Cutest girl in the entire game

How do you unlock the second mount speed increase?

We had flashbacks from wine in HW, maybe stuff is finally starting to get to us

WoL is just sick of mhiggers like we are

WoL was mostly nice to domans, with a bit of bants here and there

>Sorry Stormblood killed that. There are no talented BLM's anymore, there are only BLM now.

>Repeat after me: Infinite Enochian
Sorry, Enochian isn't the skill that sets talented BLMs apart of regular and shitter BLMs.
It's always Aetherial Manipulation.

Nah, There's a level 60 one that's super cheap with only 1 ingredient so everyone just spams that all the way to 70.

She is literally retarded

hunt seals

>Is the WoL now suffering

Bro you gotta let go, BLM isn't some sort of test of skill anymore

Not to say any class is now really, dps rotations are quite simple for everyone

Hell, BARD probably ended up on the more technical side of things, fucking BARD of all classes

Most of my FC is still going through the story. By the time they're done I'm in full 310 gear even with 30min queues

A bit of the old Yda there.
Im told its a rarity now

So, I killed a Forlorn Maiden in a FATE. And nothing happened. I guess I wasn't supposed to kill it.

She looks just like that Japanese summer time vr game.

Not so rare.

Get a job or do something else.

It'd make sense. The WoL has seen some shit.

>See 9 separate tribes become desperate and scared enough to sacrifice the lives of their own just to maybe have a chance at carrying on
>See them run in terror cursing your name afterwards
>Do it again because you're the only one who can
>No contingency is in place for what the fuck will happen if you die

at times i wonder if the bottleneck at rauhbahn ex and pipin savage wasnt actually intentional. turbonerds are done with the xpac before early release, at least until the next patch anyway.

personally im taking my time, not furiously trying to find a reason to stop playing the game by literally getting everything finished as fast as possible.

So when does Lyse get the red dress?

As a DRK the only issue I've had with Red Mages so far is that each time I've run a dungeon with one so far they always go hog wild on a different primary target. I'm focusing my single target on an enemy, the other DPS is attacking the same one and so is the healer while I see a bunch of elemental stuff along with some swords being thrown at one that I've primarily hit with AoE abilities.

It's only been a few times I've tanked for a Red Mage but that has been consistent so far.

kill one and complete the FATE and you get an exp boost for your next FATE in the area.

nah I'm good

>Repeat after me: Infinite Enochian
Infinite Enochian


1.5 levels to go then.

Right before you go to The Lochs.

Gonna main DRK. How fucked am I?

>Join dungeon
>Every single piece of gear breaks

bad feel desu

>implying we can die
>implying we're not just a primal the scions accidentally summoned

Fucked until 70 and then passable

As of now, it's clunky and the worst of the three tanks

If it makes you feel better the Thief waifu comes back in the HW AST quests briefly...And doesn't remember you.

While Jacke has varied levels of involvement in different stages of the NIN job quests.
Plus Oboro is a bro. Obobro? Obroro? Obrobro?
So really we only lose a waifu.

Gaius did nothing wrong. Except dying. That was a pretty dumb move on his part.

>Infinite Enochian
Infinite Enochian

Level 62 is really disappointing. At Level 64 things get better.

Does every class get the Lyse's Right Fist title or is that just for MNK? Same question on the sparring from the trailer.

>mfw Gaius comes back to be the Gunblade job trainer in the next expansion

Fuck, meant for

>Plus Oboro is a bro
He doesn't even compare to jacke and hanging out with the other thieves they should have made it the full job

I did it with MNK, but I assume everyone get it. You don't actually get to fight her, it just fade to black, I was disappointed.

It really isn't. She has serious moments now because they made her into an important character so she isn't 100% silly all the time but there's still plenty of the old Yda remaining when the plot doesn't get in the way.

Every one gets it, and every class gets that mini-cutscene.

Which is a bit weird considering I used a book and a fairy

It really isn't rare. Sup Forums just likes to overreact.
A lot of the old Yda still bleeds through during story cutscenes, and even more so when talking to her between quest objectives.

right, I did it with MNK too, it seemed like it actually fit the cutscene that way which is why I wasn't sure if everyone got the same thing

Been in a queue for final steps of faith for 40 min, staring at this whm wanting to ask him to queue with me but he's been in cutscenes for 30+min

Honestly feel like they could have removed Lyse from the game and nothing would change.

I get the feeling they're significantly less charming in Japanese.

>Punished Gaius
>A wolf denied his Ultima Weapon
They better bring him back as a job trainer. Would be amazing.

It's hilarious because the old BLM rotation is SIMPLER than what we have now.

The difficulty of it came from 10% knowing the fight, 10% subtracting F4s in your head as you dodge and do mechanics, and 80% your teammates and the boss deciding whether or not to fuck you in the ass, with "fuck you in the ass" ranging from flying away, messing with ley lines, or using an Arrow on you.

It's not infinite. You drop it when AF/UI drops, and I've seen people get greedy and lose it during F3/B3.

The old Enochian is way more forgiving because even if you dropped AF/UI, you can dirtily build back UI with B1 and go straight for B4. The old Enochian timer is MASSIVE, not 13 seconds.

Infinite Enochian is the chemo for a mechanic that doesn't work with every other mechanic in the game. Simple as that. Don't pull the "talent" card because I have 100% upkeep on it and it feels like child's play. It's getting as sad as Bards who think they're good because they could handle WM like every person with half a brain can.

Azim steppe looks like an early ps3 game

Having him as the trainer for the 5.0 gunblade tank would be great.

They'd need a new narrator.
They'd also need another traveling companion.

And I don't know if I could handle 10 more levels of Non-stop Alphinaud, now featuring girl Alphinaud, so they could make 10,001 jokes about being twins and how Alphinaud is a chicken shit compared to his sister.

Yes, but only if you could talk. Lyse's job in the expansion is to serve as a vocal surrogate to the mute WoL. This was less necessary in HW because the other major characters had separate agendas and you were mostly along for the ride. In Stormblood everyone is on the same page at all times.

>Non-stop Alphinaud, now featuring girl Alphinaud
How can you not like the two best characters in the game

because he's a faggot

shitest of tastes confirmed

>all the DoL gear between 60 and 70 is available through vendors
Thank fuck. Having to level a crafting job just so I can buy that shit off a fucking moogle was the worst.

Alisaie is great you take that back

Alphinaud has been a great character ever since Heavensward, fuck off.

She borders on Mary Sue with all her girl powah, and I notice she doesn't give you any buffs, unlike Alphinaud's ultra carbuncle.

They really dropped the ball. For whatever reason SE just seems to be bad at making plains. Like not a single dev at SE has seen plains before.
Some tall grass that blows in the wind and patrols of NPC horses galloping about in herds would have gone a long way.

>g-guys it's not infinite, it's just up all the time as long as you actually play the game
Who the fuck drops umbral ice and astral fire? Haven't seen that happen in ages.

>All HW companions were great
>After Doma arc is over we stuck with Lyse and Alisaie, the worst characters in the entire series
How it was even possible to fuck up so much?

fuck you, Alisaie did nothing wrong.

All grass was lost when Takahashi formed Monolith Soft.

>t. homosexual


Really? Lyse and Alisae are the worst characters in the series?
Their are worse characters in this game, let alone the entire series.

Lyse and Alisae are fun.

Apparently you can drop it if it falls off JUST as the animation of F3/B3 comes out. I wouldn't cut it that close so I wouldn't know.

Otherwise you can juggle it with Transpose. This gives Transpose more purpose and doesn't cuck you if you're with a faggot tank who sleeps for 20 seconds between pulls, or someone kills off the thing you're casting B4 on.

Hey Lakshmi, you are bitch, what are you gonna do, stab me, lol?
WoL please help! By the way I will just run away while you shield me from her attack! Oh you escaped too, well we don;t have a choice, go kill her

>tank tries to pull everything says it'll be fine since he's already done all the SB dungeons
>it's everyone elses first time
>healer runs out of mana
>tank doesn't use a single defensive cooldown
>gets mad because he wanted to do a speedrun
we /wow/ now

>go to doma castle
>tank tries to pull a giant into the next group
>instantly destroyed
He learned to respect the content.

>time elapsed: 45:28

fuck you