whats with this shitty meme of real time strategy?
what happened to proper turn based rpg and strategy games in favour of this watered down 'real time' starcraft ripoff shit
Whats with this shitty meme of real time strategy?
Yea, the biggest flaw in real-time "strategy" is that it will always devolve into "who's faster wins", which is hardly strategy at all
this series is probably older than you user
Warhammer is pause-able idiot
Give me a Y, an O and a U.
>can pause the game
lol come back when you learn what real-time means, retard
>turn based strategy
>genuine considerations to make about turn order, who attacks when
>always have to plan at least 3 turns in advance
>can drop the game and go take a shit and come back and be in exactly the same spot
>infinite thinking time
>more like a game of chess than any other kind of videogame
>(well, except for virtual chess)
>real time '''strategy'''
>hur dur 1000 of the same model charging at 1000 of some other model
>hur dur did you blink for a second? fuck you faggot your army's dead now
>more about twitch reactions and ridiculous APM than any sort of thinking
>eventually boils down to just repeating the same set of mouse movements ad infinitum
>requires your full attention at all times for all 30 hours of a single match you disgusting basement dweller
I hate multiplayer RTS games but total war battles are pausable. Unless you're talking about multiplayer in which case, why the fuck are you playing total war multiplayer, faggot?
what turn based online game have turn times so long you can go take a shit and still come back in time to finish your turn?
When the hell are they gonna reveal the Skaven faction?
You're a retarded weeb shithead
Your opinion isn't worth shit
The combat is so slow in this that being real-time hardly makes a difference
Who said it was real time other than the person trying to shitpost?
pbem games, you fucking newfag
Total War is good because it's fun and challenging until you learn about *that* tactic.
Until then you can win battles mostly by tanking and clever moves instead of just being sanic fast, but there are a multitude of ways to steal a victory.
But then you learn *that* tactic and it nullifies every campaign.
I don't think that guy who replied to OP was talking about Total War at all.
You can pause or play at your own pace at the campaign.
Also, if you want a challenge, try to make it to top 100 or win a tournament, you have ´em every weekend.
To be fair I don't think the OP was talking about Total War either.
>Tfw you played all the races with hardest diffuculty.
>Tfw the only hard part is some quest battles and the begining of the game
>Tfw had some much fun playing the game.
I'm so hyped for TWW2.
Listen guys, I'm a total noob in the matter, and I was wondering what's the difference between the Total War games like Rome, Shogun, Warhammer, etc. and the other standard strategy games like Lord of the Rings Battle for the Middle Earth, Dawn of War, Age of Empires, Warcraft, etc.?
From watching videos, Total War looks like you only control the actual battle with all the units. There doesn't seem to be some kind of building or ressource gathering system. Is this right?
Can anyone explain to me what exactly are the Total War games, and why was there a lot of hype about Rome back in the days, and Warhammer more recently?
total war has a campaign map that is turn based strategy, which is like the world map
and when two armies meet it goes into a separate map and becomes real time tactics.
You select a race/faction and start on a turn based campaign map. The empire and resource management is done on the campaign map while the combat itself is in real time. The appeal of the Total War series are the battles, which compared to other strategy games are much more tactical.
>Lord of the Rings Battle for the Middle Earth, Dawn of War, Age of Empires, Warcraft
Those are normal rts games.
Total War is grand strategy
It has novelty value, it's fun to watch cool looking fantasy creatures to murder each other. The campaign map sucks bad though.
>which compared to other strategy games are much more tactical.
I sure love the amazing tactics that is baiting the enemy then charging them with your cavalry/another strong infantry from behind.
Truly the apex of tactical and strategy games.
Total wars have a turn based civ style campaign map where you manage your economy, cities and armies. When to armies meet on the campaign map the game turns into a RTS where those set armies fight.
It is, it's just that the AI is fucking retarded and easy to cheese out
They have a very simplistic turn based empire management with real time battles which are really the meat of the series.
Yet i have a friend who autoresolves every battle. Its like skipping half of the game content and then he revievs the game.
I used to do that too. But then i got couple of mods and that didn't work anymore so i had to fight actual fights.
I auto-resolve a lot of them when I don't feel like playing against too many armies for too Little territory gain.
I find TW battles really bland so I don't blame him.
go play Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach then faggot OP
Yeah, tell me how to skip that 5 minutes loading screen and i'll fight every battle you want, even playing in 800x600 doesn't reduce it, it's fucking retarded.
When loading takes fucking forever and the bar is massively in my favor yeah i'm gonna autoresolve. You don't actually expect Archaon with his 10k favor gained per sacking to actually manually fight every single norscan settlement.
I don't have the patience to sit through a numbers fest in turn based games, Total War is as easy as 'Were you suspecting that flanking charge? Your army routs from the centre, I fold my army in like a pincer'
I don't think making 300 commands a second actually improves anything for RTS players, your basic orders have to be good ones to begin with.
Except that's literally a key part of real warfare and strategy.
It makes more sense in higher difficulties when your armies losses become a huge concern. It's hard to keep an army rolling in foreign lands when it's bleeding men
If you aren't playing the game on an SSD you barely want to fight anything but the big ones.
t. man with 5400rpm hdd
Cant wait for the second one. The first was stuck to the lore in favour of increasing replayability which was a little crap. Still a fun game.
I honestly use auto resolve when its small, unimportant battles that I know I'm already going to win.
But if it's a hype as fuck battle, I'm going to see that shit live.
Not true, issuing orders in rapid succession just makes your army tougher to manage and you get a lot of units not in proper formation once the enemy hits. No matter how many commands you launch a minute, smarter orders will win over microing like its the glory days of the Korean Starcraft ladder.
Not to mention it becomes a clusterfuck because in Total War, your units wont be as fast as you command them. Send out orders like a madman will only throw your troops into total disarray.
You can que movement orders,but yeah you need to maintain a formation so it doesn't dissolve into an unmanageable clusterfuck
SSD,but it sounds like your pc is shit
>shitty meme
How's having actual representative battles a shitty meme?
Why the fuck this games called RTS? I don't get it.
They're not even pretending to be strategy, they're trying to be REAL TIME TACTICS, i don't seen RTS with logistics and other shit like this, and this is what strategy about.
Maybe because no one is calling them that. op is just a shitposter.
>Why are there other genres I don't like?
>Why don't they stop making them?
Why are you such a ridiculous autist?
This was a problem for me until i got an ssd.
To be honest user, if I'm peering an army in real time I call it an RTS just so we're not sitting here picking apart genres like teenagers arguing what sub genre some metal band fits better. It's a worthless argument, the nomenclature tells you what games OP is talking about
Is the performance pretty shitty on this game? Its better than Rome II, but still pretty ass
Outside of the loading I think it runs pretty well.
>dat feel when I never really cared much for combat in TW and that's what the series focused on as time passed
I'm the weird who likes the campaign part more. Or at least I did back in Medieval.
>until you learn about *that* tactic.
You mean cavalry cycling? Tactic that's been in Total War since the beginning?
No it isn't. Those things have nothing to do with the formal definition of strategy.
"the employment of battles to gain the end of war"
There are probably 10 horrible turn based strats to every rts. Not knowing this reveals your age.
It's a shame they've simplified the maps in recent games. Despite the larger amount of provinces they still feel pretty small. Meanwhile if I play Europa Barbarorum it feels like some trek just going from Italy to Spain.
Why not play Risk?
It's the same shit as the campaign screen. The only ETW game that had a good campaign was RTW and ETW
>Lizardmen are basically Orkz
>High Elves are Empire with less artillery and more dragons
>Skaven are the dorf babby mode faction
>Dark Elves fill the role of Vampire Lords
>Lizardmen are basically Orkz
Nope. Orkz don't have lasers and magical nukes.
yeah, real strategy should move in turns just like in real life which strategy games try to emulate.
The Bastiladon with laser is a crappy artillery unit since its short range
Orkz have magical nukes too (Goblins)
that´s not strategy either.
You can strategize in a war to retreat from any altercation until the enemy is overextended and unable to continue.
Also a strategy, no battles involved.
Of course strategy almost never works out as clear cut as it was planned.
Strategy is an overarching plan, not necessarily violent or even concerned with war at all.