Be honest, does anyone actually enjoy Gwent?
I hated it in Witcher 3 and hate it now
Be honest, does anyone actually enjoy Gwent?
I hated it in Witcher 3 and hate it now
I do, gonna be burned out pretty soon though
Not really. I played it and it's barely interactive. It's like you and your opponent are assembling your own jigsaw puzzle and then whoever has the highest number at the end wins. Repeat this 3 times.
The game would have actually worked better rethemed with gardening/farming in mind. Not hard to imagine it with whoever has the most valuable crops or plants winning
I cannot get into online card games due to the whole buying of card packs thing. It's just too exploitive for my taste. I enjoyed TW3 version of Gwent though even if there were some winning strategies NPCs just couldn't counter.
I do, game itself is fine. But "Free" to play bullshit quickly turned me off.
Gwent isn't even officially released yet and it's getting up there with being just as jewish as Hearthstone has become recently. You get ONE (1) Free Pack when you start playing Gwent.
Good Job CDProjekt trying to keep players interested and tinkering with your game by starving them of material to play around with
At least other tcg are subtle about pay2win, gwent is literally "higher number = better"
Also, high number cards are also immune to special effects and shit, so you can't even tictac around them
Another funny thing is when I tuned in to some Gwent streams to scout out the game, it was pretty boring shit because most of the time, the streamer would play a card and the only thing that would happen is the number counter on the left side would change. And they think people actually want to watch something like that over and over? That;s garbage. I can't imagine how a tournament would keep people's attention
I think of the recent card games Elder Scrolls Legends has the best gameplay and Gwent has the most interesting deck building. However, due to how you have a set draw of about 10 cards per game, it's so heavy on deck building that it almost feels like the game is decided there moreso than in how you use your cards in a match.
Triple Triad was objectively better.
>Have to spend an entire card not to remove the power from a gold card but just to be able to play a second card to lower or remove it's power to get an advantage
Jesus Christ. Maybe if this was an aoe or drew a card to replace itself or was attached to a body. This is why Gwent sucks desu.
itt: brainlets
>Maybe if this was an aoe
>The first card
Very accurate.
Nah but I never bothered to learn it. I just skipped it everytime they forced me to play it Witcher 3. I always hate these in-game games
This is accurate. I don't necessarily hate Gwent, but it's basically "push big numbers and hope your RNG beats out their RNG." There's very little tactics involved.
Just look at how fucked the game is with them changing Weather (which is smart, IMO given how OP some of the cards were/are) and other such bullshit in later patches.
Get ff14 then, it has shitloads of triple triad in it
tfw nekker consume is the most fun deck
If you think there's no strategy or tactics involved in Gwent then you're a braindead mong desu.
>reddit spacing
Show on a doll where Gwent touched you
Wording this. Just watch some of the games from the recent big CDPR tourney.
Or play the game and try do well with that attitude senpai
If you play monsters then literally kill yourself this very moment.
Second go advantage in rounds is also huge, now that I think of it. Sure, "win the first round" is important, but if you go second in said first round you can (if you beat their bigger numbers) generally be up 1-3 cards when they pass/lose.
Same if you go second, so long as you play smart (even if you lose the first round intentionally to get card advantage if you got coin flipped to go first) you can beat the enemy because of it.
Gwent itself needs a fundamental rework overall to actually be interactive/multiplayer. They're trying to shoe-horn the AI/Witcher 3 version and it simply doesn't work with actual human players.
Playing this game feels like work. I enjoyed it to begin with, but as of late I just can't motivate myself to slog through even 6 rounds to get daily kegs.
Thanks for the recommend but monthly fees make me puke.
> Being this triggered
lmao at you, fampais.
Tell me, what "tactics" is involved in Gwent. Scorch? Clear Skies (First Light)? Griffin's or it's equivalent for weather spam decks?
Oh, how about Bears that are the current meta and if you don't run counter-Bears, you're probably fucked 90% of the time?
Gwent needs Card-draw and other such things that other card games have. There's issues with retrofitting their single-player card game against AI into an actual card-game against human players.
>Complaining about Monsters
>Not complaining about Skellige
Which patch are you playing?
it's for fun and it's free. you could just not play it.
Shadowverse is unironically a better tcg compared to Gwent and HS.
>> Being this triggered
The irony.
>They removed Factions.
In to the trash in it goes.
>this spacing.
>32 replies and 22 users
Is this some kind of samefagging anti-shill Gwent thread?
It was p2w as fuck in W3, and I imagine it's the same as its own game.
Shut up. I hate you and your fucking weather cards !!!
I tried to get into it. The deckbuilding and some of the interactions are pretty neat but I just don't really like playing the game.
So much of the time you lose round 1 and then your opponent just makes you both empty your hands in round 2 and then round 3 is just about top decking something bigger. I haven't really played it against good people but I don't really want to grind out ranked games to get to them.
I've just started playing Gwent and i'm part way through the tutorials.
Are there any MUST have cards i need to craft to help keep my head above water or ones that will remain useful?
continue playing until you it lv 10
Played it for a week. Already dropped it after the few first tutorial games since it felt lame. Pushed through it the next day, and it was fun for a litle while.
Afterwards you just notice it is a very easy game and a dick comparing match. Think this game would be better if you just had your whole deck from the start since it already barely is a card game.
It's a deckbuilding game in the wrappings of a standard CCG
Will i want to quit by then?
nope, you will get a fuckton of cards and a gold card at lv 10
>play challenges
>dismantle all monster cards
>build a deck with solid golds
That easy.
Yeah sounds about right.
Still feels the game would be better than to just hard limit the deck at 25 or less and that you draw your whole deck by round 2/3
Yeah I think what it really needs is like a draft phase. Even if it's just a simple winchester draft and then some quick deckbuilding the game would have much more going on.
How to be a faggot: the post
Ascension does this and is overall a way better game.
Gwent just feels as a fail, it fails as a true ccg and as a true board game
That's something to look forward to at least.
>Everyone who doesn't like Gwent is the same person!
LMAO. It's sad that the only "defense" you can muster for your game is "samefag!!!!"
>Gwent just feels as a fail, it fails as a true ccg and as a true board game
Because how the fuck did CDProjekt fail to see that you can't fucking force a mini-game, meant to be a side-activity in an rpg, to become a full-depth card game? It's absolutely dumbfounding.
It's easily the best out of all currently existing CCGs in that strategy makes a huge difference between winning and losing (much more than your average game), and there are many tactics available (though not always viable).
The issue I have with it is that the ladder comes down to whoever has the best legendaries right now. I mean it's the same with every CCG... it's hard to fix unless you force everyone to have the same pool of cards to build their decks from in ladder.
Unfortunately it takes 1-2 months for the game to start to feel truly fair where you have a large amount of powerful cards that'll put you on equal footing with the top players.
The drawback of playing F2P.
But other than that I think it's a fucking fantastic game, I play it every day.
Admittedly you can get 1 free pack per day as opposed to Hearthstone's one free pack every 2.5 days.
It's still Jewish as all hell, but definitely not as Jewish as it could be partcularly when the pack prices' are more fair for us Aussies and our kiwi neighbors
Gwent is far less jewish than HS. Picrelated is my legendaries after 60 hours of playing. In HS you'd be lucky to have 1 or 2 by that time
I never played HS because I don't play shit games. My criticism of Gwent being a little unfair for a month or two still stands.
It's still in beta phase. They are always more generous during that
I remember Destiny of Spirits being fun in the alpha, then they went so greedy the game died in a week
you can craft a legendary card in 5 or less days, in Hearstone you need more than that to craft a legendary
True but it still suffers from the problem of being railroaded into certain legendaries in order to win the game.
Everyone and their mothers has Geralt igni, Villentretenmerth etc which are no fun to play against.
That is Eternal.
True deckbuilding not limited by factions and fun game modes. And not as greedy as gwent or HS
*destroys a franchise*
What do you mean? Igni is a huge nofunallowed card, but Borkh is hilarious to play/play against
A lot more fun than the Blizzard p2w one.
>spend 30€
>make Blue Stripes Nothern Realms deck
>it sucks
I still like Gwent more than most other digital card games simply because a match doesnt take that long.
No, but I have never been interested in card games. I did buy the Gwent card set only because I really like the artwork
>tfw CDPR wastes money on making a standalone minigame from their overrated RPG
How long till they become dead?
>the game died in a week
Never heard of that game, but that's fucking hilarious
>Be honest, does anyone actually enjoy Gwent?
So, I liked it in W3, I thought it was a neat little mechanic and fun to collect the cards for a while. Obviously unbalanced for competitive play, since card power was equated to rarity, but fine for what it was.
Unfortunately, the people making the standalone Gwent game completely understood that what made it great was the simple elegance of its core mechanic. Now, of course they needed to do SOMETHING to it to make it balanced for 2-player. But they went totally the wrong direction. Instead of paring it down to its functional core and cutting away all the BS that breaks the game, they added a ton of additional rules and special effects that turn it into more of MTG-esque strategic deckbuilder than the nice little resource-management bluffing game it was originally.
I mean unsurprisingly like every card game there's a meta. Some things are good and some things are shit. If you are complaining about that, it's reasonable, but it also means you're probably going to dislike most / all collectible / living card games.
It's never gonna take off since it has no marketing and Sup Forums is filled with gullable fools that only follow the hypetrain
It's no faster than hs
In CCGs you 100% need those mechanics, you need the variety, even if it comes at a price.
I disagree with the argument that the game isn't interactive; at least half the cards influences your opponent's side of the board/deck etc, the order in which you play the cards is key.
Problem is, the balance of the game is kind of shit, especially with 2nd player advantage, and a lot of the cards are overdesigned/have too many effects (still not nearly yugioh tier).
>not as greedy as gwent or HS
Gonna need you to elaborate further on that with some examples
>bunch of dumb kurwas can produce this level of polish
>In CCGs you 100% need those mechanics
If that's the case, then making it a CCG was the mistake.
Maybe they should have used the slow-LCG model and focused on making a really tightly balanced core game first. Or hell, just make a good standalone game and leave it alone. The core mechanic is deep enough to keep people playing for years if it was finely tuned.
It can be good but then again there are so much meme deck that you can't play with reveal Nilfgaard, AKA the most fun deck.
Haven't done my dailes in a week or so for that reason.
>meanwhile at Blizzard
>level of polish
pun intended?
If you are known with arena of HS. This game has the same but every picked card gets added to your collection.
You can buy a pack atleast daily and contains atleast one rare and 3 uncommens with a total of 12 cards.
No gold limit on grinding ranked or whatever.
Vs ai modes that are cheaper and help starter players build collections
First 5 weeks you get a deck each week which contains quite some rares
Well that card has a gold border so that game is obviously superior. Gwent is shit.
>This game has the same but every picked card gets added to your collection.
What's the cost to enter arena, though? Also I just checked out the game page and it's kinda annoying I have to make another account on top of my Steam account when other games just use your Steam account directly
5x a pack, but considering you get 4x pack while picking and atleast 3 packs for a 0 win run it's better.
And yeah, the extra account is for mobile support
I don't think it needs a CCG (especially as you can't trade currently) nor a LCG model. I just think Gwent needs to change it's mechanics to where it can actually be played in multi-player instead of "abuse all this shit against the AI" like in the Witcher 3 which clearly can't work with actual human players.
Like, honestly: 100% I like Gwent. But it simply doesn't work as a 2-player game currently. They need to play it on table-top and see how much bullshit goes on in an actual tabletop match and then redo the entire game to where it feels like you're playing a table-top match instead of a WRPG mini-game that allowed you to bullshit your way through the minigame.
Poor man's Caravan, honestly.
Still was fun to fuck around with it.
Sounds like a good deal, but how long does it take to save up for the Arena entry fee? Based on what you said if it's 5x packs, then that's around 5 days? Seems really long time to grind and wait if you really like to play their Arena mode.
>And yeah, the extra account is for mobile support
Man, I'm never gonna play on mobile anyway. I wish they could add a checkbox on the title screen or whatever their login screen is so I can forego having to create an extra account. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in thinking that way.
116h in, send help.
dud, in 50 hours I had ALL bronzes and half silvers, with recent patch I got about 8 golds instantly
i'm actually worried how they make money at all with such generosity
Depends man, I average at one each 2-3 days. Quests will give you more than half a pack of gold, which you get daily. 3 ranked wins about one third.
Plus the ai mode is like 2.5 packs of gold to enter which is recomended at the start.
Favorite card game out currently. Remove Velrimith and it would be perfect.
Tbh, card collection is not a problem.
I've been playing for 3 weeks and could already craft an expensive deck after 2
winning in ranked gets you gold
1st win=bronze chest=45-50 gold
2nd is the same
3rd is a silver worth 200-250 then back to bronze
each chest also has a common/uncommon card and you never stop earning chests for wins
each chest also has a chance of upgrading
a gold chest gives 500 and a free pack
after is diamond for 2000 and that free pack
it doesn't take forever and you can grind single player if you want
for 2000 you can do a singleplayer arena that is much closer to HS (pick one of 3 cards instead of picking from a pack)
gold farming doesn't take too long and you get free draft and forge(the solo version) runs for starting out
How much of a chore is it to get those 3 ranked wins periodically? (especially if you don't have an optimal deck)
Also can you keep doing that ai mode for the 2.5 packs even beyond starting out?
Lack of face and mana means that while having less RNG, the game also feels less diverse. I played about a 100 matches and most of them felt like I'm just enacting the same game over and over. There's just too little room to grow into. No face means no presence of something like taunt units, no mana curve means that card advantage becomes idiotically critical, no turn start draw means that a lot of cards exist just to compensate for it.
theyre trying to cash in on the hearthstone bucks
You can, but it becomes less atractive after you hit the top rank and don't get rank up rewards.
level req. for ranked is too high, should be level 5
trust me, ranked is nothing like early casual
real game starts in ranked