Other urls found in this thread:
>push it to the limit.flac starts playing
>Dark Syde Phap
>The King Of 'Bate
>slicks hair back with cum filled hand
>oh the cameras on
is that an image when he fapped on cam?
at the point of climax, yes
>attention span of a dying fish
>actually bad at vidya games
>blames controls and cries about buggy mechanics when he cant win
>when its easy complains about being spoonfed
>showed ex-wife's tits
>jacked off on stream
What's next for Phil?
Heart disease and suicide attempt.
He's been crying about his business being in danger for years now. He's that old relative that just won't die.
talked about bugged hospital mechanics on live stream
>sits in tub filled with water
>drops toaster in tub with him
>doesn't die instantly because the toaster isn't plugged in
>blames toaster company for bad design
He will never blame himself, there will never be a suicide attempt
cringe as fuck
The fact that that stream exists is incredibly depressing. He's a lying cunt and he needs to be stopped.
>>showed ex-wife's tits
Post link pls
Apparently turning more into a psycho by each passing day
His ex is also a bitch, he would stream all she would so is fight with the chat/troll DSP.
the only time I ever felt bad for him was when she was laughing at his beard and you can see he's upset.
Who? Pandalee?
his facial hair deserves to be laughed at
either grow a real beard or shave
bugged camera mechanics
He's actually looking a lot better these days. A lot more rugged somehow.
i like that he keeps his own in his default downloads folder
DSP is my favorite video game meme, he's just the gift that keeps on giving.
this is amazing
>Guys, I was just really scratching my leg.
>People saying he was fapping in front of children
That's a little harsh, isn't it?
he says getting a job is made harder when background checks flag stuff like that
>streamer fapping in front of their camera
what could possibly go wrong
>a screechy american tween neet
thread is quality kahntent
I never thought about it.
in every job he might work when this ends, someone will fknd his videos, and natrually will find tgat he jerked off live, no one would take him.
I guess he wasn't lying when he said he can't find a job.
Of course he's lying. Ex-convicts can get a job. This is a guy that claims he needs a car to live or he'll be housebound for eternity. He's too up his own ass to even consider public transport and walking to the store is completely out of the equation.
He's a lazy cunt who thinks the world owes him one.
Twitch.tv suicide (attempt)
He never blames himself publically, because that would actually make him an adult. But within himself, he hates himself, I bet you. The fact that he always blames anything but him is with the hope that others agree with him, so that he can negate the fact that he's a loser.
Nobody wants to be a loser.
Nobody easily accepts being a loser.
>grinding off camera
And innovator of chat plays
Dsp tries it: inserting worms up the penis uthera
But that's the funniest part of his DeS play through. The fact that it was the Armor Spider that made him grind that many levels made it even funnier. Only Phil could make that fight look difficult.
I loved it in Bloodborne too. How he came back in the next video acting as if he'd discovered the secret to playing the game.
Ludwig was designed specifically to fuck with DSP
Why are people so obsessed with this idiot? There are youtube channels dedicated to mocking him. So some loser literally watches hundreds of hours of DSP's shit, just to find bits to use in his mockery clips.
that's fucking sad.
Jesus Christ. What a horrible person. I'm glad that Nurse called him out on his shit.
Even regular people think DSP is a retard. Sad!
Thank god for these people because the super-cuts are fucking hilarious
How come he be so bad at Arms? It's for fucking babies
because the game cheats
Fuck you the game is actually pretty competitive and has alot of depth.
>that animation when he snorts