Vive owners of Sup Forums, do you regret your purchase? Why or why not?
Vive owners of Sup Forums, do you regret your purchase? Why or why not?
The tech is awesome but there are no games. I don't know what the fuck Valve are are doing.
No, because emulated metroid prime trilogy with the vive and the vr fork of dolphin is fucking amazing
Nope. I love it.
yes, waste of money
could have bought $1400 worth of PC parts or games
Valve is developing three full length AAA vr titles and features will release them along with a cheaper revision of the vive
"If you took the existing VR systems and made them 80 per cent cheaper there's still not a huge market, right? There's still not an incredibly compelling reason for people to spend 20 hours a day in VR," Newell stated. "Once you've got something, the thing that really causes millions of people to be excited about it, then you start worrying about cost reducing. It's sort of the old joke that premature cost reduction is the root of all evil."
Thanks for beta testing
Not really, I'm going to sell mine off soon at a
It is very cool and there are some awesome things to do, but they run out pretty quick, there just isn't enough content and what little there is tends to be overpriced.
I got mine for free 2 weeks ago, if I paid full price I think I'd struggle to justify it so far.
I don't regret it but I knew I was buying nogaems when I ordered it. Nowadays I only use it if I feel like a lengthy fap session.
Once more shit like this is available I might actually use it for games more
Fucking japs with their English website region locked game.
No, but the "I play every day" reviewers are dirty lies.
The technology is great, and when the wireless comes next year it be complete. But there are JUST NO FUCKING GAMES
I'm so pissed off, I want to play more but there's nothing but tech demos and copycats
Still playing lots of Elite Dangerous on it.
Until they fix this, VR is shit. Nokia is coming back to make their own smartphone VR headset
its a steamvr headset, not a smartphone one
are you saying VR is the bottom?
That's rubbish.
It was a bit blurry at first for me, but that's because I didn't use my Glasses (I didn't think you could attach them inside originally) and now I can read things fine
already not an issue on PSVR. The screen door effect is less noticable there than on other headets.
>Phone VR
not the same thing. Phones have no way of tracking the headset position or doing 3D so it's just a rotating first person view.
Yeah, it needs 3k per eye at least if not 4k. Fuck having only 1080p per eye basically
How the hell did you get one for free? Rich parents?
>1080p per eye basically
its 2160×1200 (1080×1200 per eye), not 1920x1080 per eye
Are you short sighted? I've never used my glasses with my vive because I didn't think they would fit anything resembling comfortably. How much difference did it make for you?
I'm a developer, publisher bought it for me to add VR support to my game.
Give me ideas and I'll try to fix the 'no content' issue
Yes, and a lot
my computer is minumum specs with gtx 970, but the glasses made text easier to read, made graphics more sharp and detailed. I refuse to use Vive without my glasses now.
Here's an idea make an ACTUAL game and not a shooting gallery which is 99.99% all VR games
>Gabe Newell has confirmed a new version of the Vive- codenamed VIVE 2- OASIS is currently in early development. VIVE 2 will feature smaller more efficient lighthouses, new controllers, specialized display technology and a smaller and lighter wireless headset.[14]
Even with games, if the price doesn't move, nor the hardware to run its 90fps constantly, expect to see even gen 2 sit on shelves.
Do an experience based game but don't make it fucking scary, make it awe-inspiring. Like theBlu
Waiting for star VR / Imax VR.
After trying other VR I hated the whole looking through a pair of binoculars feel and the small field of view. Star offers 210 degree where most others offer 110.
This means both your head and eye movement actually makes a difference. Where if you move your eyes on anything else you get blackness.
a vive game that captures the turn-based "addictness" of games likes X-Com and Civilizatio, details and progression with a clean interface
If Valve would just listen to this guy, then VR would have endless content. But of course they fucking don't.
Fuck. I guess I'll try and make it work next time I do a session.
I'd like to see more horror games personally.
Or maybe a wildlife photography game I really want pokemon snap VR
"Escape" games are also a genre that should be amazing in VR but the idea is so obvious that steam is flooded with them and 99% of them are literal garbage.
StarVR is going to be the most promising VR headset since Acer is backing them. Meaning they have more access to panel technology.
If one could use VR as a monitor for regular vidya playing it would be worth
If I play resident evil, then I'll shock death.
its not even fucking close
>Play a few escape game
>Most didn't let me pick up clutter laying around the environment
This shit is so god damn jarring. Don't put
crap laying around and then not let the player pick it up unless it's used in a puzzle.
>Vive owners of Sup Forums, do you regret your purchase? Why or why not?
Yes I fucking do. It works like shit.
The controllers are aimlessly floating around, the headset goea grey due to connecting problems 10 times per minute.
My hardware is probably too weak, but the official steam benchmark stated everything should work well.
The worst fucking purchase ever.
If it's going grey then maybe your base stations/play area aren't set up well.
Don't blame the Vive, blame your shitty attempt at setting it up. I don't know what the hell is in your room, but something's seriously fucked up if you lose tracking constantly.
>Here's an idea make an ACTUAL game
Oh of course, it's so obvious.
>do you regret your purchase?
Because no games I literally used the Vive two times one time for me testing and the second time showing it to my brother. Honestly wish I bought the PS4 VR because PS4 has RE7. Fuck Valve and fuck the Vive.
I tried to set it up like 20 times in every way possible. There is no way to get this piece of crap working.
It has definately nothing to do with my setup.
RE7 VR is coming to PC though. Sony got a year or so exclusivity deal so blame Sony for that shit.
You somehow didn't set it up right. Which is amazing considering how easy it is.
>same amount of horizontal pixels
>15% increase in vertical pixels
>not close
Kill yourself
Either there's something small you've missed or you got super unlucky and something's faulty. If you got it recently, maybe you should see about getting a replacement.
Also, what are your system specs? Whenever something bugs out and chews up too much CPU, tracking becomes super patchy.
I got a PS4 VR instead. no regrets there
Did you try using the link cable between the stations?
give us your specs
>blame Sony because Valve does not make any games for the Vive
You mean like the 3 VR games they're making?
>spent all my money on a VR-capable PC
>can't afford the VR
I've got an AMD FX-8350 processor with 8x 4.0 Ghz Cores, 16 Gig RAM and a Radeon r9 200 graphics card.
I know, not the best setup, but the benchmark stated, that the vive should work without any problems with my hardware.
Yeah I did, same problem.
Don't have any mirrors or reflective surfaces in the room. The base stations need to be absolutely still. Mount them properly.
R9 200
Not an answer, which one?
It won't be the base stations moving. That wouldn't cut out tracking, it'd just make things move out of place.
Your processor should be okay, though we'd need to know which graphics card specifically. I had a GTX 970 previously, which ran most stuff just fine, but one or two games that weren't so well optimised for lower end cards would lag out so much that it'd cut back to the Vive homescreen for a tiny moment. I don't think that'd cause tracking to completely cut out enough, though, which is what causes it to go grey.
Sold mine for more than I bought it for at the beginning of the year. It was interesting for all of maybe 4 hours. That's when the hunt for more content starts and no matter what you find, it's all the same. This is the most useless gimmick on the market and its one that comes with a high price point to boot.
Saphire Vapor-X Radeon r9 290 Tri-X, OC
It sucks that I never found much to play, but I'm just supporting the singularity with my money. My Vive and 1080 aren't the greatest, but they lead to greatness.
When you underages get to stick your dicks in VR pussy, come thank me.
Oh wait...shiieeeet i might have a FX 4170 4.2 Ghz CPU
I built so many pc's the last few years, I think I mixed that up.
Im unironicly looking foward to fallout 4 Vr and Doom VFR. I know fallout 4 isent the greatest but atleast its a full fucking game and not some demo like bs. Todd did good.
while i do take long breaks between using it, its always a blast
superhot vr is crazy
the lab is great for showing new people what the vive can do
rec room for multiplayer games
any VRchat fags here?
Oh ok, no. I have a FX-8350.
>atleast its a full fucking game
Don't forget you can play Serious Sam First and Second Encounter in VR too. And Doom 3. And I believe HL2 VR is coming out in the near future.
No games.
>check catalogue
>multiple anti-vr threads
every single time and its hilarious
Cosmic trip
Raw data
Why aren't there more bullet hell games like Xortex? Maybe with some anime girls, kickass music and scrolling scenery?
Valve should ship a Vive to ZUN alongside some alcohol patches.
No regrets. I knew I was an early adopter, and I love the tech anyway. Still plenty of cool shit you can do.
Valve has multiple VR games slated for this year, allegedly.
This, idk why people keep trying to force the "vr has failed" meme
Maybe it makes them feel better about the oculus buyout
Have you tried Cosmic Trip? I was starting to regret my vive purchase until this single game. The UI shows how a VR game should actually fucking be made and the game itself is incredible.
>Still plenty of cool shit you can do.
alright tell us what you are doing with it which have not been listed already
>Give me a list of games
>Except the list of games already in the thread because because because they don't count!!1!
nope im a guy who´s looking for more crap to with my vive
Somewhat, but only because of larger personal failures (my failure to ship a game). SteamVR 2.0 is coming and is going to be so superior to Vive CV1 that the Vive will be genuinely obsolete (not even supported, going forward). that hurts.
I set aside a day to run though superhot but ended up spending the entire time trying out new guns in H3VR instead, maybe VR just isn't for some people and that's why they keep whining about it.
the wave vr
rec room
virtual desktop
Pavlov VR
I wanna play star trek bridge crew but it's full price
>I set aside a day to run though superhot
lol, you only need two hours at most. first game i've ever refunded. it's really not even good, not a good translation of the concept.
I built a VR pc but now I'm waiting for a proper headset to hit the market, there's no way I'm buying facebook and valve's overhyped, over-priced, under-speced and poorly planned bullshit.
it could be years before that happens though
hell when the next generation of VRHMD´s is out you might have to buy new parts
It was captivating enough when I first tried it that I decided to consciously make time to play it, even if that didn't work out as planned
I seriously doubt it, all my shit is top tier, and microsoft's standardized api headsets will be out within the year.
that would mean buying into m$ crap which i would not recommend, remember the camera fiasco? this is mark 2, but now they also track exactly where you are looking
I thought releasing xbones with a kinekt was a good idea. And I haven't seen anyone complaining about valve's lightroom cameras.
Clearly humans are just retarded.
Meanwhile, over here, it's easily one of my favourites.
You built a PC that can run VR now, so that you can play VR games years later? I guess if you got the absolute best on the market currently then you'll probably be at least in the minimum for whatever VR comes later, but you'd clearly be better off just saving that money until those headsets come out. By that time you'll be able to spend the same amount of money for stuff that's actually powerful enough.
I top-tier my pc every 2-3 years either way, so it's irrelevant what's the most powerful now or tomorrow, I'll play most of it at 4k.
the Kinect was a failure though, the majority of people didt like it
the difference here is what they intended to do with the hardware, m$ attempted to keep track of how many people inside the room and charge extra money for movies for instace
valve on other hand purely uses them for tracking and the whole thing is optional to begin with unlike what Kinect was
this is not about defending or slandering but rather the facts at hand
Not really, its virtual reality. The dawn of true immersion
Years of research and development have to be paid for somehow but yeah the price point is quite steep. we might be used to hardware products being sold at a loss where software licenses will usually cover the cost and thats why I suspect Oculus Rift put up velvet ropes around specific VR software.
What specs are you expecting?
>poorly planned
Sales didn't meet market expectations considering the hype if i had to guess, and that will cause them to lose focus on the platform.
Id like to hear a response since I'm still indecisive over buying into VR
>The dawn of true immersion
Considering we are now several months post-dawn I think everyone can agree that "the dawn of true immersion" was bullshit, it's a better monitor plus waggle gimmick.
>not buying the VR first
baka desu
My wording was a bit jewy I'll admit, but I'll stand by the fact that you can put on goggles and it registers head motion in real time in a 3d environment. Its vastly different than just staring at a TV/monitor since you can't see where the game ends and the real world element is effectively removed.
Better monitor plus waggle is just a derivative arguement like video games are just push buttons and stuff happens
You can call it whatever hyerperbolic bullshit you want, the fact is nobody's made a game to utilize vr tech outside of the extent of waggle and looking around, so it's still just waggling and a monitor
I used to spout the ol "it's just a screen strapped to your face" meme as well until I tried a proper headset and not mobile shit. Positional tracking and focal depth make a huge difference.
farpoint has the best gunplay in any FPS out right now.
Enjoy wiggling your mouse around though.
Lack of games is disheartening and true But that doesn't mean the technology doesn't allow a deeper immersion even if theres a lack of things to immerse into.
I think you're jaded, user.
not guy you are replying however im going to chime in
it IS a screen strapped onto your face but with lots of extra gadgets the problem is with all this mobileVR bullshit its hard for bob and bill to understand what the real deal is and whats just outright bullshit
Technology minus content leaves you with a wii.
I already have the pc ready for vr and I intend on buying a headset when some reliable companies put them out, but you're still a fucking moron if you think this is some sort of "revolution" or advent of something new and innovative when literally not a single fucking thing of value has come out of it.
Is this reality anymore?
>Friends force me to go to a meme "video game bar"
>It's as bad as it sounds
>Retro games only free accesible area while consuming drinks in the place, have to pay for everything else
>See VR, never tried it before, might as well get the whole fedora experience
>It's $4 for 15 minutes
>Fuck it, go for job simulator
>It's fun for 17 minutes
>Don't even tell me my time is up and just charge my tab with $4 more
>I had 3 expensive beers, the waitress just forgot what i had and charged me 2 cheap ones
>Pic related
I don't see anyone playing these kind of tech demos for more than a week. The set up time and price are not worth it.
That sucks. My local arcade is BYOB after 9 and its only 7$ an hour. They have a vive.