Fuck this difficulity

Fuck this difficulity

What is the easiest build to play? I just want to finish the game but it feels like it was made super ultra difficult just for the sake of it, not because of the challenge.

Honestly play dark souls 1 instead
DS1 = 9/10
DS2 - 6.5/10

git gud

lmfao, scrub

Spam lifegems retard

Why not both? It's you're a true fan you should play them all if given the chance because souls 2 is still bretty good

game sux don't play it

How far are you? If want to finish the dlc too you might as well give up if you're not enjoying it

Use a mace, great club or rapier if you want it easy. That one lance you find in the beginning is great too.

DS2 is the worst dark souls

Already did. Also 3

forget shields, get adp to 30 and just roll, any build works well with 30 adp if you can move cancel.

honestly go end yourseld nostalgiafag
Get a 40-50 vigor, about 25 apd (to get at least 96 agility), buy and upgrade default mace or rapier (majula smith), dont wear heavy armor so you can have below 60% weight, get a decent phys resistance shield (above 80% at least) and you are good to go

>Get to Lost Bastille
>Get Craftman's Hammer
>Literally play the rest of the game on easy mode

That's not 3

70% weight*

Good advice:
I am personally shit at Souls games, but I've still beated DeS and DS1. Working on DS2 (as in the end, I find it less interesting to play than the previous two). I snagged the heide knight sword at thebeginning fo the game and have been maining that with my current character. I have focused on ensuring I have light encumberance. Thats resulted in me not having much trouble with MOST bosses.

I personally felt the game got SIGNIFICANTLY easier after you beat the Ruin Sentenals. For some reason, i felt the early bitof the game was loaded with retarded enemy placement and whatnot. Now I don't feel its terribly difficult. Maybe I just got gud. Who knows.

Also, abuse summons. Lots of people drop in DS2 still.

So? It's still a good game and part of the soul series if you're a fan.

No it's definitely 2
3 is still shit tho

rapier spam

Dark souls 2 is only hard because of the sheer amount of mobs they chuck at you - individual mobs are the EASIEST out of any souls game though. Everything moves so slowly and your character can only turn at 90 degree angles.

60-70% is pretty slow rolling, below 60 is the perfect weight to learn rolls

git gud

Builds don't matter in Souls

Get mace, level strength. Most enemies are weak to blunt attacks.

I've played it on PS3 and after finishing it I broke it shoved it into my toilet and shat on it
The only good games in the series are DeS and DS1

Ruin Sentinels drop the same amount of souls as the Smelter Demon. That should tell you why Lost Bastille was like that.

In 2 only above or below 70 and above 100 effect roll speed. It does however effect stamina regeneration speed.

>stat that you can ignore and get even more levels for a tanky build early game if you want to
I wish I had that option in DaS3.

I recall spells being super powerful in pve at release. Might have been nerfed though.

>individual mobs are the EASIEST out of any souls game though
>''heard you talkin shit''
Dark souls 3 does the exact same thing 95% of the time too, arguably 3 is even easier since you can just roll spam.

may be, but there is also a roll length that is affected by weight, 60-70 rolls are pretty short and you can get rollcatched

>get a rapier/ice rapier
>locate your roll button
>attack the enemy when he is not attacking you
>roll when he's about to hit you

Heh; didn't even pay attention to that. Still, I have reached Guardian Dragon, and didn't find anything in between very difficult.

DS1 continually challenged me, where as in DS2, I really think they just shotgunned mobs at you. The bosses have all been pretty basicl as well.

Everything moves so slow in DS2.

No problem in adp though, just gotta know the levels user, don't be retarded, if you wanna complain then complain about SM like everyone else.

Regular keepers I can handle but this guy still gives me trouble

>level ADP up until you have 100 agility for dem roll iframes
>use a blunt weapon(mace mainly) against armored dudes, which is 80% of the enemies in the game
there you go you win

I enjoyed FE 4 and Awakening the most but I still played more of the games. Fans that have alot of love for a series do that often unless the game is dog shit which can't be said about DS2.
>perfect or nothing

DaS1 challenged you with bullshit like the Anor Londo and Sen's Fortress platforming. If it wasn't that, then the game just asked you to parry your way through everything compared to DaS2 where it's not a necessity, hence why it's easier.

The greatsword ones were a nightmare to me
>attacks go through shield
F U C K, that greatsword was super sexy tho

nibba how is this real, just hit his shield with a elem infused weapon

difference between 96 and 100 is 0.3 of a frame and about 6-7 (wasted) stats

Depends on your build.

Oh shit my bad. Thank you for the correction, user.

>What is the easiest build to play?
Cleric. Highest starting level. Starts with additional healing. Easily expandable for even more healing. Starts with a mace which is one of the best weapons in the game. Access to Lightning Spear early on.

DaS2 is a heavily flawed game, but it's not a bad game. My most hated feature is that fucking Soul Memory bullshit where the more souls you acquire the more the game shoves you up in co-op/PVP interaction brackets. Rather than basing it on level like every other fucking game in the series. So if you buy items or lose souls, you're permanently hurt.

Lightning Spear is nearly useless until lategame now. Blame DSP.

IMO I didnt find Anor Londo THAT bad; outside of the Painting Room highwire shit (which was annoying). Sens fortress made me rage a few tiems pretty hard though.

Honestly, I had the hardest tiem with the catacombs and New Londo Ruins. New Londo really pissed me off as I felt you couldnt rush it (I'm shit at these games remember) due to the ghosts. Felt liek you were constantly trying to bait ghosts out so you could kill them, just so you didn't get hugged by 8 of them at once.

Still offers an option for ranged hits. It's just not the insta-win button it was previously.

>when you get their straight sword

Yeah Miracles got nerfed thanks to DSP spam. DLC enemies have an extra layer of spell resist so magic builds only work if you go deep into them.

Might as well use a lightning crossbow for that.

>Start as Knight
>All initial levels into ADP until you are like 30ish
>Use the starting broadsword, or a mace
>Use red iron twinblade when you get to it
>Always buff with resins

Crossbow bolts cost souls. Dark Souls 2 doesn't take kindly to experimenting or buying items.

If you're really having trouble, summon like crazy. Or ask people here, and summon them.

Theres tons of people who repeat git gud here sure, but theres way more people who are average or shit at the game who want to help other out.

So just ask any time you get stuck.

You need to invest in FAI for a lightning crossbow to hit hard in DSII. Just use a regular bow/crossbow if you're running a STR build.

Are you seriously trying to imply that it's unwise to use ranged weapons because of soul memory? Because that's pretty fucking silly if that's what you are trying to imply.

Yeah, that part pissed me off in DS2. Soul Memory was a terrible idea; getting punished for trying different tactics resulted in me playing far more catuiously.

I'm not sure why they came up with that system to be honest...

>it was made super ultra difficult just for the sake of it, not because of the challenge.

hahaha you stupid shit its easy shit (except for the Veldstadt corridor and maybe Shrine of Amana and the DLC), just spam lifegems like the retard you are, get Heide Knight Sword and just level up FTH and STR or DEX lmao

literally the least cheesiest and most fair out of all Souls' games and im not implying they are hard

Dark souls 2 is ez as fuck senpai
The bosses are slow as shit, just hit them with power stanced mace and stagger everything

the only boss i've had trouble with so far thas some weird wolf, and only because he calls a bunch of doggies that give u toxic or some shit. i tried to rush the doggos before boss arrived and then stuck to his legs like a flea, worked like a charm. every other boss took me 1-2 tries.

lava boss took me 4 tries because I kept accidentally falling in the lava hole in the back like a retard.

t.level 135 balanced build-fag. bandit axe+10 and drangleic shield, with smelter demon armor. 58% load with the extra load ring.

i just arrived at a temple place with a lot of water. Amana temple or something to that effect. these wizard chicks going pew pew at me are annoying but i made it to the next bonfire by drawing out the melee dudes out of line of sight of the wizards.

what am i in for in this area

The Sif ripoff boss is actually a rat. Outside of the rat adds, hes pretty much an easier Sif. You did exactly what I did, except I one and done'd it.

Shrine of Amana's boss is a frog. Its not hard, whatsoever. The shrine is annoying, but yeha, the boss is a pushover. He telegraphs when he jumps for ages. You'll have no issue.

He's Sif if Sif had shitboxes.
