Just finished this, pretty solid game imo

Just finished this, pretty solid game imo.

What ending did you get?

From what my ending is, I gathered that Morgan isn't Morgan but in fact a Mimic that Alex implanted with Morgan's memories to determine if the Typhon are capable of displaying human qualities. Judging by the actions I took in the game (ie saving Dr Igwe, the paraplegic woman, the security captain and some others, along with not using too much neuromods and using the nullwave instead of self-destruct) I got the good ending.

The twist about Morgan actually being a Mimic reminds me of Prototype's ending.

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first and only bump


You see kids, this is what happens when games are developed behind Todd's back.

I got basically the same ending. It seems odd looking back on it I totally thought Igwe was some very easy to miss side thing but turned out to be central to the main story ending I got. Couldn't have got everyone on the escape ship without him.

Yeah things like that surprised me about this game, a lot of the little side missions or optional aspects were sort of essential to finishing the main story in a good note.

I was surprised your decision related to the escape pod you can force to blow up wasn't brought up in the end. I blew it up and still got the most empathetic ending.

>tfw waiting for it to go on sale

I actually feel bad for pirating it. It's definitely a game I'll play again, so I'll buy when it goes on sale.

Me too. I didn't even hesitate. Could risk the typhon getting to earth on that ship. Guy was a dick too.

I was actually talking about the part in the bridge, which I realize now is a shuttle, not an escape pod. I just didn't let the pod escape, I kept 'em locked up.

>invalidating everything you achieved for the sake of a cheap twist
Game was a cunt hair away from being a modern masterpiece.

They kinda gave the twist away with that December side quest where you can escape on Alex's escape pod and then it goes to that computer overlay:

"We failed. This isn't the one."

Oh, I blew them up too.

Anyone else find this game a LOT harder than Dishonored? I finished Dishonored 1 & 2 on the hardest difficulty with no trouble but I could barely play Prey on Normal, I died a lot.

After psychotronics, I saw the twist where
no john, you are the monster
but I didn't see the whole it was all a simulation, because why would they leave clues that you weren't human in the simulation? also didn't see the fact that earth was destroyed coming

I was pleasantly surprised by Prey. And I was expecting a different twist, that January was actually being controlled by someone else.

Dishonored sucks. Prey is a far better game than either of them.

Eh I like them both, but I can appreciate Prey has more of a challenge.

Have you not finished Prey yet or something? It's got a severe power creep problem and it's piss easy by the time you're about 2/3 through it.

It got harder for me, I constantly ran out of ammo by the time those Military Operators showed up and the Technopath's were a bitch. Nightmare's were oddly easy to fight though.

That's the nice bit. It's not the big decision that matters ie blowing up the station or not, it's the small empathetic decisions that are important. It plays into the central theme of the game very well aswell as the ending.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you might be really bad at videogames.

This is full on headcannon but:
I find it interesting to think about the nature of the simulation. Whats to say that you waking up as a typhon in the chair with Alex and the Operators wasn't just another part of the sim. My reasoning for thinking this is the rather bizarre ending you get if you do december's sidequest to completion

>Didn't kill anyone
>Stunned the cook
>Saved Igwe, the security team, and the sick chick
>Got Igwe's recordings for him
>Allowed sick chick to view tape of father's death
>Set up the escape pod for everyone
>Brother got stunned by January
>Set up the self-destruct
>Sat in the chair while everyone escaped
>Nearly completed all of the neuromod trees due to Necropsy and farming Nightmare
>Destroyed facility and self because fuck letting Typhon get to earth or allowing more death caused by unethical research

All of the bots said they'd give me a chance. Since I completed nearly all neuromod trees, they basically commented on how I probably wanted to utilize both sides of what I was. Honestly, I get that the ending was a bit of a cop out (you're inside a simulation, but wait, you're actually an alien that's in another simulation!) but I still enjoyed the small hints about it. Shit like them wanting to test whether Typhon could understand humans if given mirror neurons or something, or how some recordings from Morgan hinted at being watched. I also liked how your choices still played out into an end scene, but then was recapped/interpreted by NPCs in the extra scene. Dishonored, another game they made, kinda sucked in that you'd get like maybe two nods to your choices and that's it. Them recapping shit and interpreting why, as an alien, you would act in such a way, was cool.

But yeah, got a "high empathy quotient" and blew the place to smithereens after everyone got out of there. I'm cool with that ending. What I do wonder though is what exactly Morgan's actual choices were considering they were a recreation of his memories. Morgan seems extremely cold in a lot of situations, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was a dick.

probably depends on how much you explore and what neuromods you get.

1 level in psychock or whatever it is that nulls abilities and any neuromds related to more efficient resource usage and the game became mostly a cake walk.

ty champ

The one where I went on YouTube and watched all the endings
Game wasn't fun when the twist was leaked here months before it came out

The endings are pointless and basically the same regardless, they just read off your choices from a checklist

The ending to the sidequest is them pulling "you" out of the simulation and killing you, because it's obviously that their plan didn't work. Ie; "this isn't the one. Start over", they get a new phantom and do the same procedure.

Just because the facility survives doesn't mean unethical research continues. Plus, typhon could have easily stowed away on the escape pod. nullwave was the only surefire way to clear them all out.

Still better than some games where you either get Good Ending Scene Video or Bad Ending Scene Video.

It's not the best way to make your choices feel meaningful, but at least they're acknowledged individually rather than simply culminating in which video file the game plays for you. Or, worse, you just pick which video you want for the final choice.

I hated the combat/alert music, but sometimes the game had some real cool moments.

>when you first leave the airlock


>good ending
The post-credits clearly shows that not destroying the station is the bad ending.

Fuck off retard, two static endings beat the weaksauce Shaymalan shit we got.

I don't see why it wouldn't. Your brother wants to continue the research and go even further after better understanding the Typhon. He wrote off on it with Morgan. Going forward with that and allowing that research to build leads to more unethical shit. The facility is basically built with unethical shit in mind, with chambers where bodies are left to be possessed or where mimics are let loose to "reproduce". Do you really think everyone would just go, "Yeah, lets not use these things going forward,"?

I'd still take my chances with the explosion if anything to avoid that issue. Besides, it's already shown through some audio logs that people were selling neuromods to other companies, so Typhon material is off site no matter what. Best thing you can do is at least deal with what's in the facility.

At the bridge you can destroy the shuttle that got attacked by Typhon, is there a point to that?

I wasn't arguing about the final twist, I was just stating that reading off your choices is better than ignoring them entirely through static ending video clips. The final twist has its issues, but I do appreciate the interpretation of your choices individually, even if it does feel like they're going down a list.

What are you talking about? There's still two endings regardless of the twist.

So every thing happened in his head?
But the alien invasion of the base did happen right?

Not really, the epilogue invalidates everything you did during the game.

Not to my knowledge. It's just a matter of whether you think the crew handled the Typhon, or if mimics are still aboard and are heading to earth.

It's just a choice of whether you want to take that risk. They could've survived and killed the Typhon that were on board, but if they didn't then you could be allowing tons of mimics to get to Earth.

I think in reality Talos 1 was fine but Earth had been invaded by Typhon, so they were running tests on a Mimic/Human hybrids to see if humanity can co-exist with the Typhon. Everything that happens in the game was a simulation.

But. . . the only issue is, why were Dr. Igwe and the others only present through those floating robot operators, instead of being there in person?

Kinda unclear. I'm pretty sure the invasion did happen as they say it was a recreation of Morgan's memories. But how that invasion played out in reality as opposed to the choices you made, I have no idea. For all we know, Morgan could've gotten into Alex's escape pod with him and taken off minute one. Either way, Morgan probably survived due to the ability to get a recreation of his memories/experiences.

>figuring out parallel transport is faster than the roll controls for the first time

>But. . . the only issue is, why were Dr. Igwe and the others only present through those floating robot operators, instead of being there in person?

Could've been dead. As shown by January and December, you don't need the person to be around to have their input. You just need their personality thrown into an operator. That or they were speaking through the operators due to the danger of standing next to a Typhon (as shown by the choice to attack Alex) or just being offsite for the experiment.

Wait, so isn't it the same shuttle that you find surrounded by coral with a bunch of mimics and dead volunteers inside?

The moment I saw Avellone involved with writing this game I knew something like this would show up

I saved most of the people I could, and made sure to destroy the space station. Didn't want any chance of them reaching earth
Game got pretty hard for me later on as well, mostly due to ammo shortages. I'm guessing most of it was because I refused to do any stealth and install any alien neuromods.
Really liked the game overall though. Started out real strong and fizzled a bit, but was definitely a breath of fresh air compared to most AAA titles these days. Also ran like a dream on PC. Don't regret buying it full price at all.

I don't think so since it said that the shuttle was heading to earth. The shuttle you find outside Talos has a recording from the pilot asking for security to meet him upon landing, which suggests he was coming back towards Talo or coming there after picking up volunteers.

I can't say much for certain though. I only spotted that side quest during the final choice where you have a goddamn time limit. So I was a little unfocused.

What price do you think we'll see at the summer sale?
Under 20 yurops?

Would Arkane be capable of making a good game from The Thing?

>you know what the last thing the player feels should be? intense dissatisfaction
I don't think I would hate the twist so much if it weren't one of the best games I've played in years. Just a humongous black mark against a fantastic experience.

I liked the final twist, I got spoiled on the "It's a simulation ending" but I had no idea about the Typhon part.

I went through the whole game wondering why Alex would put his brother through horrible simulations like this

Probably not, PREY was great and all, but it wasn't really scary

Have you played them? Theres almost no difference

It'd be a great game then at the ending scene Childs mutates into a monster, roll credits.

Now when Arkane confirmed SJWs, I don't feel bad for pirating it. At least harvey didn't shoved his shit in it because he was too busy ruining dishonored

It happened, you are implanted with morgans memories of the station but given freewill, so regardless of what happens to morgan and what he chose alex and the typhon made it to earth

I don't think Earth was necessarily invaded.
A more likely scenario imo is that everyone except Alex died on Talos I, he brought Typhon samples with him and the cityscape you see is a result of people overusing neuromods.

That ability that let's you summon an ayy from a corpse, can you have more than one active?

Videogames aren't real.

>Doing a no neuromod run
>Fucking no inventory space 24/7
>Every door I come against roadblocks me because I can't hack or morph
>Fighting Typhon is pointless since their material is useless
>Actively avoid Typhon, which leads to missing keycards that I then have to track down
>Technomorphs become bane of my existence since they can corrupt electronic door panels and often carry turrets with them
>Recycler Charges and the Disruptor gun have become the most important weapons

And I'm trying to kill all the humans during this run. Which can get shitty because it doesn't count unless you actually kill them. So if the mind controlled ones run up to you and pop their head, that doesn't count. I have to stun them then beat them with a wrench.

I just got past the Cargo Bay and wiped out the security team. Now I have no idea where the key card is to get into the reactor and left behind like four phantoms that I ran past.

Reminder you can dislodge most heavy objects by throwing things at them until the physics freaks out

or you know, throw a recycler charge at it

Sometimes. It can be finicky. It especially sucks when I can finally mash my way into a small space, but then when I try to get out there isn't enough space.

But yeah, it's fucking great how many ways you can get around obstacles. The fucking Huntress Crossbow is amazing. That and the Gloo Gun, there are so many entrances if you just look up.

Fuck that, recycler charges are basically the only way I can deal with bigger enemies right now. Those things are precious. Especially since I ran out of disruptor ammo a little while ago.

I'm still having a blast.

>Morgan Yu

bravo arkane bravo

>Dr. Igwe
>Dr. Nigwe
>Dr. Nig WE


but where was tommy

Are there any creative ways to sequence break or otherwise fuck with the story?
I know you can kill January to change some dialogue

>Morgan seems extremely cold in a lot of situations
Well, a few logs say that neuromods actually change your character, attitude, your likes and dislikes. Every time Morgan was given rest between the experiments he was like another person (though "all" Morgans shared were extremely paranoid, as evidenced by the log with psychologist and the robots with his personalities that were left behind), so who knows "which" Morgan woke up the last time.

Also, was there any mention of November? There were October, December and January, but the month inbetween is missing.

I love all of the small things that went into the game with interactions and shit.

>Messing around in Alex's penthouse, throw a weird looking mineral thing, he calls me and gets pissy because it was worth a lot of money
>Igwe is stuck in the cargo container, you can go and hack the container open which instantly kills him because lolnooxygen
>Downloading the video file of the russian girl's father dying to your office computer, then watching as she flips out since you can delete it right in front of her
>Set up both the self-destruct and nullwave, January comments and says he's confused by what the fuck you're doing
>Unlock an armory through the window with the Huntress Crossbow, volunteer says he was going to give you the code but just asks you to help him either way because he doesn't have anything else to give

Well you can leave early through the December quest. But that just gives you a game over really.

I know if you kill basically everyone, Dahl will call you up and give you a sidequest to kill survivors. You can also kill the chef in advance to which the one woman will comment on since she can see his tracking bracelet when red.

>Unlock an armory through the window with the Huntress Crossbow, volunteer says he was going to give you the code but just asks you to help him either way because he doesn't have anything else to give
I thought the only non-mind controlled humans you could find in the game were The Cook, the Cargo Bay group and that guy locked in the escape pod. Not counting story mission characters of course.

How the hell did you miss Aaron Ingram? He's hard to miss in psychotronics

Nah, there's the volunteer in Psychotronics. Hell, he's the first real human you come across in the game. You get a whole big moral decision to either kill him by releasing a mimic or let him go, despite a record of shit like human trafficking. If you let him go, he tells you the code to a nearby armory. But you can also just shoot the door's button through a window, to which he just begs for his life since he sees you already opened it.

He's in Psychotronics I think.

I got the worst ending because I was super edgy and killed everyone, then set Talos to blow up and escaped through Alex's escape pod.

Oh right that guy.

I let him out but then a fucking phantom teleported in and killed him

For me he walked to the main hall and just stood by a spot on the floor that was burning. He didn't actually walk into it, but he just stood right next to it and made me nervous as fuck.

Ah well, the guy is a scumbag regardless.

Fucking disappointment

>go back into the lobby
>see it's now completely fucked up
>see the nightmare
>leave the lobby

Spooks the shit out of you the first time it shows up though.
Thinking about it now that's kind of the story of every enemy in the game, once you learn how to deal with them they aint shit.

>go back into the lobby
>see it's now completely fucked up
>see the nightmare
>blast him with space magic
>he dies before reaching me

Hardest difficulty is way too easy unfortunately, just pick up everything and you can get like every human neuromod 1/3 through the game

First playthrough was nice though, any other games like Prey? Just finished Nier the other day and am craving something that is longish/replayable

>Go back to the lobby
>Fortified turrets set up with gloo walls
>They managed to kill everything in the lobby as i got there
>I have never seen a turret beat anything higher than a mimic since....

I think i got real lucky on nightmare

Closest you're going to get in a modern game is the Deus Ex reboots.

Dishonored, nigga.

>Get to lobby via elevator
>Aw shiet Nightmare
>LOL just hit him n get back to elevator

All they had to do was to let him patrol the station

The Dishonored games have a lot of similarities if you haven't played them.

I ended up going full human, no Typhon powers, being able to basically stop time and run and jump at sanic speed made it a bit too easy by the endgame.

I think he wants that same sense of wonder and discovery in a persistent world, not just something that kinda sorta plays the same. Might as well have just recommended Bioshock you jokers.

Yeah. That pissed me off. They shouldn't have given away the ending like that considering there was no consequence to just saving and reloading.

>savescumming babbies get shit on



>checking out an early ending and then immediately reloading back
>not savescumming

it puts you on a death screen after you do it, what am I supposed to do, start a new game?

>what am I supposed to do
Not trigger an ending in the first place?

well jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez sorry for not knowing it was an ending in advance

There's actually some glitches during the ending which suggest that it might still be a simulation, meaning it's likely that earth is completely fine and they're simply trying to see if they can get a typhon to feel empathy