Game Censorship: Which game is responsible?

I'm 31 and old as fuck but I remember seeing the original trailer for Bioshock:

And it looked cool; then I read about the option you to either kill the the Little Sisters to acquire the sea-slugs for more ADAM or letting them go for I forget what, if anything, you got instead,

But in the end, the studio sold out and bent to knee due to all of controversy and pressure from the publisher.

It is, in my opinion, the moment that any artistic integrity in the video game industry died.

You still kill them though, it's just not called killing outright. How did they kowtow to publishers?

What the fuck are you talking about you senile fucking retard, you can kill the little sisters in bioshock for ADAM.

>But in the end, the studio sold out and bent to knee due to all of controversy and pressure from the publisher.
lol what
did you even play bioshock

Not OP but I think he's talking about how it gives you a shitty ending if you kill them


just a Sup Forums autist babbling nonsense

That's still not censorship, just the design choice they obviously had in mind from early stages of development, for a good and bad ending.

obviously NOT KILLING FUCKING CHILDREN will give you the good ending.

so you don't remember European version of Fallout 2

it doesn't

it gives you an ending where you capture nukes because killing them to gather more power means you're a power-hungry kind of guy, which makes sense

> Sup Forums autist
not sure what is worse, pol blaming the jews or nu-v blaming pol

>be dev
>decide to make a game
>hmmmmm what do I want my main character to be?
>I know, a cute mixed girl who's a lesbian

You people are retarded

>play game as cute girl
>try to lez up other girl characters
>Sup Forums: REEEEEEEE SJWS!!!!!!

I hate this place

>dev makes mc a lesbian
>then proceeds to go on twitter, facebook, youtube, and every other social media feed to brag about how they've got a strong lesbian MC
I don't give a fuck if she wants dick or vag, or even if it's a guy or a girl just give me information on the fucking game, your shitty third person action game will no doubt barely even expand upon the characters besides your now obvious lesbianism in the MC being stretched out as far as it can possibly fucking go.

>try to lez up other girl characters

>maybe we should make slaughtering little girls for rewards a core gameplay mechanic
>people with money: hmm probably not
>autists on tagalog cave etching discussion boards have a fit

what a fucking surprise

t. Sup Forumstard

When does the happen


you never mentioned what the studio sold out for exactly
you can still slaughter dem girls and it results in a different ending

Happening with some shit indie game i'm following that's got similar platforming/speedrunning elements to cloudbuilt, but with proper mod tools and editors. But as of the last few months the devs have been doing nothing but bragging about how they made such a progressive and special character because she loved to muff dive. Holy fuck stop showing off shitty concept art and stupid fan art of her with heart symbols and other girls holy SHIT I COULD NOT CARE LESS BUT I STILL WANT YOUR FUCKING GAME FUCK.

If you are really a 31y old fuck you must fucking kill yourself for liking a fucking garbage game


I don't give a shit about censorship, if I want Tits I'll look at porn


Censorship is okay when Nintendo does it

>But in the end, the studio sold out and bent to knee due to all of controversy and pressure from the publisher.

You're a dumb nigger.

Wasn't it pretty much nintendo who started this whole censorship garbage when the big debate about MKX and night trap stuff happened? I think they already had a censored version of mortal kombat by that time.


it's buffy: freaks and geeks.

What are you talking about? You can kill the bitches and get a fucking nuke after your done.

Thank you, user.

You're a good man and I wish you eternal good fortune for you and your descendants.

>I'm 31 and old as fuck
So your natural life expectancy is sub 40?

when a major company gets wind of social movements becoming prevalent, then their products suddenly shift their presentation to extolling values that some of those movements might find good.
EA does it fucking all the time, and in the most obnoxious and obvious way too.

>I run around slaying vampires
>wears short, tight dress and high heeled boots
I don't buy it

That's the entire point of Buffy. Her real superpowers are irony, dissonance, and awkwardness

>be modder
>decide to mod game
>hmmmmm what do i want to make the main character?
>i know, let's have him slay degenerates
you people are retarded

OP is talking nonsense, however Bioshock infinite did get censored. What's her face's boobs were "toned down" because of SJWs screeching about censorship