This is an official image render from Ubisoft.
How does this make you feel?
This is an official image render from Ubisoft.
How does this make you feel?
me horne rabid fug
I don't want to fuck that bunny...
Thank you based France
Pretty hot desu
I'd fuck it
What was even the last game that had fucking Rabbids in it?
I want more of this
What vidya rabbits would you make love to?
I love Reisen!
Someone at Ubisoft was paid to make this.
Mad that
Ubisoft still exists
Ubisoft is doing business with any company
Rabbids still exist
Nintendo thought that it would be a good idea to have a Rabbids game
Nintendo thought that it would be a good idea to work with one of the most incompetent companies of our time next to Gearbox and Bioware
It's a gay bondage website.
It's a goof game.
not gonna lie, I'd fug a rabbid
god bless him
I'd let rabbid peach peg me desu
>human animu bitch with just ears slapped on
user go to e621 and know the difference between real wabbit waifus and your shit taste
>pink body
>no Homer mouth
>search for peach rabbid characters on f-list
>three results
>they're all fucking blank
stop this
Is it 2006 again?
I wish David Bowie was still with us
risque videogame ads thread? risque videogame ads thread.
If it's a sign that Ubisoft is going to turn back the clock and start getting WEIRD again, I'm all about it. They used to be good before they just started releasing assassin's creed over and over with different skins on it.
It's a French company they're basically EU Japan.
How do you differentiate the female and male rabbids?
You ask them.
You're right. I shouldn't assume their gender. Silly me.
sauce ?
where's the official peach porn, jewbisoft
Why do you follow rabbids on instagram?
I didn't until I found out about this
>Amputated, bound and gagged, about to be eaten
That's a bit fucked up.
It's not amputated.
Canonically they don't have genders.
whats wrong with wanting to get blacked? it's a really common fetish desu, me and my friends got blacked for the first time last week. We had to travel to a bigger city because there aren't a lot of black guys here. blacked is good to watch when you don't have the money to make the trip, there is nothing wrong with the whole genre.
I feel sorry for you.