>yfw that MHW stream
>yfw Monster Hunter is finally kill
Thanks Crapcum
Yfw that MHW stream
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delicious nintenbaby tears
Why is people so mad? The game is fucking awesome. If you want to play it buy a ps4 or ask a friend
>buy a ps4
>when its available for pc
Good, I'm sick of quest time limits
Can someone give me a quick rundown
I can't watch it at work
Nintendorks don't have friends.
How in the name of the fuck do you take more than 50 kinutes to end your hunt?
This is who killed Dead rising and now MonHun. Thanks capcom
>PS4 exclusive content
>Play with Japanese players
>Don't have to sit like a cuck while everyone plays and finds everything
But time limits are still in?
Monster healthbars are a thing.
You can see the heartbeat of the monster you are currently tracking, and it changes when the monster is enraged/gets close to dying.
Capcom is on a roll lately.
At killing their beloved franchises.
Is going out of business some kind of tax dodge?
Health bars sound gay af
But the heartbeat thing sounds interesting, I'll have to watch it when I get home
>Why is people so mad?
Not on nintendo platforms
>Monster healthbars are a thing.
Pic or you're just full of shit.
Sounds good to me. Autism problem if you hate that desu
>having to pay to play online
>not having a group of friends to play MHW with
lmaoing @ your life
>available for PC
>nintendofans still complain
what did xer mean by this
Bad changes to the formula, like moving while drinking potion, a more mobile GS and HBG, a few animu as fuck moves, more time spent chasing. Kinda feels like Generations all over again.
I'm still getting it, but This probably won't be my favorite MH.
>The game is fucking awesome
Have you played it?
Some were saying it was a sound bar, some say it's a rage indicator.
>dead rising dead
>SF dead
>MH dead
>LP dead
>MM dead
>RE dead
The legacy of Conman lives on
What stream? Is there a link to a VoD?
Gee user, maybe they're actually complaining because they're skeptical of the game itself.
no, it's just false flags.
Don't forget
i didn't watch it, redpill me it
Thanks user.
Its on ps4 so its automatically awesome! ;D
>Healthbars are a thing
So this is the AntiMHW, a bunch of liars.
>Monster hunter actually looks good for once and nintenbros are mad because it is no longer held back on a shitty 3ds at 240p
MHW looks like fun!
Open world meme that kills the concept of Monster Hunter.
I can't believe nin-toddlers is still filtered.
The thought that some mod got so butt-hurt on an anonymous image board that they had to add a filter is sad.
t. Switchcuck
Game looked great
>Open World
It's open area you twit, no more loading screens. You're proving this idiot right.
All hunters are 5' 9. So that begs the question: are you taller than a hunter?
No, I'm 5'6''
ye, 6'4" here
if you're below 6 foot, you should just be a tranny or have gay sex with other manlets
of course, how can anyone be below six foot?
>nintendo shitters upset after buying bad console with no third party games
>Make mounting better
>Let you get an instant retry if you fuck up
>no blood splatter
That's depressing. Battle feels a bit lifeless without it.
>buy a PS4
The shills are strong these days.
>everyone who has doubts in a nintendo shitter
t.Crapcom shill
Why is this thread full of lies?
point still stands, jesus it really feels like capcom has paid shills with all the deflection going on.
Hey shills tell capcom that they should reveal DMC5 already
I feel embarrassed for him.
It's okay when my liberal media does it so it should apply to video games too.
>skeptical of World in the same way I was skeptical of X
>"hurr Nintendork"
Why is everything such console warring faggotry now?
Wew lad drinking potion while moving really worries me. The price for prettier graphics seems to be that the series gets hit with the casualization hammer yet again.
>releases in Japan
>Japs eat it up
>Sup Forums will suddenly like it
mark my fucking words
>Mai Hadcowe Manster Hanter
I remember running out of time on that DMC Gravios even quest in MH4U even with a fucking water weapon because the thing had like 7 billion HP
Yeah it looks slightly more "streamlined". My only hope is that the monster difficulty has been kicked up to compensate, although the stream didnt give me hope there.
Its not been hardcore after FU. This is closer to ffxv levels of baiting normies to buy it.
>Japs eat it up
>The West doesnt
>Keeps moving to the left until it REs itself.
Seriously, it's fucking annoying. Every doubt is swept away with HURRR UR A NINTENBRO, it's really making me suspect that capcom hired shills
Just barely. I think. I haven't had my height measured since I was a freshman in high school.
>Why is people so mad?
Minimal initial release with maps and monsters already being promised as paid DLC. Y'know, the reason why every Capcom IP in the last decade went from 'promising' to 'dogshit' in the eyes of the consumer.
Fuck Capcom. They just don't care.
5"11 but i'm 6" when I wear shoes. That count? No? Then cull me please.
It's pretty uniform how they deflect criticism.
>Deny it's casual
>"It's always been a casual series, bro!"
>Mock the person for enjoying the series and not wanting to see it changed for the worse
>"Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo!!!"
Please don't tell me that you believed that retard that said there are only 3 maps. The actual quote is "We are not done with the other maps as of now, we would like to give interactive maps to the players."
yet your complaints that it's the end of the world and it's a blight on the series are just fine
Except they didn't say there would be DLC. They did say that the map from the stream is the only one they've currently got in working order and they're working to finish up the rest of them though.
yeah, actually, now that I think about it the deflections are all the same
>here are some casual elements I am worried about
>NINTENDO NINTENDO, it got casualized anyway
It's really annoying and obvious
>Trusting Capcom in 2017
Can't wait for this game to fail. Nintendo will be vindicated. NINTENDO SOMETIMES WINS, BABY.
my what now?
Oh. Then yeah, sure, that's fine then. Granted, I have my reservations given that Capcom's track record in recent years is still shoddy as fuck, but let's see how it plays out I guess.
Oh there's one thing to be sure. A fucking rerelease if you want that sweet GRank content.
>have to give your info to north korea
wtf no G rank?
Its delusional to think they'll be ready with more than 3 by release.
>capcom slightly casualizes the game a little
>doubles sales overnight
I always thought Monster Hunter looked like low tier trash on handhelds. Finally Capcom makes a HD game on the PS4 for someone like me to fully appreciate.
Stay mad
Theres never any G Rank in the initial release
It's Monster Hunter, it's tradition. Or they could throw a curveball and prove me wrong.
>I really don't know how the game development process works, but I'm going to comment as if I do anyway
That's a direct quote from you, by the way.
That's no excuse, what the fuck, I expect it in the next mainline. Are they such jews they want us to buy MHW++ to enjoy G rank again? That's bullshit man, I have been doing it for too long
It'll probably just be DLC this time.
>monster health bars are a thing.
No, you're actually just lying. There isn't health bars, all you see is damage numbers which can be turned off.
>double sales overnight
*half sales overnight
FTFY. Console MH has always done poorly, and the "slight" casualization is not enough to bring in normies. They should move the series back to PS handhelds
6'2 i aint no woman.
See? Capcom shills out in full force. Hey shill, remember to tell capcom to put in G rank as free DLC
>monster hunter is kill
my expectations went up after that stream
nearly everyone hating on this game is an autist who hasn't played anything other than the nintendo titles
>muh superflat
>muh TA
kill yourself
it's okay sweetie Mario is coming out this winter!
>yfw nintendo fans mad as fuck and they also won't get MH XX
Heartbeat sensor is a step closer to that direction. Might as well add an HP bar
even if that is what that bar does, how is that a healthbar?
you can already tell when it's enraged and limping
there is bloodsplatter, it's just more subtle
rumor is that it's related to where you hit the monster, aka slash the belly and get more
the leak had blood mixed in with the fire on the LS
October, actually. At least I keep up with the games I shitpost about.
>deny it's casual
more like deny we know it's casual for sure
>it's always been casual
it's not been particularly hard outside of their poorly scaled engame
>mock the person for enjoying the series
99% of the criticism is coming from people who hadn't played before tri, because this shit feels exactly like a sequel to MH1
Still, when the dude hits the monster with the GS it almost looks like he is hitting rock. There's no slashing feel like before, its just weird.
>I expect it in the mainline
what are you basing your expectation on, it's never been that way
G Rank is a retarded concept anyway, high rank used to be G rank until they wanted another selling point
You mean how low sharpness weapons (Bone Blade) don't really have much blood splatter outside of unarmoured enemies?
it's a tiptoe in that direction
>looks like he's hitting a rock
I also think that is a bit lame, but again maybe it's just their implementation of what I said, I.E. bloodsplatter on flesh and rock chunks on bone