Explain me why you are not playing this
already beat it on the Vita
Because Neptunia is a shit series and I don't trust anything related to it or CH/IF in any way.
I'm satisfied by denying them sales and not playing their shit.
I still need to finish Rebirth 3 and VII
>compile heart games
Already beat it ages ago, and it was only $5 anyway.
What is the point you're trying to make here? That Idea Fuck/Compile Shart are universally reviled because they make shit games and because neofags get triggered by attractive women?
More like Idea Fuckotry ;}
I have quite a few compile heart games
they have very mediocre gameplay and survive pure on fanservice on very huge overuse of same engines and models, sorry user, it's just a reality
>I have quite a few compile heart games
pic with timestamp or confirmed neogaf false flag
This image is shitting on Akiba's Beat.
Why is CH/IFI getting dragged into a game they are not connected to?
Because Nep games are trash and are the quality equivalent of an annually released western game.
because Sup Forumseogaf used to shit on Akiba's Beat thinking it was a Compile Heart game
You missed the threads a few weeks ago. I decided to make that image to prove /v is Neogaf 2.0
Because Nepfaggots are desperate to defend their garbage games by pretending only neofag dislikes them.
more like Compile Fart
Akiba's Strip was already a Neptunia clone set in Akihabara. Akiba's Beat only increased that influence, so a lot of people were thrown off.
Nep is not even mentioned in those posts.
Nobody actually thinks Akiba's Beat is a CH game. Calling something "a compile heart game" is saying "it's a shit tier game made to lazily appear to faggots who will buy it solely because it has cute girls in it and will ignore the shit gameplay, shit story, shit characters, shit music, and shit everything else" because those are the only games Compile Heart makes.
It's sort of like how tissues are often referred to as kleenex even though Kleenex isn't the only company that makes tissues; Compile Heart isn't the only company that makes kusoge, but they're the face of the genre.
That's nice but the image was still made by a delusional neptuna faggot who thinks his shit series is universally reviled because of some neofaggot boogeyman and not because the games are trash.
>Akiba's Strip was already a Neptunia clone set in Akihabara.
confirmed for not playing Akiba's Strip
Compile Heart sucks
>Nobody actually thinks Akiba's Beat is a CH game.
Sup Forums thought it was made by Idea Factory and they thought Idea Factory = CH
>b-but Sup Forums one person
you missed the threads
back to plebbit
>European retard
well at least you are not a false-flagger.
No, you seem to misunderstand. I know it's hard because you came to this site 6 months ago, but CH/IF are considered the same thing because they both do the same thing. That is, they shit out zero-effort kusoge and rely on character designs to sell them.
check timezones and compare time, fag
I don't play cringey JRPG dogshit.
>mfw enjoying good games like Mass Effect Andromeda, Neptunia and Street Fighter V despite NeoGAF and Reddit fucking shills trying to tell me they're bad
u mad shills? haters gonna hate, I'm having FUN
not even neogaf went that low
Yeah buddy enjoy your fun