admit it Sup Forums,if metroid was created nowadays you would have complained about muh strong womans in vidya
Admit it Sup Forums,if metroid was created nowadays you would have complained about muh strong womans in vidya
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Wow great fucking thread OP, are you trying to prove a point?
Go back to plebbit, faggot.
>admit it Sup Forums,if metroid was created nowadays you would have complained about muh strong womans in vidya
doubt it. we would've played through a great game, only to find out at the very end that he is really a she, and probably not care.
Theres nothing wrong with a Strong female.
Theres an irritating problem with a Strong female flaunting that shes strong to prove a point that females can be strong to the oppressive man.
i would've.
what can i say?
it's a product of the times.
I think the board reaction would be more along the lines of "muh dick" and waifuspam.
>Japanese game
Nah. Chinks don't give a shit about that.
>Japanese game
Nah. Japs don't give a shit about that.
There's also a problem with people immediately assuming that's going to be the case as soon as they see a female character in a western game, and twisting every possible detail to make it look like it's happening.
>inb4 nobody does that
Don't pretend it doesn't happen all the fucking time on this site.
Also using reaction pictures doesn't make you sound witty or funny.
Actually fat wannabe-nerdy girls from painting-sites would probably go around and spout nonsense like "to sexist", "muh strong wymyn but she looks not like a real women (read: fat)". and so on and so on... oh wait....
The game would be sjw if Samus didn't have an armor all the time and you would see her sidecut or she would be black with an afro.
You are playing with a chick that needs to be in an overpowered armor to do shit, she's pretty weak and useless without it during Zero Mission. Not very sjw-y to me :D Don't forget that one of the most popular thing about Metroid is too finish the game 100% to see her in underwear.
>other m
Not really. You had to either zoom through the game or collect everything in a single run to get any hint that there was a woman underneath all that armor. Without guides, only the most hardcore would be able to accomplish this, meaning most game journalists nowadays would have been more likely to complain about "male power fantasy" before hastily retracting it with egg on their faces.
Sup Forums sure hates nier automata
Kinda funny you should say that, considering the almost unanimously most hated entry in the franchise here is the one where she's a weak little emotional crybaby
Why do you have to ruin everything?
Why is there is an abudance of faggots obsessed with political shit in videogames in the west. Not only that a bunch of these faggots probably have never played or completed the games they are so obsessed with shitting up or are utterly incompetent at the game. I wouldn't be suprised if half the shitposters that talk political shit about games actually have even played the game. At least in the chinese tapesty side when the make their strong weme, they aren't making it self-insert make lardwhale feel better designed characters.
>other m
Well there goes your opinion.
Obviously it's not like that for metroid because you barely see her being a female.
See She's pretty obviously female.
like in
Except Metroid is an example of a strong female done right.
The problem with female characters often these days is that its constantly reiterated as some sort of girl power statement.
With Samus, she's a strong character who just happens to be female. Not a female who happens to be strong.
The same rule applies to gay characters, like that villager in Witcher 3. You couldn't have known unless it was stated as part of his sidestory.
this, reminder samus isnĀ“t black
>With Samus, she's a strong character who just happens to be female. Not a female who happens to be strong.
>Samus/Baby relationship is MOTHER and CHILD
>Samus/Adam relationship is DAUGHTER and FATHER
>just happens to be female
>she's pretty weak and useless without it during Zero Mission.
Her only weapon was a shitty stun gun. She was still near as capable physically, given she could still jump as high as normal (sans hi jump), could still do the flippy shit, and could even still wall jump.
Neptunia proves you wrong