Moral of the game is to be yourself

>Moral of the game is to be yourself

What's wrong with being yourself?

Sounds pretty good to me ...unless you are a faggot like OP :^)


Do they say that to murderers and people who like to burn small animals

>Moral of the game is that nothing you do matters

Dumb frogposter.

>game has no morals

>Moral of the game is that everybody is a pice of shit, included you

>moral of the game is to enjoy the little things

They tell them they aren't themselves

>moral of the game is that life sucks

>you have to love yourself to be loved!

>Moral of the game is that nothing you do matters
>But you can give meaning to your actions and live a happy life if you wish to

>the game has no morals because morality is a spook



>moral of the game is that religion can't make people better, but can make them worse

What if I'm Hitler?

Will set people up against you and lower your social standing.

Ia there a way to filter frogposters

Because the people that are told to be themselves are either lonely assholes, or weirdos who don't understand social cues and cry about how bad their life is.

>moral of the game is that everything you did was pointless and probably made things worse in the end
I enjoy those kinds of games though.

dark souls

Write a neural network to recognize meme images, teach it to recognize frogs, link it up to browser plugin, have browser feed the network images, then have the plugin hide those posts and threads that have frogs in them.

>be yourself
>your real self is a complete asshole who only wants to make snarky, mean comments and jokes about everything with the occasional reminiscing about shit times like watching a child die in horrible agony or watching your friend get shot in the head or PSTD about getting bombed

I can't even get close to women unless I fake it

>Moral of the game is that you are not only yourself but you are also Big Boss

>moral of the game is to let go

>moral of the game is that you are a fagoot

Because it's often misunderstood. When people say "be yourself" they don't mean be the sad sack of shit you are currently, they mean that be the best possible version of yourself.

It implies you already know who you are, what you want to be etc. "Discover yourself" is a much better message in that regard.

kill yourself frogfucker

>moral of the game is to git gud

>Moral of the game is kill yourself