>post on Sup Forums
>fags keep talking about bloodborne
>get Bloodborne
>reach Orphan of Kos
>kick his ass first try
>blind playthrough
>no guides used
Explain yourself Sup Forums.
>post on Sup Forums
>fags keep talking about bloodborne
>get Bloodborne
>reach Orphan of Kos
>kick his ass first try
>blind playthrough
>no guides used
Explain yourself Sup Forums.
Every boss in the series is easy to someone who's spent hours leveling their vitality to like 60.
>Explain yourself Sup Forums.
A lot of posters on /v are too young to remember what an actual hard game looks like.
Gael is better
As someone who has beaten both games Bloodborne is tougher.
>le overleveled meme
Too bad I only use one vial the entire fight and didn't even have to use it. that fight could have been done at base vit and it wouldn't have made a difference. not to mention I didn't even grind or anything else to be at level 86 upon reaching kos (see build at the end).
you retarded there m8?
Congrats on beating him OP, fought him yesterday @ level 100 took me a couple of tries
Also fuck this game Sup Forums meme'd me into buying, I'm not listening to consoleniggers ever again.
His vitality was 50 and Kos hit him literally twice in the entire fight. Can't call vitality a crutch here stud.
>beat him first try
>sits there baiting out ever attack guides tell you to
blind + no guides used + no videos watched
here's gascoigne and logarius first tries, too
piss game m8
Wow I really wanna suck your dick user!
Nobody gives a shit
Good job tho
>Sup Forums is full of casuals
>Sup Forums is full of normalfags that once someone points out how shitty and boring a boss is they just scream git gud
gee what a suprise...
thanks bb
here's ludwig too
first try, blind, no guides
piss desu
Yeah I got platinum trophy in 10 days. Way too fucking easy.
go shill your videos somewhere else faggot
It took you ten days? Pshh, nothing personal kid.
Because most idiots here are casuals that fell for the "health stat at
lol bro your a nolife
what you didn't hear about the nerfs?
wow OP really gives me eyes on the inside
that was played at toh's release sorry kid
loving the damage control
That's because Dark Souls is the hardest game in the franchise.
Demon souls and DS II are kind of easy once you understand the mechanics.
DS 3 and BB are ok difficulty. Much, much faster than the prior titles and way more forgiving if you die.
I love ds1 and ds2 is shit but ds2 is objectively more difficult, day 1 release atleast and afterwards, now with SotfS its probably babby mode
>le hard game meme
>I made a new character and beat a boss on my first try
>a boss that I may or may not have beaten many times before.
That said, it really isnt hard.
However no one either needs to believe you on it, nor care, as theyve done far more, or beating something on the first go /= a games quality or lack thereof.
Lord knows, I bought this game, with no media from Sup Forums or any other site involved, I enjoyed it, still enjoy it, and nothing can change that.
It is something that I knew, having liked Lovecraftian horror shit, that I would enjoy.
I personally.
Now why would you listen to other people, user?
Now other anons, who play it and dont like it, but continue to do so anyway
Playing something you dont enjoy...
Is it some kind of measurement of yourself, and self worth in this anonymous place?
proving yourself? but to who?
"Im gonna play something I dont enjoy, and post how I dont enjoy it?"
or brag about it?
I do not understand.
game isnt that hard, as long as you make a nonretarded build, and avoid stupid crutch weapons like Ludwigs.
Ironically, its guideusing that DOES get you killed, from what I've seen of my friends shit builds.
I guess I'm a fucking casual because that's the only soulsborne boss I haven't beaten. I did only face him on NG+ though and my save got deleted.
Maybe I should try again.
I've learned that by and large Sup Forums is absolutely terrible at games. Their performance in 4craft was especially hilarious.
>first try
>no trophy
really makes you think
this so hard.
no trophy pop as boss died.
>implying PS record function records trophy messages
protip: it doesn't
>kick his ass first try
>parry perfect on first try and know every moveset the moment you enter the boss area
Yea sure buddy how often did he rape you so you got this butthurt and upload a video and claimed you beat him first try?
what stopped you? DSP couldn't beat ludwig kek
no trophies popped, so you are a liar.
Also judging by your use of shit memes, you are an insufferable faggot too.
it was the first try m8. sorry you cant git gud.
Don't kid yourself you nostalgia blinded faggot. Try playing Ghost N Goblins now you aren't a little kid with horrendous reflexes and non-existent problem solving skills.
>no trophies popped, so you are a liar.
did you read my message you shitbird?
go play one of your shitty ps4 games right now and get a trophy. press the share button afterwards and save the video. watch the video and see if the trophy message popped. protip: it doesn't
No trophies!
You could have at least made a new account before you posted this weak ass bait.
Damage control this you cuckolde.
Wow le so cool beating a boss on your first go that you've already beaten before.
nine out of ten of his attacks you want to dodge past his right shoulder. his right, not your right.
and whenever he does that swooping attack you have enough time to get a backstab with a onehanded weapon, allowing for a follow up fisting
No trophy popped.
so it wasnt first try.
"blind" noguide" my ass.
people be calling you out for it faggit.
Figures you're a memespamming fag.
Dipshits like you usually are
Today he is just unfun Gael.
Thats wrong actually.
It does appear.
as a matter of fact its central to share feature, and not hidden.
C O N T R O L.
What is stopping you from sharing the autoscreenshots of the trophies too?
Bet you it isnt the same character.
see so desperate. so hopeless.
lol no it doesn't you shitbird. the share will capture a pic when you get a trophy, but it won't be in a video you save from the ps4, this is literally a fact of life. go actually try it right now you dumbass, or keep holding your ears closed like a child screaming I don't mind.
The built in PS4 recorder doesn't capture the PS4's UI.
You see this blur on the upper left hand side you faggot.
look at the end of the video and see
OP btfo
Yes, it is captured in the vids.
It will share the full image if you have it set to on in the settings,
or, should you do nothing with it, you WILL see a blurred out system notification in the vid instead.
You can google any real first time vid and see for yourself.
You fucked up user.
You fucked up.
lol no you dumbass, it does that when you're streaming for privacy reasons, but if you save a video that doesn't appear at all. keep screaming though bud this is p funny
>Yes, it is captured in the vids.
nice try faggot
Oh man, OP, you must be so ashamed.
Literally dying right now.
oh yeah
Tldr: we can't even prove OP is lying instead we are left in a limbo of never knowing
>kick his ass first try
>Going full retard trying to bait really hard
So at your first """TRY""" you already know that you could parry him at the first 2 seconds of starting the fight.
So at your first """TRY"" you knew it that you can backstap him when kos jump and dive?
Sot at your first """TRY""" you knew how to dodge him perfectly?
Retards and scrubs like you are the one who ruined souls community.
After 3000 tries finally you get your "perfect" fight nice try there faggot.
But did you have FUN playing?
Everybody itt has a homework assignment:
>Load up PS4 game
>Acquire trophy
>Press share button
>Save video
>Watch video and see if the trophy appears
It literally doesn't and this is a fact of life.
yes, when you attain a trophy it auto-captures that picture. video is not the same thing.
This. Fuck you OP
if OP cared that much he could just share his screenshot from getting the trophy. I mean surely it would be the same character ;^)
nice try at shitposting OP, but didn't really work
do the homework assignment kiddo enjoy you're silent tears
Why would anyone think a Beast Blood Pellet wouldn't work on Laurence?
>lo bro cuck cuck
Confirmed 16 year old
Not agreeing with them, but what is keeping you from posting trophy screenshots, anyway, if what they say is 100% false? A good bit of skepticism here to both sides, especially considering its easily doable, particularly since I cheesed the shit out of maria my first try with whirligig and beast blood.
Just got the saif, it any good?
Worse cleaver
Good if ur pvpfag
trophy screenshot was deleted because hard drive got corrupt not long ago. even if I DID still have it, I'm not gonna bother going to my PS4 and saving it to another drive then bringing it here just to show u m8
facts are facts. first try. blind. bb = casul
Share the goddamn screenshots OP.
the ps4 autocaptures those, even if retards are wrong about it not recording trophies in footage.
Or just, you know, bait.
Fuck, nothing feels good like the threaded cane. i want to go back to str, all the new weapons so far from old hunters are for strength builds
im literally dying over here
>Tldr: we can't even prove OP is lying instead we are left in a limbo of never knowing
you can literally see that you're wrong just by doing enjoy you're silent tears
>trophy screenshot was deleted because hard drive got corrupt
Fucking beautiful. Afterwards the dog ate your homework and then gave you $100.
Having fun with your straw man, Nancy?
I also beat orphan of kos first try and thought it was one of the easiest bosses in the game. I don't get it
Even acknowledging the fact trophies might not pop up when you make a video. I do not know whether this is true or not.
What I do know
>knows exactly where the attack is gonna hit and dodges to the proper side
>knows exactly which attacks to parry and when
Obviously you had some knowledge going in. Either a guide or by watching some vids. Still nice job. Never been able to beat him with getting hit only twice, not even when already beating him twice.
first try. blind. no guides. no videos watched. facts.
That doesn't prove he did it first try turbo autist, just proves his shitty point
>I don't have it because I'm a liar
20th try, guides, videos watched, facts.
It works both ways as you can see.
10/10 made me reply
Old games have artificial difficulty from just not giving you enough lives and heals so you can put another token in to revive meh
I beat Orphan on my first try, too, untransformed Whirligig saw, dodge right, strike once, it was oddly effective.
whatever helps u sleep better bb
kek then you have no proof.
Literal damage control excuse.
You have no evidence at all to the contrary.
>Corrupt hard drive
gtfo of here with that flimsy ass excuse.
Not that it matters on a dead easy game that you can cheese and beat bosses much faster, and at much lower levels, than you did.
>Posts claim
>People ask for evidence
>excuse for why he has none
Gee, and people are supposed to take you seriously, when you're coming up in here like you just beat shitty gael?
please, user.
Calm your tits and stop trying to assert your alpha dominance to a goddamn anonymous imageboard
Why would somebody lie on the internet?
Again, your video literally proves you had knowledge going in. The facts are your dodges and parries are way too on point for somebody who has never seen his moveset.
Combined with the fact anons claim that trophies pop up when you share videos AND your HDD somehow corrupted your trophy screens makes me 99% sure you're full of shit.
Great thunder will smite you if you're untrue to your word.
>kek then you have no proof.
but the video is right there lol
these videos too all first tries
>feels the need to include no guides/videos watched
That's what blind implies you dumbfuck.
Literally dying over here.
This is gold.
ex fucking deee
The videos are you beating bosses on your xth try. You have 0 proof that it's first try, and all the evidence points to the contrary. There are way more impressive videos online than yours. Sorry to burst your bubble.
this is one of the most autistic threads I've ever seen on Sup Forums
you should all be ashamed of yourselves
i'm just stressing the point so retards understand. people here are really dumb desu
>Literally dying over here.
I can tell m8
first try. fact.
This OP is the biggest beta autist I've seen in a long while on here, it's amazing.
>I'm not gonna bother going to my PS4 and saving it to another drive then bringing it here just to show u m8
>facts are facts. first try. blind.
this is the cringiest shit I've heard in the past fortnight
Something isnt a fact unless you have evidence.
Science, M8
Souls games are just a bit challenging, especially when DarkSouls released, games were so easy that it blew normalfags away.
Once you get the hang of it, they're easy (like most games) but they're still good
Nah its lacking the BB IS SHIT cos I beat it in a day-trophy poster