How high do you usually set your FOV when playing FPS games?
How high do you usually set your FOV when playing FPS games?
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I really dislike the ugly stretching that occurs when you get to the 100s, so 90/95.
240 degrees is my optimal FOV but few games support it, so I do whatever maximum they have
If I can change it 120
It depends. Anywhere from 85-105ish depending on game.
If the game has a zoom button or you can fake one I have it at 70ish.
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60, as it's the closest to actual human vision.
360, like real life
120 in Quake 1, 3, Reflex and 100 in Quake 2.
i've been using anywhere between 115-120 with 4K resolution anything higher and it starts to look weird.
45º, 30 fps and 720i which is what the eye can actually see
why does a wider FOV make it appear as though you move quicker?
Stuff on the sides gets stretched as it moves offscreen, and that stretch effect looks like faster relative movement when it's just in your peripheral view. This effect just gets magnified with higher fov since it's stretched even more
There's more landscape fit into the same sized screen.
90-120 depending on game, anything higher and the gravitational lensing starts.
it depends on the game, turok 2 on 110º looks like 180º
20º, I like to zoom on things.
Pretty good tool
90. Anything less and I start getting headaches.
how much of a subhuman are you
I'm most comfortable with 105-110, 90 i can live with if the game is good, but I'm gonna be irritated with the FOV. below 90 is unplayable
Usually 100, even more in few games such as DOOM or Quake.
What is DOOM's FOV set by default to?
90-110 depends on game
90 for indoor games
100 for outdoors
110 for competitive
100-110, sometimes higher if the game doesnt require much aiming and I just want it to feel faster.