How can anyone who's informed prefer PlayStation 4 when the Xbox One is a better product in every way...

How can anyone who's informed prefer PlayStation 4 when the Xbox One is a better product in every way? Better controller, better online, better UI, better download speeds, Backward Compatibility, games with gold shits on PSN, and now has cross play and is more powerful too. How do you rationalize purchasing a similarly priced device that is objectively inferior in every conceivable way(unless you already own the superior one of course)? It made sense in 2013, but now things are the complete opposite.

reminder Xbox unironically has more games on it

no anime no buy

We have teh gaemz.

Can I play Persona 5 on the xXxboneoneX? No? Then shut the fuck up and stop shilling your American garbage.

no exclusives
every game it gets is also on pc

I normally don't care about whether a character is super attractive or not but wow that second one is awful

Xbox one with its no games. Every 2 weeks has 3gb system updates and Halo 2 in the MCC still fucking crashes they haven't fixed that shit.

The only good thing about the Xbox One is KI.

As an Xbox One owner my life hurts.

That is a man with long hair. An ugly man, by the way, even for men a square jaw have it's limits.

>no games
that was easy

Or maybe you can't handle a real woman.

Not to mention, xboners are very rare on the board and they never bother making retarded, obvious false-flagging threads like this.
Sonybabbys are the worst kind of human shit.

as someone who owns both i agree, but thats only because the bone has 3 games worth playing, halo, gears, and forza while the ps4 has 0 games worth playing
although im never buying another microsoft product after the shit they pulled with halo wars 2's season pass

PC replaced the xbone franchise, and no I'm not talking about Win10 titles. The focus of their games use to be FPS exclusives, but all those titles that are good are multiplats. With PS4 blowing the fuck out of them in the 1st 2 years, thus double the sales. Their Halo3 marketing campaign was too good, the fight was finished

I am in my college computer room, and there's at least twenty women in here. None of then is fugly like your female prof utonium.

Your country must have an amazing proportion of ugly women.

PC for the games Microsoft claims to have "exclusivity" for on Xbox and PS4 for the actual console exclusives. What's so hard to get about this?

Xbox has shit exclusives. The one thing they had going for them (Scalebound), they fucking canceled.

>but I can't play my visual novel with shitty turned based combat!
you're actually fucking retarded

Everything you just stated is a shit opinion, not factual.

They just don't understand the raw horsepower of an American machine. They actually get scared when they start up the Xbox for the first time and they don't hear "user-kun.... p-please play wif me"

PS4 has a couple of games.
Xbone has nothing, all of its """exclusives""" are shared with win10 anyway.

PS4 has better games though, that's what I buy a games console for.

Microsoft are LITERALLY trying to sell me a $500 console by saying you can play 15 year old games on it.

Bait thread.

>No Death Stranding
>No Horizon Zero Dawn

Yeah all those things are totally true, if only there was anything worth playing on it

I legitimately don't understand sonyfags
Some are fanboys. These ones okay.
Others appear to just hate microsoft because they used to have shitty PCs back in the day and blame microsoft for the anger they passed lol

Xbox doesn't have games I want on the platform.

List of Xbox One games I bought an Xbox to play that are not available on another current gen platform (ie PC)

Halo: Master Chief Collection
Halo 5 Guardians
Rare Replay
Sunset Overdrive

List of PS4 games I bought a PS4 to play that are not available on another current gen platform (ie PC)

The Unfinished Swan
Gravity Rush Remasterd
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Last of Us Remastered
Until Dawn
Infamous: First Light
Wipeout: Omega Collection

Because I already own a PC.

PC has better controllers, better online, better UI, better download speeds, backwards compability, piracy shits on gold, crossplay with PS4 and Xbox one and it's more powerful too.

I also own a PS4 though because it actually has some decent exclusives that are not avaible on PC or xbox one.

i will give xbonex the best performance console this gen

the problem is they cant sell that if their games can be played in PC which is always better

if you seriously think the ps4 has no games then you're just not into gaming user.

It happens, just find another hobby

Youre right the Xbone is a better console than the PS4 but there's hardly anything to play on it (not that there is anything to play on the PS4 either.)

Embrace the Switch, Nintendo are winning this console war.

>How can anyone who's informed prefer PlayStation 4 when the Xbox One is
One word: Microsoft.
That's 9000 reasons against buying Xbox.
Japanese understand.

Because I can play all xbox games on pc

Why would I buy an Xbone X when the games that I could ever want to play on it are already available on another platform

Because their mates have PS4.
And they wanna play with their mates.

That's the main deciding factor of who buys what. No amount of deals is gonna stop anyone who's casually into videogames, ie the main market left for consoles that old from playing with their mates. That's why crossplay would have been amazing for Microsoft, suddenly the large amount of PS4 users isn't as much as a barrier to Xbox sales.

Xbox has no exclusives.

thats nice and all but wheres the games?
i get a xbox and what do i play on it?fucking netflix?theres no excuse to how bad xbox library getting a console to play games you know,not fap over its cpu or whatever Retard.

Like Sunset Overdrive?
Like Forza Horizon 2?
Like Halo 5?
Like Halo MCC?

No? Then STFU, mustard race.

No games
PS4 has great exclusives. If I cared about performance id get a pc

We ain't doing geometry, we trying to play some games. And that's one thing Xbox don't got. Xbox ain't got games. It ain't got games.

If you don't like gaming on a pc xbox is great and will be even better when xbone x releases, simple as that.
Also if you like japanese games get a ps4 its very simple.

You're using those games as an argument?

Games you will NEVER EVER play, poor steamsalefag.

All my friends play PS4. Also the exclusives are fun. If all of my friends went xbone, I'd have gone with em.

Glad as fuck they didn't though

What are you talking about? All of the games are also on PC

>mocks that guys list of games for xbox
>doesn't provide his own for pc

>Wipeout: Omega Collection

Oh shit, it's out already?

How can anyone who's informed buy any iteration of an Xbone?

If you want superior multiplats, forget the xXbox OneXx, just build a gaming PC.

Best way to go right now is PC + PS4 + Switch and/or 3DS.

PC for multiplats and "console exclusive" Microsoft games, PS4 for exclusives, Switch for Nintendo first party titles and 3DS if you like handhelds.

Xbox literally does not factor into the equation.

Because I own a gaming PC with a GTX 1080Ti and a 144Hz 1440p screen.

No reason to get an Xbone when I have all the games I need with PC (Xbox Live for Windows 10 + Steam + GOG) + PS4 + Switch.

Uhh sweetie that's not how it works. PS4 has E X C L S U I V E S.

That's the funny thing. Xbox is the objective superior system, that's a fact you can't deny or debate it. Xbox is a stronger console with better hardware, a better UI, vastly superior controllers, etc. It's just straight up a better system than playstation.

But playstation actually has a couple of decent exclusive games, xbox has literally 0. Purely because of this reason, a playstation is a better console to buy.

>3 shooters
>1 racing game

I was thinking about getting an xbox one slim if they drop the price, will I be able to download and play 360 and original games on it?

This honestly.
>Xbone games on PC
>PS4 games on PS4
That's literally me right now. Don't get me wrong Microsoft, I love that you're putting these games on PC for me, but that takes away all incentive to by an Xbox.


Like a week ago senpai, get on that shit

You know I will

This generation PC+PS4 is the win combo. Last generation it was PC+WiiU since gawd damn last gen sucked for games I like. Probably my least fav console gen of all time.

If they had all this at launch and was $400 they literally would have won

Sony bums defending anti consumer sony cuckery.

Sony Fannie's still using the "lol Pee Cee" as an insult when it's not an insult in any way

Sony fans still using early Kinect tier xbone shit as insults

Sony foonies still thinking ps4 wasnt going to have always online and all that dumb anti consumer crap

>but hey. Sony fans are used to being raped