Replaying this game for the first time in five years...

Replaying this game for the first time in five years. Want to know if the opinion I had then is still the opinion I have now. Things I've noted so far.

>Intro is still pretty confusing, but twenty minutes in, I think the concepts of fal'cie, l'cie, and cieth are explained pretty well
>Music is still great, graphics have this weird anime/realism fusion that I really like, though I notice a lot more jaggies now
>Lightning I'm kind of neutral with right now. Comes off as a strong, war-hardened badass who don't need no party, but also has some surprisingly emotional moments
>Sazh is still the best character
>Holy crap, I don't remember Hope being this annoying. He's like a whiny version of Roxas, although I can't help but wonder, I think he's this annoying on purpose...?
>I surprisingly don't hate Snow. I honestly kind of like his schtick, but I think it helps that the rest of the party kind of hates his guts for varying reasons, whereas everybody'd be on board with this guy and would be the obvious leader in any other game.
>Vanille is aight. She has an appealing design and is over-optimistic; I can already tell she's going to break down HARD in the future
>Battle system is way more fast-paced than I remember. I'm rarely using auto-battle, so the paradigm shift system feels actually somewhat intense. I like it.

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Horribly underrated and wrongfully bashed FF game. I played it years after the release, mostly because I'd heard it was like literally the spawn of Satan -tier bad, but it only surprised me positively. Sure, it has some pacing issues, but overall it's a very nice, atmospheric action adventure ride, with neat lore and world. I dig the cast a lot too, and OST is just killer in all FF13-games.

>Intro is still pretty confusing...
Never quite understood WHY this game confuses some people so much. Non-chronological story telling is a very common trope nowadays. Sure, the foreign terms may come as a shock to some, but they keep banging them to your head so often, their meaning should become clear quickly.
>Music & graphics...
The trilogy has great music and awesome graphics. Yeah, the PS3 version runs at 720p, which shows now. PC ports you can crank up to 4K + tons of AA if needed, and it looks gorgeosu.
This is also a fine example of stylized visuals working better / aging slower.
>Lightning I'm kind of neutral with right now.
Easily the most misunderstood character. She's a soldier, and then her sis turns into what's practically a biological threat + infidel -combo. Anyone would have a bad day.
>Sazh is still the best character
He's cool yeah.
>Holy crap, I don't remember Hope being this annoying.
He was always annoying. But to his defense, he IS a child. Like not mentally, but literally. And he mans the fuck up in the end.
>I surprisingly don't hate Snow.
No idea why anyone would. He's easily my favorite FF13 guy! A polar opposite of the history of emo-MCs: up-beat, actually tough too, and cares for his girl.
>Vanille is aight.
Another misunderstood character, for many reasons. She's merely pretending a lot of time. Not surprising she WAS originally meant as the story's MC.
>Battle system is way more fast-paced than I remember. I'm rarely using auto-battle
Attaboy! I love the 13's ATB, and the Auto-system is shit compared to manual combos + REPEAT function.

FFXIII actually takes place in a Killer 7-esque universe where all of the characters besides Lightning and Sarah are reflective of Lightning's personalities.

Snow = arogance and stubborness
Vanille = carelessness and happiness
etc, etc.

Want to know the basis for all of this? Watch this cutscene, 0:40 is the timestamp to being at if you watch it embedded

Why does everyone but Lightning and Sarah disappear during her dialogue?

Reminder that Vanille is the main character. Lightning is a shiny distraction for marketing.

How difficult is the combat to master? I've read that this is one of the game's selling points, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it when I tried a demo way back when

Snow and Sazh are probably the only good things to come out of ffxiii.

>How difficult is the combat to master? I've read that this is one of the game's selling points

Wherever you read this was bullshitting you completely, let me give you a run down of every single fight in the game

>start battle with enemy you haven't fought before
>mash A immediately at the start of a fight, the game will go through your entire list of abilities until it has tried all of them
>the game remembers what moves the enemy is weak too
>still mashing A, the game will automatically choose only attacks that the enemy is weak too
>any time you fight that enemy again it will remember its weaknesses, all you have to do is mash A

It's the same for every single enemy you encounter, I played the entire game using just the analog stick and the A button

It's not that difficult desu. Mostly just autobattle.

It's honestly not that different from traditional ATB except that you control your party through pardigms instead of directly. Things that used to make sense still make sense.

Vanille and Serah are good. Anyone who says otherwise has a different opinion than me.

>How difficult is the combat to master?
Not much at all, even more so since the start of the game has very restricted gameplay options. You open "classes", skills, upgrade trees, party members, etc, as you play forward. Thus you got plenty of time to figure things out at calm pace.

Too many people just spam the "Auto Battle" button, that chooses some "appropriate" actions. However, that AB mechanic is totally idiotic at times, and cannot use some higher end moves / combos / use Items, and so.

If you paradigm shift a lot you will notice that if you attack for two turns and shift you get an atb refresh. If lightning is your main, she had a little jump attack as a combo ender and if you shift during that animation you won't have to sit through the paradigm shifting animations. 5 stars every fight.

Wait, I thought we were talking about the XIII-3. The one with the non-traditional combat system. Nvm

That's an interesting fan theory. How does it explain everything that goes on when the party splits up though? Sazh and Vanille's solo adventures aren't suddenly known by Lightning, iirc.

This game and its fandom is in a really weird position now, imo. It was almost universally despised on release, so much so that a giant hatedom grew out of it, and lasted throughout the trilogy's existence. Now XV has been out for a while and everyone who was upset with XIII has either moved on to love or hate that game now. Meanwhile the people who really liked XIII are this weird, tiny, but close-knit group of people that still like to enjoy a game they feel was wrongfully criticized and nobody cares enough to bash anymore.

It looks phenomenal and has a good soundtrack, I'll give FF13 that. Basically every other segment of the game should've had someone go "wait, this doesn't work" before approving it.

>dat feel when can't tell whether the protagonists are really this stupid of his plan really is a genius one
Seriously, party even comments how best course of action to take in order to foil the villain's master plan would be to simply do NOTHING.

>Mostly just autobattle.

This is acutally a mistaken notion that keeps getting perpetuated online as people try to sell FF13 as simpler than it already is. No, problem with the combat system is actually the opposite one - it's just too tedious because you still have to fiddle with Paradigm switching even in regular fights which just drags the whole thing down. I really like boss fights, but goddamn does this Simon Says deal doesn't work for regular encounters.

>Horribly underrated and wrongfully bashed FF game

-no cities
-same story without any twist
-no character developpement
-forced separate party
-useless summons
-shittiest battle system, next to no evolution except one ATB part from time to time
-forgettable OST
-no rival
-people on your tail, yet no feeling of urgency
-most of the lore behind an index, because there's no NPCs or interaction to develop it

the only good things about this game are the design of the worlds and the graphics

I remember when this game came out a lot more people were frequenting on you tube for reviews and review sites
almost everyone on youtube shat on this game all the same complaints so everyone just assume it was shit because nobody wanted to play it and form their own opinions on it
it wasn't anything amazing, but I think that it deserved praised for its music, graphics, and variety of environments (not the hallways but the visuals of each new environment)
the combat and leveling system could've been better and they did that in xiii-2 and LR at the cost of weaker stories imo

its a game I don't regret playing, I enjoyed it, but its not for everyone, also you don't have to be a ff apologist to find the good in XIII


I want to have VAGINAL SEX with Hope's MILF mom.

I think it's ok. Too many FFs have 80% of battles be completely trivial "press x to gain xp" type deals. It would only be really bad if it had oldschool random encounters.

I'm not a huge fan of FFXIII but almost all of these are outright lies.


>forgettable ost

Maybe for you.

I hate the
>it gets good after 30 horus
meme but this is the primo example of that shit

I bought the game cheap despite hearing all the bad shit, got fairly far but was getting bored so I dropped it 3/4ths in

I picked it back up a year after, blitzed through the end and suddenly fell in love with everything at the same time. The background lore is great too and helps sell the story provided you're autistic enough to read the datalogs.

I want to fuck her while she's alive. I want Hope to accidentally walk in

>Saz'h is still the best character
I don't get this opinion, but alright.
>Hope being annoying
I'm guessing you're still in the early game. Like, really early game, since he develops throughout the game, starting pretty early on. So what's your overall opinion?

Not very, and you learn as you go. Although if you take a break from it, like I did, you have to relearn it. I stopped towards the end of the game, so it's harder for me to start playing again. Also, my PS3 is busted ATM.

can you hum any of them?
no you can't
there's a difference between "good sounding" and "memorable"
sephiroth's OST is memorable, because you can recognize it even if you don't have any idea what the lyrics are

ff13 final boss?
generic religious chorus

I find myself humming the battle theme and the Sunleth Waterscape from time to time. The theme of Barthandelus is also pretty hype. Not as iconic as Sephiroth's theme, but still good in its own right.

I remember Blinded by Light and Saber's Edge all the time. That, the Gran Pulse theme, and quite a few other tracks. I don't know the names, but I can hum them.

>sephiroth's OST is memorable
Funny how you say FFXIII Bart has a generic religious chorus when Sephiroth's theme literally has nonsensical, pretentious cut and pasted lyrics from the Carmina Burana.

>I'd heard it was like literally the spawn of Satan -tier bad,

I played it for the first time this year. It's worse than that. I wanted punch my monitor, punch the writer and punch the dev team when that whole shit show about Hope's father and what not. What an ugly fucking pile of shit it was. Just remembering it is making me mad.

>I have to act like I hate you son cause REASONS
>LOL PSYCH I love you son
>Leave me alone so they don't think I'm with you, that will protect me.
>LOL just joking bitch relax, I'm coming with you
>On second thought just leave me with the bad guys, surrounded by their allied corpses, and destroyed gunboat, they won't be suspecious
>Is the camera rolling? He son, what up. I'm going to say a lot of blatant things on tv that will give me away as a traitor, but I'll pretend otherwise and they'll believe it! LOL

Serah's Theme/The Promise

Half of those are either literally wrong, or just plain out lies.

The battles and the combat music alone leave never leaving impression.

>FFXIII's soundtrack sucks because you can't hum the tunes.

Are you fucking serious.

I thought it was alright but the gameplay starts to lose its charm after the 20 hour mark and the story isnt cgoing to keep anyone interested

>can you hum any of them?
Nigga, the fighting tune still pops to my head every now and then out of the blue, and Snow's theme is my go-to self pumping song.

user, I don't say this a lot, cause I'm one of you. I've been here for 8 yrs since 2009, since my early 20's and I want you to mull this over in your mind. When you close the tab for the day or when something takes your interest away from this thread, remember this advice.

You need to get out more.

FF13 being a praise worthy thing for you only speaks about your seclusion, isolation and lack of breadth of what's good in the world. You are to be pitied and that is not a good thing.

yes, sephiroth's theme is plain bad, it just screams "look how edgy he is"
not good, but memorable

>typical get a job, get a girlfriend, go do something with your life shaming

I'm taking college courses to get a degree, taking a part-time job, and trying to write a novel. I don't think enjoying a video game is going to impede that in any way, no matter how much you might personally hate it.

Fuck off, you twat

Dear new-fag friend:
I have been here since 2005.

Your "opinions" mean nothing to me. I am married, got a job, I am a multi-way idort, and I'm very happy with my life in general.

That being said, you can keep writing any kind of bullshit you want about FF13, if it helps you sleep better at night. The hard fact however is, that I was genuinely captivated by the game, and even to my own surprise I literally enjoyed it. And its sequels were in many ways even better.

This is coming from someone who had played ALL of the main-series FF games before. No, XIII is not my absolute favorite anything, not even second best, but it still is a good ride.
And don't worry, I would have a full hand of game titles that I have liked a lot, all which would make nu-Sup Forums implode out of rage and excuses.

Lightning has an irritatingly attractive face, say what you want about her body but that face is ridiculously beautiful

Please stop liking what I don't like. It's making me feel like I'm not fitting in and that makes deeply insecure as I come to Sup Forums for validation.

I keep trying to get into it, but just keep rebounding after a handful of hours every fucking time.

The game itself is so boring to play, and I get tired of the constant interruptions. When I feel like I'm spending more time skipping cutscenes than I am playing something interesting, there's a huge design problem.

Sorry to hear that, but my statements still remain.

Just replayed it last month, the last time i played it was in 2012, it was great, the summon could be bit better but i love how you can command the summon, the ost was superb, probably my most favorite ost in final fantasy bar ff vi and viii

and i just finished xiii-2 for the first time after that, and the combat was even better, still haven't play LR though, i'm gonna play it as soon as i'm getting my new pc

It really is. Her walking animation in XIII specifically gives me a raging hard on too. If there is anything Square Enix is good at it's CGI. Imagine if Visual Works worked primarily on games not developed by turbohacks?

She's not that attractive. Literally every other women in the game is more attractive. Even the sequels.

It's not the best game (Really not in the mood to list all of the flaws), but I'm big enough to admit that there are some things that this game got right. Personally I enjoyed the music and combat.

Thankfully this game got better sequels.