Is it OK to be bad at games if you know you're the one making mistakes, and not blaming the game?
Is it OK to be bad at games if you know you're the one making mistakes, and not blaming the game?
Who cares? Do whatever you want.
Not if you are a filthy she-goat.
A truly wise man knows only that he knows nothing.
I must make a pitiable sight...
Sometimes it's the games fault though. Like counter strike and call of duty where aiming well is almost all that matters and yet actually aiming well is heavily luck based aside from the first shot.
An example in dragons dogma is when you attack an enemy and get hit by him because you didn't know that he had enough superarmor to avoid your hitstun. That isn't a mistake on your part, you weren't given enough information from the start. Sure you could just treat every enemy like they're overflowing with poise but that doesn't actually fix the problem it just lets you bypass it through potential tedium.
silver chestguard and delta guard master race
post ur arisen and pawns bros
this is now a DDDA bread
>dat pawn
>counter strike
>heavily luck based
Not this shit again. There is a bit of luck involved if you miss the first shot, but it's far from "heavy".
Who does it make? Nobody knows...
Is DDO worth investing time in?
Can you read Japanese?
The latest translation patch looks to have translated a good portion of the game. The important bits, anyway.
Karaga Ulruk
Oh... then maybe?
I'd wait for this fall. Rumors of a Dragon's Dogma related announcement from Itsuno.
>reminder arisen can schtoop their LI, jewtits, selene AND aelinore on one playthrough.
>doing selene's shit gets the arisens bond for LI making someone, as well as moving selen to your house as if she was the LI regardless.
>your LI fucks you after the game
>jewtits will be at your home for some reason too.
>you get aelinore's poon too for doing her shit as well.
two explicit sex fades outs and three implied.
Arisen is a manwhore/slut
>towering beefcake Mc huge pounds tiny aelinore vag for hours.jpg
i'm sure these scenes are ven funnier if you amke a tiny loli.
I would value your ability for self-criticism much higher than your ability (paired with inufferable arrogance).
It's fine to be bad at games if what you crave is a challenge. There's no challenge left when you're the master of something.
When will Madeleine be at your house if she's not love interest? When does implied sex happen (with her and the others)?
after you godsbane yourself iirc, and the game's about to true end, she's on the beach of cassardis with you.
>for implied beach sex
>remember arisen, wolves hunt i . iin.. pa.. wha? ... what are you looking at arisen!?
>shegoat thought OtK fuck me boots, a (light) mail coat and a tiny breast plate was proper armour fit for field duty.
I just wanted to hug her
she knows that in a world where i-frames dominate she can focus on fashion
_______________________git gud._