Why does it feel like video game visuals haven't made any progress in 10 years?

Why does it feel like video game visuals haven't made any progress in 10 years?

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I'm confused do games made today not look better than ten years ago? I'm pretty sure they do

b-but 4K user! forget the fact it's just upscaled bullshit on a shitty engine and it's locked to 30fps! We need to have limits!

Realistic visuals? Yeah, they appear about the same. The amount of resources required for them is insane. The only reason we have FFXIII-2 and FFXIII-3/Lightning Returns is because Square needed to reuse the assets to make a profit.

I'd rather have more stylized, cartoonish visuals if the gameplay or story advances forward. Still won't buy a switch though.

The have though.

You are making comparison on one aspect from one specific game. The overall quality of visuals in today's games are better, but some games can focus more on facial animations (Injustice 2) or environments (Horizon: Zero Dawn) or some other aspect like body motion capture and lighting/particle effects.

However, the leap from 1997-2007 is more jarring than the leap from 2007 to today, since we are talking PS1 to PS3 for the former and PS3 to PS4 for the latter.

Because they really haven't. Couldn't give a fuck about muh grafix anyway, personally.

At first I thought that was the girl from Heavenly Sword.

Because you are a pcbroold, so the only new games you get are indie flash games.

Diminishing returns, they reached the point some time ago where the improvements are small, take a lot of processing power and aren't really appreciated by most

Because user when the PS2 went to PS3 that was the last huge bump we ever had. PS2 had blocky models, low textures and PS3 had realistic models and realistic textures due to there being a huge bump in Graphics cards during that time.

It's difficult to replicate it because there is nothing wrong with the graphics we have now and there is no way it can be improved unless there is a huge breakthrough.

Why are MUH GRAPHICS AINT GETTING BETTER fags so full of shit?

more polygons and pixels are becoming less important. style, colors and light/shadow are more important


show me one game in 2017 that looks like real life

>Reverse search that image, knowing full well who it is and from what
>"Triss merigold"
Fucking Google.

Battlefront looks much better than any game 10 years ago.


came in this thread to say this


Yeah, it takes a while. Enslaved: Journey to the West wasn't really popular. Outside of how the main characters are written, there really isn't much else to play the game for.

youre missing the point of graphics in video games, its not supposed to look realistic
its called art design

if we wanted photos, we'd play this thing called real life

Ok that looks pretty good

>when people say 'progress' they mean graphics
End yourself

Google image search is shite now. I used to be able to search any cropped porn or doujin and it would find it, now it just shows "cartoon".

>people still posting that

>target rendering a hot box
ok? now show the actual game's models, and not bullshot tier shit used only for cutscenes


>people are saying graphics aren't getting better when it was only 2011 we were all sperging over this

hey look mah, i can make a bullshit thread!

You don't just need good technology to make a game look good, you also need good artists. Like many aspects of the creative side to video games, big publishers don't consider artists to be important to the product and just outsource their assets for cheap.

Why don't you show me something better on a rig that's $399 or less.


Consoles like usual are holding back development. They still can't even true 4k yet.

The details added in that final example could more easily be done by texturing and still get the same effect.

Skyrim's graphics were about 5 years out of date when it was released though.

At that point the debate is pointless though, because improvements to other things like textures, post processing effects and other renderings are all under graphics. So the diminishing returns argument is flawed from the start.

>play skyrim recently without any graphics mods, on max
>beat and install ENB mods using the same PC

It's amazing how much better this game looks compared to even last year 's AAA shit.


>the villain sends his slaves and killer robots around to kidnap and kill people
>those that aren't killed get fancy head bombs that will explode if they step out of the line and not act like good slaves
>builds impractically gigantic weapons of mass destruction
>his robots are a straight-up upgrade over the "wild" ones but he doesn't try to clear the planet from those, only from those pesky undomesticated people
>"lol y r u so mean i dont understand"
Did Ninja Theory really expect people to think that the girl killing that piece of shit was a morally ambiguous action that she did only because of her desire for revenge after the villain's stupid motive explanation?

>Why does it feel like video game visuals haven't made any progress in 10 years?
They've made a ton of progress, but as with any iterative process there are diminishing returns, and the investment to each "next step" gets larger. Computer graphics is still a relatively young field. The jump in the quality of visuals from 1980 to 1990, say, was huge. From 1990 to 2000, still a very big leap, but smaller than the previous one. 2000 to 2010, smaller leap again.

With any development process, people are going to go after the obvious stuff first. The low-hanging fruit is all picked off. Color, more pixels, 3D, mo-cap, etc. The areas for improvement get successively smaller and more refined. Hell, look at the credits on your average studio game today. The number of hours spent to create something like zero dawn is staggering.

There's also a bit of the "good enough" mentality now, where some devs think graphics can already do everything they need, so there's no reason to push the tech forward.

why are you thinking so much about the plot of a titty anime



Because this was the single biggest flaw of that otherwise okay/good game.

Meanwhile in 2017.

Voxels are still a pipedream or a euclideon tier scam aren't they?

Yeah, not sure what OP is talking about, Horizon looked fantastic. The facial animations during convos were really striking, esp when compared to similar stuff from just a couple years ago like witcher (which, at the time, I thought looked really good).



>all these years thought Monkey was voiced by Steve Blum since he sounds exactly like Blum's Wolverine
>it was Andy fucking Serkis the whole time

Holy fucking shit.

literally fuck ugly

Horizon looks mind-blowing. There isn't a single last gen game that comes close to it. Uncharted 4 is another gorgeous game.

nice meme idiot. graphics improved significantly in the past decade and they would've advanced much more if not for console peasants

Now if only it was available on PC so we could see what it actually looks like, since the OP pic was taken from a PC port of what was originally a console exclusive, where it looked 20x worse.

Grafiks will reach an eventual plataeu. We're already seeing game development cycles routinely lasting 3-4 years, which is fucking insanse when you consider the average console life is 5 years. It's unsustainable.



Doing the god's work.
Post more.

>cutscene model
thats not actual game
youre literally just watching a real time rendered movie
none of that is actual game assets

Battlefield 1 is a shit game but the graphics are incredible, especially in a 64 player server with shit going on at all angles. I think graphics arent going to improve much from here, the ps4 and xbone are weak relative to a decent gaming pc now. Guess we gotta wait for next gen.. Again

Fuck you, just enjoy the feet.

David Cage should have based his career on FMV games, would've saved fucktons of money on 3D modelling, animation, etc.

Because there is no reason to go any further. It's better that we are finally seeing some games actually advance AI and animations. Good lord, it was like 2001 that we last had good advances in AI and animations.

Finally the goddamn graphics train is dying. It's become FAR too expensive for little to no extra benefits for those expanded visuals. It's literally pointless. I'm ready to finally see games that have depth AND quality get a bit larger in scope, instead of "BIGGEST GARME EVAR!!" shit that's got no depth. Maybe some of those middeground games can come back from late 90s/early 2000's and we can finally have some ACTUAL evolution of gaming... you know instead of "ooooooh it's so pretty" snoozfests.

>tfw games have to actually be good now to get money, instead of whoring out graphics.

Fuck graphics, what are some games with godly animation? Something that would make Bethesda's animator kill himself on the spot.

I wouldn't say it's flawed. The cost of Textures isn't really any cheaper than polygons. It's just GPU memory intensive rather than clock intensive. You're trading one cost for another. It's still a losing and uphill battle as you get more and more realistic. It becomes pretty much (2^n)*m where 'm' is objects and 'n' is polygonal/texture details depending on which way you want to swing it. Add in high rendering resolutions and you have yourself a hell of a cost.

In terms of online play networks are still a huge problem. You can't really make great combat when you need to deal with 50 - 200ms of delay or even worse, you can try but you'll always have to make concessions which results in things like people getting killed even though they're already behind cover or lagstabs in dark souls. I'm also still waiting for the day we get more high quality shooters with more than 64 people per server.

In terms of game design devs focus too much on making things cinematic instead of making them fun, it feels like older games never had nearly as many QTEs and in-game cutscenes, especially in the middle of combat.

That's because the entire philosophy of game creators has changed.

Now it's about politics, the new mountain to climb is diversity and not graphics quality.

This is what game developers are taught in colleges.

Well, sort of. If you're willing to trade on where the power is being consumed, then yeah it's great. But most people buy Graphics Card-heavy systems. Most don't want to spend exorbitant cash on clock speeds for fast rendering.

And to be fair, if someone is getting their degree in game design specifically, then they deserve to be failures.

>new games which look worse than old games but don't run as well on the same hardware

My PC can run Crysis in 120FPS on max settings, yet it struggles to maintain 30FPS in Watch Dogs 2 on minimum; and that's some fucking bullshit.

in 2007 they released crysis, a game that 90% of players couldn't even run because it had very high hardware requirements

because of this, crysis didn't sell well, despite being one of the most graphically impressive games ever made, at the time

after this, developers realised that that instead of pushing for better graphics that players couldn't take advantage of, they should focus on other things instead, and keep the hardcore graphics crowd happy using new gimmicks like ambient occlusion and shit

Crysis actually sold very well, it's Crysis 2 and 3 that did shit

it might sell well, but man did the pirates make crytek salty

Consoles are keep everything back.

Wether you think she is ugly or not is is irrelevant, the detail IS impressive.

Maybe this is nostalgia but I love the visuals of the PS2 era games.

They had just the right amount of detail to not look terrible like PS1 but not too much detail to look busy. They were pleasant to look at. This is my problem with modern games. A lot of them are eyesores to me. Games like Arkham Asylum, Gears of War, Metro 2033, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4... I think despite the advanced graphics these games are just not pleasant to look at.

Because you're blind and retarded.

Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, BO3, CoD has the top tier animations of all the games atm.


I agree.

I also think that the sixth generation was the last good one, just in general.


are you blind

take a look at Batman on PS4, best looking game.

Diminishing returns. You need exponentially more resources to get the same leap in visual fidelity compared to what was needed previously. At the same time, once you have reached the benchmark in terms of raw hardware specs in order to even support an improved visual fidelity, you need more resources on the creative end in order to take full advantage of the new potential ceiling. It's for this reason that games that aim for more realistic art styles haven't progressed much in recent years (compare PS1->PS2 versus PS3->PS4), whereas those that aim for more fantastical or "cartoony" art styles are still improving.

Games made from 2010-2012 looks absolutely terrible, graphic wise, compared to anything after it. It's really jarring.