Can cancel healing/eating

>can cancel healing/eating
>no more flexing
>pulsebar too see when the monster is about to die
>anime shit is back, but just less flashy
Fuck this game, this shit is going to be even more casual than fucking generations/XX

Other urls found in this thread: autists hate change&oq=why autists hate change&aqs=chrome..69i57.4473j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

isn't the gameplay being more fluid and snappy a good thing? why does Sup Forums complain about this shit?

I don't know who's trolling who anymore. I've been playing since MH2 and it has never been the hardcore experience people make it out to be besides some wonky hitboxes until Tri. On top of that, I usually hunt solo if I want more challenge. Multiplayer is casual mode no matter how hard you will try to refute this. And I am pretty damned sure that the people complaining about what looks like a natural evolution from 4U and call it "casualised" are the same people that constantly ran 4 player hame rooms or never cleared a G-Rank quest alone. These threads are filled to the brim with falseflagging shitposters, consolewar kiddies and people that are casual to their core and don't want to admit it.

And nobody ever forced anyone to use Hunter Arts or pick any style besides Guild except babbies who cry "muh dps"

So you are basically saying
>Monster hunter is now a 10/10 game and not the retarded grind and shit tier game play anymore

FeelsGood to have a PC and will enjoy the full experience

The thing I like the least is how you can move while shooting with the HBG.
The entire point of the weapon for years has been that it lets you shit out insane amounts of damage at range for the tradeoff of being the least mobile weapon in the game (except maybe gunlance gunlance but then you get a fuckhuge shield) which is combined with the fact that you have gunner armor.

Because autists hate change.
They literally do, im not baiting, lying or whatever.
One of the features of autists is having a hard time to adapt to new things, thats why they hate changing the statu quo.

Jesus fucking christ, how nintenbabies can be so insufferable? kys

>retarded flexing is gone

thank god i hated that

Nearly everyone hates change you mongoloid

>healing in the first place
Most people just ran in the next area and helaed, now you have shit going on all the time. It's better that it oesn't take ages anymore. You'd probably love it if it was that way on Nintendo

>only 3 maps on release
>more as DLC
>monsters also confirmed to be sold in DLC packs

>Most people just ran in the next area and healed,
People who were bad at the game did that

>They didn't show village
>The demo was almost exactly like the e3 leaked demo
Atleast we saw the loot screen was the same, how Palicos look and the equipment screen.


In other words, people who were bad at the game cannot just flee from the monster anymore, and people who were good seldom had to heal or always picked a safe moment for it.

This change hits shitters the hardest, no wonder there is such a massive outcry on Sup Forums about it.

t. Autist

Did they say anything about blood splatter during the presentation?

Closed door E3 demo didn't show the map either. Also they killed the target hunt much faster, singled out the Rathalos by blowing up the dam themselves, and later went back and did a 4 man hunt on the target.

no shit. just pirate the game and shut up about it

Disliking change is one of the most common symptoms in autism. Anyone who has a vague idea of what autism is will know that the autistic person often has a routine, does repetitive movements and is greatly distressed if they are not allowed to follow these little rituals.

>change minor shit in game
>autist throw a tantrum


>Closed door E3 demo didn't show the map either.
What? I'm almost certain they did. autists hate change&oq=why autists hate change&aqs=chrome..69i57.4473j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>no more flexing
didn't lots of people complain about flexing?

guess everyone is autist for hating DmC then

Yeah but now we get a grappling hook so it's a lot easier to make distance now depending on where you are.
I'm wondering if there are going to be more monsters with ranged attacks or gap closers now to accommodate all the new shit.

>Sup Forums hated DmC, Sup Forums is filled with autists
>Rest of the world liked DmC, rest of the world doesnt have such a high concentration of autists.

whoop dee doo


Except it was forced because monster hp was doubled to tripled based on the rank

>Rest of the world liked DmC
Thats sure why it bombed like a motherfucker and why capcom refuses to make another DMC.

>liking DmC
If that was true it would had not sold like shit

Tameem get out of here.

Not sure if that's really necessary, considering a monster won't die if you aren't close enough to attack it. And if turbo shitters really want to abandon their teammates to heal, let them be. Just like people who pretend that "something just came up" right after a quest starts and they join again close to the monster's death their deplorable attitude will bite them in the ass someday.

Things i REALLY fucking want to be addressed:
>Fix the goddamn elements sustem
Why the hell do they even bother to put so much effort in designing and animating all those good-looking, elaborate weapons if no one is going to use 90% of them? Internal ammo fixed this problem for guns, but they're yet to fix all the Raw-weapon roster

Source or kill yourself.

Outside your imagination, no.

There's plenty of beloved games that sold like fucking garbage. team ico made an entire fucking genre of that.

>Not the retarded grind.

Where was this confirmed kek ? enjoy hunting for those Rubies dumbass.

Why wouldn't you be able to cancel eating? Sounds fucking stupid just thinking about it.

>no more flexing
you guys really complain about everything

t. Shitter

It's literally just a bunch of autists whining about how the "hardcore" experience will be taken away from them, as if animations going on way too long is something to be proud of. They'll also unironically call it "strategic" when all you need to do is run to the next map space, drink your potions or eat your shit, then run back to the fight.

Because it is a video game where the typical rules of logic do not always have to apply, especially if the developers of that video game want healing to be risky and take a significant amount of time.

Aspects of MHW are a natural evolution of MH4U, while other aspects really are just straight casualization.

In no world are scout flies, walking while healing, and changing equipment at base camp an evolution of MH's direction as of 4U. Expanded use of the terrain, more advanced AI and the new mounting system are.

Just go to the next map space to heal or do whatever. As long as you've got a paintball on the monster it doesn't matter because you know its exact location.

there were shit tons of people that complained about flexing. But they were all people that don't play monster hunter and tried it for an hour.

>advanced AI
Meanwhile the T-rex fell asleep in the same room hunters were

Now this is autism.

I don't count these as ''people'' as far as MH is concerned.

>where the typical rules of logic
I understand that, but even suspension of disbelief has its limits. If a fucking monster the size of a T-Rex is chomping down on me, I sure as hell should be able to stop eating whatever and start running away.

Flexing is a terrible mechanic that serves to waste a players time and bring the gameplay to a screeching halt. It doesn't matter that the game has been designed around it, because the monsters end up far too predictable to be worth fighting.

>Scout Flies
Psycho Serum

>Walking while healing
It's incredibly slow you might as well be standing. It's not an instant heal anymore

> changing equipment at base camp
How does this casualise it?

Scout flies are just Psychoserums/Balloon reworked into the environment. Walking while healing might be a good change if the monsters don't step and turn anymore, and we're gonna need to see more gameplay to be able to judge it fairly. Changing equipment at base camp is not forced on you by any game mechanic in place, and can be ignored if you so desire just like Hunter Arts and Styles sans Guild.

Sup Forums - we fear change

Y-Yeah fuck this gamu!
It wouldn't even feel right on home consoles!

>qol changes
>walk while drinking for easy heals instead of walking out of the area or waiting for the monster to leave
>can now see when monster is close to dead
>this means you don't have to pussyfoot around when trapping weaker monsters

>there are people who actually left the area to heal and sharpen their weapons

This. These are positive changes that will waste less of a players time.

>60fps on PC
>30fps on consoles
And yet console PLEBS WILL pay FULL price KNOWING that they get only HALF the frames.
I will NEVER understand.

Once you get speed sharpener and speed consume it doesn't matter.

Unless you're saying that mitigating the delay by grinding more somehow makes the game more hardcore.

>putting speed sharpener and speed consume on your armor sets
I'm not gonna act like MH is a hardcore bastion of gaming, but c'mon.

What's wrong with leaving zones?

Nigga you are losing so much with that

I never did. Because monsters always fuck off of you after 1-2 attacks and switch target, or roar (i specifically abuse roars to reload\drink potion) or something else. Sharpening is slightly bit more iffy but doable too. Never ate near monster though

>Make western game
>Slap Monster Hunter on it

>Once you get speed sharpener and speed consume
Jesus fucking christ, what a waste of skills

It wastes less of my time, or at least I feel like it wastes less of my time. As a person who can only play for an average of 2 hours a day, this is very important.

Japs loved it though. And as we know

Jap taste>>>>>>>>>>Our taste

>monsters always fuck off of you
Forgot to mention
>except if it's fucking Zamtrios
Because holy shit that faggot will never fucking let you go if you're damaged, that sphincter-clenching cunt
I love Zamtrios

Sharpening, yes, Healing, no. Sharpening is a bit different, it takes way fucking longer than healing, and sharpness is actually crucial to your DPS.

t. Japaniggers getting angry over Monster Hunter World becoming the most popular Monster Hunter in history, thus leaving their dying prune of a demographics country behind, forever and ever.

I used to cook next to the monster in FU

FU monster AI was really predictable though

Reminder that no game in Japan on PS4 has sold over a million, and that most Nips prefer handhelds overall.

>MH finally changes ONCE in a decade

Meanwhile nobody complained about Metal Gear changing.

that fucking delusion. im jealous
reminds me of the faggot that said splatoon will sell less than 300k or he will eat his hat or some shit

Probably because people suck Kojimbo's cock far more than they do for Capcom

MHW portable for holiday 2018 screen cap this.

Also what is the 15th weapon

>Love Monster Hunter
>First trailer did nothing for me
>Was unimpressed with the demo

>Most people just ran in the next area and helaed
Uh, no they did not... Did you ever even play a MH game online?

>implying multiplayer can be compared to online

No you fuck off. It's really easy to heal without a punish when there are 3 other people distracting the monster.

It's amazing how people don't want to see Kojima do something different for once(a non MGS game) after basically wasting everyone's time and money after TPP

Nice catch, I was confused why this would be the only main entry to the game without a new weapon but this seems to indicate they just haven't revealed it yet.

This post is correct. MH games are only "hard" because people arent used to enemies in games dealing that much damage, and missions taking so long. Actually failing a mission in multiplayer is so rare.

If you want difficulty soloing some G ranks forces you to be attacking the monster 90% of the mission lest you run out of time. Getting hit not only means you might die, but that you lose time you could be dealing damage. 99.999% of the player base has not even attempted to do such a thing, so complaining about difficulty is pointless. Flexing gave the game character sure but it didnt actually add any difficulty beyond when youre still learning.

Pulsebar im not a huge fan of though. I really liked not knowing how much damage I was doing and all that. Makes the game feel like more of an actual hunt than any other rpg bossfight where you instantly know if your dps is lacking.

Healing has no flexing this time around but at least it's a heal-over-time and you are slowed down while drinking the pot.

They compensated having no flexing with this, it'd kind of like soul stones in DaS2.

Pulsebar is not for health but for sound or some shit.

There's no real anime shit from what I've seen either... LS has some new cool moves that make them play like a Samurai or some shit but that's about it. Nothing like flashy hunting styles in this game.

Monster hunter fans in no way dislike change.
every single Monster Hunter has changed (underwater combat, climbing mechanics, hyper monsters, hunting arts in generations) but we embraced them because the core gameplay stayed the same, if it aint broke dont fix it?

This game takes a lot of the foundation and just makes it plain worse, so we are worried


>>MH finally changes ONCE in a decade
>What is swimming
>What is mounting
>What is verticality
>What is arts/styles

Actually, one game did sell over a million, and it was FFXV. It just squeaked by on digital sales. The last time it was in the media create top 20 it had 940k physical sales.

When will the ''Muh Generations is casual" meme die?

When are nintenbros going to stop making these damage control threads?

>MH with Trophies

Hold me bros.

That was a light Bowgun in the trailer dude

>A company well known for outsourcing their games and converting them into westernized trash
>People aren't allowed to be the least bit worried

Looks like Kinsect, maybe they arn't tied to specific insect glaives anymore and can just use whatever kinsect with whatever IG?

>What is false-flagging
Welcome to Sup Forums newfag

Blood splatter is confirmed.

It is the E3 demo.

FF is also arguably much bigger in Japan than MH

so, actually awesome changes.

Nintenbros officially confirmed for biggest bitches on Sup Forums.