There are actual people that spent hundreds...

>there are actual people that spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a VR headset that will be outdated in a few years
>there are actual people that spent thousands of dollars on building a fucking room to play VR
>to play mobile game tier standing still simulators and tech demos

When will people realize VR is just a meme and won't be even remotely good until another decade or so of development
>inb4 VRtards with buyers remorse calling me a poorfag

funny how sony's investment was all markeing money to appear relevant to normies
the buyers of this shit are worse than beta testers desu senpai

Any new piece of technology needs early adopters to stimulate its continued life and maturity. Parasites like me and you will make the sensible choice to wait for it to be worth it, but these people are what's going to get it there.

Oh boy it's another "I haven't tried VR, so I'm going to talk shit about it" thread.

Let them have their hate circlejerk, user

>I do not know anyone who owns one
>No one will take me to a microsoft store to try one and the rift at best buy is always broken
>It looks stupid so it must be stupid, I can be sure of this without trying one

so which ground breaking VR only game should I buy user ?

Star Trek Bridge Commander

Cosmic trip on vive.

Don't you wish VR would take off and we'd get some good games on it though? RE7 was a blast and that's exactly how I want games to be in 4-5 years from now.

I played Rec Room in VR at a friends house and it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life

would buy one myself but I don't have the room and like you said the technology will advance rapidly in a couple of years

not op but i have a friend with a gaming channel and he gets all these toys for free* (*he has to shill them and he does, just like you right now). i tried almost every title available for every vr system available. not one title is worth the hefty pricetag it comes with. op is 100% correct. so fuck you.

Robo Recall or .

I still don't regret buying a vive. It makes FPS games a lot of fun. Pavlov is a great game, sadly so little people

it's pretty idiotic to buy one right now, but somebody is gonna do it anyway.
next gen will be the time to get into VR IF (that's a big 'if') the whole VR thing even persists that long.

>technology becomes outdated

Summer Lessons

the first HD TVs reached prices of up to 10k.
A few years down the line, you would pay a quarter of that for a much more matured product.
Nowadays, you can get one for pocket change.
It's moronic to get into VR right now.

Not entirely VR exclusive, but Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 has a VR mode...

Cheap VR is right around the corner, OP. Next round of headsets will have eye tracking that allows the scene to only render in high quality where you are actually looking, and everywhere else on the display remains low quality (but you don't notice because it's in your peripheral vision). It's called foveated rendering. This enormously cuts down on the power consumption and processing strength needed.

Another benefit is that the eye tracking could be used for game mechanics too. An obvious example is something where you closely interact with NPCs - they could know when you're actually looking at them and react appropriately. Horror games could be made that have completely unscripted sequences happen based on where you happen to be looking in the environment. There are potentially hundreds of interesting applications.

>It's moronic to get into VR right now.
Unfortunately, it's necessary for a few people to bite the bullet so development on the technology will continue.

If it's just a complete and total failure from the get-go because literally nobody bought it, most devs would simply give up due to lack of interest.

I haven't bought a VR device myself, but I would assume that early adopters were smart enough to know what they were getting into. It's cool to get a glimpse into what this tech can do. But it demos really poorly unless you can actually try it.

What about porn?

Sounds good. Hopefully we get more AAA games too.


A lot of people like to be in on something when it's first starting. The only thing VR has really had going for it so far is its novelty. I don't think anybody who spent mad money on VR was unaware that it was going to get much better and much cheaper over time. It's pretty obv. that most of these people have money to burn, like PC aficionados.

Exactly when will YOU start buying in, OP? When it's cheap enough? Different people with different means and priorities have different criteria for "cheap enough." Under my own criteria, it will probably never make sense for me to buy a gaming PC, for instance.

Honestly it's not even about cutting back on power consumption to make more resources available so we can get closer to lifelike graphics. VR is dead because there's no haptic feedback, and you can only move so much before you hit a literal wall. That, and the games so far are all bullshit. None of them look fun or interesting for more than 5 minutes.

VR will continue to rise and fall every other decade as a meme until we can fully replicate touch and movement in a way that actually makes you feel like you're in the game world.

>When will people realize VR is just a meme and won't be even remotely good until another decade or so of development
Given that this is the fourth decade of development, I'm not really sure why you think the fifth will be the magic decade.

>fully replicate touch and movement in a way that actually makes you feel like you're in the game world

That sounds like perfect, endgame VR but I think it can achieve success before it gets there. I've never really heard of lack of touch being a major drawback of VR systems - the most common marks against the modern iterations of the tech are the cost, the games available, and the size of the equipment. All easily surmountable in the near future.

Maybe because technology is vastly better than it was during the first to third decades? Current VR is already a significant step forward from the past iterations.

Only the consumer grade; research-grade HMDs have been at least as good as the current batch of consumer ones for probably twenty years.

If you're a richfag then Elite Dangerous alone is worth a VR headset.

I have yet to find anything else that VR is worth, but Elite Dangerous in VR is amazing.

Super Hot VR

$2000 are the equivalent of 2 cents for me so I get why you would get buttblasted by this. Being poor must suck ass

Elite Dangerous.

>VR will continue to rise and fall every other decade as a meme until we can fully replicate touch and movement in a way that actually makes you feel like you're in the game world.

I don't get this reasoning. Video games don't do this now and they're still fun, what's stopping VR from being fun in the same way? It is just another way of playing games. With your reasoning new graphics engines or graphics cards (or even video games) wouldn't be worth developing either since they won't be able to keep up with your holo deck fantasies yet.

I tried the Vive, but refunded it the next day. Too much of a gimmick for a high price.

So what exactly is your argument? Because all I read is

>I hate everyone who disagrees with me

I spent £350 on PSVR and I play it multiple times a week. The price was a non-issue for me because I'm not 15 and I can just put money aside if there's something I want. I'm convinced the only people who shit on it are people who haven't tried it.

they're early adopters, they don't care about having a cheap, reliable product, they care about having the technology first out of everyone else

You should be thankful for them supporting developing technology, you piece of shit.

Well yeah, no one here cares about the research-grade.

I'd have bought the first PCs, too, even though they were garbage. Newness is its own inherently good quality for me.

Cuckulus Rift

Should update this with "I can play the game without VR" but I don't know which entry to sacrifice a spot for it.

That's a valid criticism in a lot of VR game design though.

Just tech demos is true though, might want to take that out.

No, not really.

If the game's not taking advantage of the VR setup, to the point where it could only be done with VR, then the designers are doing it wrong.

I opted for "Wait for wireless" because that is a thing they're adding that would benefit. "Just tech demos" is dismissive of all the games, which isn't true.

I've played games where it's a regular controller and headset. While motion controls certainly help, 360 3D is always better than a monitor.

I had a GearVR but I sold it.
VR porn truly is the future, I don't know about video games though.
VR Chatrooms were also cool, Being able to watch videos or movies and talk to them in a virtual theater or on the moon is really cool especially when you have the whole headtracking thing

The point of early adaptation is quick advancement.
In a decade pc will have holo decks and nintendo will be selling a psvr-tier headset midst's nintenbro praise.

I agree, these charts are pretty stupid because a solid half of the "memes" on them are just straight valid objective deconstruction of all the problems with vr right now.

The graphics will be a generation behind, but it'll be the first to have worked out the kinks in tactile feedback.

>The graphics will be a generation behind
Two generations behind at this rate, the switch isn't much more powerful than the wiiu, which was already a generation behind.

The Wii U wasn't a generation behind. Are all shitposters as stupid as you?

It's 720 for fuck sake user, calling it a generation behind is being generous considering the generation before it could play some games at 1080.

The only valid ones I can see are related to prices of headsets and PCs and those are only personal and something that'll improve with time.

VR naysaying is when somebody puts down the entirety of VR and it's future for dumb reasons.

>VR is a meme
>Japan makes a waifu simulator
>Changes mind

It will happen. Believe me. There will be a day we can create and date our waifu's.

The Wii U is fully capable of running 1080p 60fps, and did for many of its games. You have no idea what you're talking about.


that hot for teacher game is already consistently on the recommended list, we're halfway there

>The Wii U is fully capable of running 1080p 60fps, and did for many of its games.
>MANY of it's games
Sure 2d indie-tier shit user, meanwhile even the most generic simple-looking 3d games (mk8) were stuck at 720.

>"Just tech demos" is dismissive of all the games, which isn't true.
If you update it to "Just tech demos and shooting galleries" then it is absolutely true, that's what the statement usually is anyway. An exception to the rule like RE7 doesn't break the rule.

>1080P 60fps

It could barely run Call Of Duty at 30fps and even did horribly in multiplayer.

>What is Bayonetta?

720, and a generation older than the wiiu.

But the people who bit the bullet for spendy TVs we're middle aged high income dad's for "muh NFL". there isn't really a high income casual interest in VR

>VR synchtube
Well worth $700

They should put high end machines with a good VR title on playable demo at places like best buy or something so people can actually try it without dumping cash first.

Expensive TVs were just a direct upgrade, this is not going to follow that model. It'll be more like PCs where it starts in corporate and governmental environments and then works its way out to the average consumer once it's established.