I might actually fight for them if they weren't violent nutjobs

The nords were dicks to them but the nords are at least somewhat civilized

If they tried to join civilisation they would just get genocided.

turns out that if you worship gods that call for violence and death to all outsiders, people aren't going to be too happy with you
Who would've known??

>Implying that's not Talos in a nutshell

Join my cause Dovahkiin-chan~

But Talos was at least willing to accept surrender. The Forsworn will never stop shedding the blood of their enemies, even if they got everything else they wanted.

>The Forsworn will never stop shedding the blood of their enemies, even if they got everything else they wanted.
Norse propaganda.

I got your Reach right here.
Reach a round, baby.

These guys were so fucking lame. Only lamer guys were the silver hand, which made even less sense. You find a bunch of humans living in old keeps. They don't seem to make any money hunting werewolves, and how many werewolves can there possibly even be? Then they attack literally anyone they encounter, wolf or otherwise. Why do that? Whose paying you?

Then there's like 600 of them. How many werewolf hunters are there in Skyrim?

das gay

>If they tried to join civilisation they would just get genocided.
Jesus have you even played ?
I know, skyrim is boring but come on

The Forsworn were known to have secretive insiders in Markarth during the arrival of the Dragonborn, they know how to "act" civilized, but instead of trying to leave it all behind and make peace, they decide flat out do terrorism

I'd side with those dumb nords everyday, who the fuck would side with uncivilized fanatical, bloodthirsty breton mutts

I forgot these guys existed. Did their quests even matter? I just remember that they have pieces of wood for hearts.

Choose your next words carefully.

No, you can give them Markarth and slay half the town's population and every single Forsworn you meet outside will still pick a fight with you.

>You find a bunch of humans living in old keeps. They don't seem to make any money hunting werewolves, and how many werewolves can there possibly even be? Then they attack literally anyone they encounter, wolf or otherwise. Why do that? Whose paying you?
They're literally just bandits. I'm talking gameplay wise only, lore wise they're pretty much just bandits with a real fetish for murdering werewolves.
They're similar to the Companions in that way. Maybe at one point they were honarable werewolf hunters, but like at certain points in the Companions lifetime, they were just bloodthirsty brutes and bandits.

>Whose paying you?
Nobody, that's why they attack anyone on sight for loot.

>Did their quests even matter?
No, You either help their imprisoned king or shank him, but it will result in the Reachmen escaping prison, it has no major concequence onto the world. Plus the forsworn will still try to rape your corpse, just like when You save the world from the dragons but the attacks still persist

>I just remember that they have pieces of wood for hearts.
They do not, but some of their strongest warriors do get reborn in some kind of necromantic experiment done by Hagravens, they come back to life stronger and more violent, their heart is replaced by some kind of plant, pickpocketing said plant will instakill them

I never understood why they would wear nothing but leather and fur scraps in the coldest region of tamriel

They're just following in the grand tradition of every Frazetta-inspired barbarian/caveman ever.

The Reach isn't that cold, at least compared to the east of Skyrim like Windhelm or the tundra that is Whiterun.
That, and I think there's a bunch of geothermal activity in that area, so it's probably one of the warmer areas.

>light skin


Well yeah, they're Bretons.

Because they're fucking dumb, people on TES thread often say that nords are nigger tier when it comes to intelligence, but at least nords have towns, farms, cattle and know how to work iron/steel.
Only a small group of forsworn who lives in a cave have something like a little farm, but all the others do is kill anyone who's not forsworn for a living, using weapons made out of fucking rock.
If there's a group of living beings that needs to be removed from skyrim, that's forsworn. Which makes me want to edit this image and put a forsworn instead of an orc, orcs are fine if you ask me, at least compared to other non nords.

Nords should fuck off out of the Reach.

Oh I forgot, some of their weapons are made from animal bones too, fucking st000pid.

So why did they hate Dibella so much? They steal the sibil or whatever and you can find a few desecrated shrines to Dibella in their camps.


Yeah, Bretons are the second palest race, after the Nords themselves.

I thought Bretons were the palest since they're pasty milksop types and Nords were very fair skinned but with more of a flush to their pallor?

Falmer are more pale.

They wanted their country back. Look at the acts of terrorism Jews were forced to commit to get Israel back.

You mean sacrifices? The forsworn need that fertility cause they got NORDED

Falmer aren't a race of people anymore, kiddo.

Some remain.

They worship Dibella.

That's snow elf

He's only that pale because his brother is a Vampire and he lives in a cave.

Yeah, that's a Falmer.

No, Falmer were really that pale.

>his brother is a Vampire
That's irrelevant user.

>his brother is a Vampire
How does that make one pale?


Those living in Daggerfall, Wayrest and Everpoint are probably more darker than the ones living up in Northpoint, Farrun and Jehanna.

>Tfw they retconned the Half-Dunmer Hafl-Bretons into being full Dunmer in Morrowind.
RIP beautiful Manmeri Helseth.

Says the closet Goldshlong lover
Do you want me to put those dossiers on the table again Stormboy ?

>Get attacked by foresworns early on in a playthrough.
>Try out the girls armor on my argonian.
>Use it for the rest of the game.
Sure I used it because it was sexy but I did like the idea of an Argonian chick living off the land wearing a skimpy outfit and kicking ass.

You're a living meme user.


You achieved CHIM and now can remove ONE 1 (one) race from this TES timeline

Which one would it be


>Norse propaganda
Fucking hell those guys must be far more powerful & knowledgeable than I realised. Kratos'll shit himself senseless when he discovers this.


Man, fuck those guys.

That one dog breed that looks like a Husky

Nords or the Forsworn? You don't have to be smart to say "lol they worship demons"

Argonians. I hate Argonians. And I hate the faggots who like them even more. Even the fucking cats are better.

Re-read what was being quoted.

so... nords?

Do the femforsworns have different bodies? I swear they're more thicker and defined than the other NPCs.

> You either help their imprisoned king or shank him, but it will result in the Reachmen escaping prison

You mean the ones I killed? I always sweep the prison killing all of the forsworn fuckers before going to kill their "king"

>Not liking Argonian tits and ass.
Do you even a Lusty Maid?

Wood elves, Fargoth was a mistake

No, just vanilla bodies.


Friendly reminder that they're all manlet subhumans who should be gassed en masse.

Yeah, the ones you killed

Still doesn't change the fact that skyrim has yet to show concequences for your actions

Argonians literally did nothing wrong.

but best Skyrim girl is a Breton

so forsworm are the muslims of skyrim?

Gonna knock her unconscious and force her to bear my babies!

Huh. Maybe it's because their clothing is pretty revealing.

Bretons are only good as cumdumps.

>Norse propaganda

How often have you seen either Nords or Forsworn mention, let alone worship Thor & Odin?
What group do you think Kratos is taking on in the next God of War game?

I mean, if you're gonna have a niche, best it be in a growth industry.

It is custom in the city of Camlorn for prostitutes to parade the city during the celebrations of the kingdom's founding.

>install "all NPC's killable" mod
>play as blue-eyed, blond-haird Nord
>murder every disgusting Elf you see


>implying I am stupid enough to delete a race from existence when I can just create my own race
You are all little babies

Modern Altmer
As much aldmer and ayleids fucked up the human condition, we wouldn't be where we are if they didn't gave us the base for civilisation before we barbarian'd them

This is a good thing. Halfies are 90% just a way for hack writers to make special snowflake characters.

What exactly do you think bretons are?

Either Bretons or Kajhiit

Bretons have pretty much done nothing to the benefit of tamriel. They're just a bunch of barbarians that have an affinity for magic and get off on violently defending their hill that "belongs to them"

Kajhiit (don't know if that's how to spell it) are the driving force of skooma. Also, their fucking accents

Altmer are also the main contributors on the culture, arts and science of the Empire.

>Implying I haven't already

>install atractive npc
>install slave and sex mods
>kidnap and train those bitches

>doomsday cult based around WE WUZ KANGZ in charge and actively trying to end the world
>main contributor to culture

>i've only played skyrim: the post

Care to share speardick ?

He's right tho, without elves we wouldn't be so advanced

And now it's time for them to go

Everything was great until Lorkhan showed up.

t. elfcuck

Bretons aren't really halfies. They were at one point (literally looked like a different breed of mer), but not anymore. They're basically humans with elf ancestry.

They were always full Dunmer. Did you skip the two series of books on Barenziah which were both in Daggerfall? The NPC spritework was just inconsistent and terrible in Daggerfall because it's a goddamned miracle that the game managed to release in any state. Here's fucking Barenziah herself.

> Skooma.
> A bad thing.
Well, if the Khajiit accounts are to be believed Moon sugar, and consequently skooma, are quite literally consumable moon god's soul. Shit could prove very useful if with some further alchemy and magic it was possible to remove the harmful effects and keep the desirable ones intact.
There's been weirder shit in TES, I can totally swallow the catmen being right about this one.

That's not a retcon, that's just Daggerfall getting its own lore wrong. Barenziah and Symmachus were fullblooded Dark Elves, just like their two children Morgiah and Helseth. A mod to fix their skin color was literally the first ever mod released for any TES game, long before Morrowind was a thing.

we wuz divines and shiet my altma, I swear to the eight am I fucking playing with you mer? We going to Mundus, altma. We were-, we- I was the ancestor of Mundus, mer, And y-y-you tellin me that, that-that-them- and all them Divines over there ain't elves ? Look at they ears meeer ! They Elf man ! A-and you- you know, mer, like, l-like, I'm sorry man, we tryin' to go to adjacent places and shit, mer! Like, fuck, mer, these goddamn humans, mer! I-I-I ain't sayin', mer, these humans be ruinin' our lives, mer! Shit, mer! Look, l-l-l-l-let me tell you, mer! Look, l-l- my gr- my grandmama, she part Divine, mer! You tellin' me, l-l-l-l- Divine A-Ak-A-Aur-Aru-Akarielatosh, tha-tha-tha-that's my, that's my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandpa, mer! A-and you go tellin' me that these goddamn Divines ain't elves! Shit, altma! Look, look, look man, Tiber Septim was an elf. I don't know why these history books be lyin' to you. Tiber Taloses was elf, he wasn't human! The empire were ruled by elves. Shit, mer, I tell you what, I swear! Let all the elves in Tamriel go back to Summerset, they gonna be wantin' us back!

>Tiber Taloses was elf
The altmer are truly the greatest gift the divines gave to Nirn

Tiber Septim was born a few eras after the Dawn, user.
Lorkhan was, in fact, an et'Ada.

>Bethesda has to make oringal transportation


An early design for Morrowind included pack Guar that could be ridden and carry some of your items. They couldn't get it working well enough to release, however, and scrapped it.
