Actual graphics aside, what does Sup Forums think of Paragon?
Actual graphics aside, what does Sup Forums think of Paragon?
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It's completely baffling
I've played a few ASSFAGGOTS, and this is the most confusing for loadouts. Even dota makes more sense.
dota has far too much shit though
Yeah, but it's all easy to understand
It is a bit bland. Every game goes pretty much the same. And most characters aren't very interesting or don't feel special.
Haven't played this in ages- think I played once game after the map update. Have the items got better? I remember nearly all the items being overcosted with shitty active effects, or really niche things to counter shit like burn.
To answer your question, I remember it being pretty good, but needs voice chat. Love the character designs for the less human characters like Riktor.
Had potential but the devs are actually retarded and are doing their best to drive it into the ground before it even officially releases.
Nothing. Actual graphics is literally the only reason to play this game, the rest is some awful clusterfuck mix of Smite and CoD with zero redeeming quality.
t. 2k hours in dota, 400 hours in LoL, 8k hours in HoN
It's boring, because devs was busy making high-tech graphic instead of gamedesign, damn, instead of EVERYTHING ELSE that is not graphics even design is shit tier in this game.
It's a bid dull
I liked it before the shitty map change
What changed?
In what sense?
>ITT people who haven't played the game recently
Paragon in my opinion is the best third person MOBA on the market. It has a very fair F2P poilcy, compelling characters, and fantastic combat. That being said it has a multituted of issues that need to be fixed the foremost issue being new heroe releases. New heroes like Phase and Revenent come out in completely broken states and the devs don't know what the fuck they are doing to balance it. The second most pressing issue is the deathball meta that has flourished for mopnths now since you dive tier two towers in Paragon and run away unscathed.
Anyways Paragon is a fantastic game just needs a better dev team and the "Actual graphics" meme needs to end. There's a general on /vg/.
Which person should I play if I want to shit on everyone from the start then
Well they have heroes locked away by difficulty now but I can give you a list of plastic elo stompers.
Those are all fantastic choices and you will do fine. Work on getting minor casts and minor strikes so you can get a early power spike.
God bless
>Best third person moba on the market
>Out of two third person mobas
>When the other one is Smite
I actually bought the game last year and never played it so I have everything unlocked already
Well Gigantic exists which just ended it's open beta weekend so there's actually three on the market. Gigantic really isn't a MOBA but it's still going to be grouped with Paragon and Smite
Then I would include Morigesh and Serath to that list although Serath is tad more difficult to play then the others. I would honestly say pick Khaimera and go balls deep in the enemy team.
Gigantic is Battleborn levels of DOA
I honestly know that will be the case but it's such a good fucking game. Instead of doing a beta on Steam they got locked in with Arc (what the fuck is Arc) and they are going to get fucked because of it.
If nothing else the girls are cute
>edgy vampire girl
>WE WANT THE KPOP audience girl
>bunch of butch bitches
>good waifus
>implying you wouldn't
>Ignoring Muriel, Belica, Morigesh, The Fey, Sparrow
Try harder to shitpost my man. Also Countess is a basic bitch. Morigesh is best girl.
Morigesh is a stinky voodoo savage, not cute at all
Is there any porn?
You have shit taste
Not much but there's SFM of Countess
It's lifeless
I'll have to look for that then
>Rule 63 witch doctor
I like Crunch.
He likes to punch.
I rarely see this game being discussed? Why's that?
still in beta, and a small player base
Very small playerbase as well as not being frequently advertised however don't let that dissuade you from playing. Ques are very fast and there's have crossplay with PS4 so you will always find matches. Also you don't need to spend a dime for anything.
It's a great game
Because of this literal autist
Doesn't PC have an advantage?
Smite is hilariously better than Paragon
And Smite is fucking garbage because of the company who owns it
Where do you think that puts Paragon?
No there's no advantage there's a few high elo players that play on PS4 since you can plug in your keyboard in mouse. Also you can't see who the PS4 players are until you add one.
I'm not going to argue with someone who played (if you played) a year or more ago. I've put in over 1100 into smite from early alpha to Da Ji's release the game is in shambles. So just stop with your fucking idiotic shitposting.
So we have about the same amount of time in Smite, though I started just prior to release
And with 200 hours in Paragon(up until about 3 weeks ago? give or take), I can tell you it's not even remotely fucking close
It is literally a joke to imply anything else. Smite, for all it's flaws, is actually a game
Paragon is not, right now.
Let go of those delusions, user
As far as I know it is an ASSFAGGOTS which tells me enough not to play it.
>Paragon is not a game
Weebs, ladies and gentlemen
is it still very quiet?
The are no character dialogue or interaction
Yeah, they need to get VA
The problem with the old map was that it was too big, which necessitated Travel Mode, which was a problem for the longest time since it facilitated ganks and easy pressure anywhere you wanted on the map.
Epic Games "fixed" this by replacing the map entirely with one that's 30% smaller and slightly more intricate, and also increasing everyone's base movement speed.
It's alright but the card system needs to be reworked/simplified.
No dialogue but it's not as quiet as before. a while they added a voice for countess, now she grunts when she melees and also has a death scream. they've probably done this for a couple others but that was the most noticeable
its an example of a good game narrowing their audience. the first nail in the coffin was making it Windows 10 exclusive, then teaming up with fucking Arc of all things to get it onto the other platforms.
Why not use, oh I don't know, another popular client whose free-to-play shooters get really popular?
I think it's a situation where they were offered money and jumped, instead of thinking of the long run
Good art
>totally not Bloodrayne
>who is damsel
I have no idea what kind of game it is, if it's ps4 exclusive for shitposting, and I don't care.
All I know is that one screenshot of the girls ass and some fag saying it has 'actual graphics' which probably compensates for 'actual bad gameplay'
>them 12/10 pits
>2 hour matches
fuck that shit
Is it 2016 again?
The more I play it the more I like it
mostly lame sjw female character design so not worth supporting
nice to see a game that supports flat justice
I want to lick her armpits
She's fucking boring to play though. Just mark, throw your poop bag, run away, rinse and repeat.
>18 pages
the fuck
It's Epic Games's attempt at a MOBA. It plays like SMITE, but it takes full advantage of the Z-axis. It's also a tour de force for Unreal Engine 4, as it's probably the best-looking MOBA on the market. It's available on PC and PS4 with cross-play and cross-account support. It uses the DOTA 2 model of "all heroes are free to everyone forever," although some are blocked by a time gate that requires you to play enough until they're available.
I never noticed Muriel wears shoes
Nice argument faggot.
There is no need for such for such offensive language
Goth girls a best
I just played her for the first time, and I agree with you.
That said, the satisfaction of killing someone with your ult is pretty good
It has actual graphics
If they want it to be popular they need to add voice acting and give the heroes more character.
I think it gets shilled a bit too much.
Why is Epic so interested in the Sup Forums audience?
Why not just going to reddit like all other companies?
Or is it Paragon is a... right wing game?
There's this, it's just not in the game yet
Their card system is utter trash.
Not to mention how unintuitive it is.
I think they said there's a big rework to it happening around august