Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Typical Hispanic woman

Where'd they get baby clothes?

Well, since she was stuck, might as well let them stuck in

his predictions 33% of the time works every time
and it's one of the three ends

They probably cut bed sheets or something, or it was delivered by the mastermind, similar as to how food is restocked.

This happens inside Naegi's head, he was overthinking about his future and Hagakure's words came into his mind

but it's canon ending

Asahina's hot!

Lmao she ain't gonna fuck just one or the other 2 would go crazy on her.

She pretty much had to fuck all 3. Only other option was a schism in the group and her selected man kill the other 2.


Man that's gonna be a very fat woman in 3-5 years.

I want to touch asahina's doughnuts

Not all are like that. You should see my mom. She has a great body for her age.

Yeah, you motherfucker

prove it faggot

Having kids doesnt make you fat idiot. Being a lazy sack of shit that uses kids as an excuse does.



That body type is already prone to rapid weight gain in her prime. Any woman built like that will have difficulty not being fat at 20, once they hit 30 they'd need to count every calorie to keep the pounds off, it's a bad body type to have. It might be sexy af for awhile but she's gonna go south fast.

>this is the """""bad""""" ending

Women are made for breeding purposes.

Not for pleasure.